Anki sitter og smiler utenfor Brenneriveien
Anki synes Kristiania tilbyr mange gode velferdsordninger til sine medarbeidereFoto: Jonatan Arvid Quintero

What opportunities for personal and career development have you had as an employee?  

– I have received a practical administrative education during my 20 years at Westerdals/Kristiania University College. I started as a receptionist at Westerdals School of Advertising in 2000. There have been a couple of mergers during the last 20 years and I have worked in administration, IT, as the webmaster, as part of the student administration and as a department coordinator. 

There are many different advantages of being a Kristiania employee. Which do you value the most?   

– As Kristiania University College employees, we have excellent lunch schemes and we can access massage services during working hours, as well as a student clinic with osteopaths and acupuncturists. We can also join the corporate sports team, which provides us with access to a complete gym, where we can receive personal training sessions from the talented students from the Department of Health.  
If you are interested in further education or you want to take a few individual courses, you are able to access online studies. It’s hard to choose just one benefit, as the overall situation creates a motivational working environment that makes me feel appreciated.   

Kristiania has a motivational working environment that makes me feel appreciated.   

What kind of technological tools do you use in your role?  

– As an adviser in an artistic and creative environment, you find yourself working with a number of different platforms. I work with everything from the Adobe CC package, to FS, which is an administrative student database. We use Teams, Sharepoint and Onedrive to share and collaborate across faculties and departments. I generally also end up working with PowerBI, the quality portal, Workplan, the Office package, fagpersonweb and Canvas during the course of a working day. The most important tool I have is my Macbook, which I take with me everywhere I go. 

How would you describe the corporate culture?  

– For me, it’s simple - I love what I do and I look forward to going to work. I have a concise and understanding manager, fantastic colleagues in the department I am responsible for, as well as across faculties and departments. There is great room for academic, and less academic, discussions and conversations. I often start my day in one of the communal spaces with a cup of coffee and a colleague or three before work calls. The fact that I have been working in this field for more than 20 years is not only because of my job responsibilities,the people around me and the working environment also play a huge part.

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Anki uses many tools in his position, and the macbook is always with her!Foto: Jonatan Arvid Quintero

As an employee, what will you find at Kristiania that you may not be able to find in many other places?  

– There is a wide range of different academic fields at Kristiania. Our programmes of study span everything from healthcare and technology, to the largest arts and design environment in Norway.

Kristiania University College provides you with access to a large and broad network of people and industries.

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