Kari Hoaas
- Professor
- Department of Performing Arts
- School of Arts, Design and Media
Areas of expertise
Employee details
- Hoaas, Kari (2024). Official Selection Screening - Shadowland II the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2024). Official Selection Cinema Screening - Shadowland II the dance film.
- Hoaas, Kari (2024). Koreografiske metoder i samtidsdans i videregående .
- Hoaas, Kari (2024). Creating an Audition Solo.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection Dance Camera West Festival, Shadowland I.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Shadowland - a solo performance practice.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection Festival Video (An)Danza Internacional - Shadowland I the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection Martha´s Vineyard Film Festival "Shadowland I - the dance films".
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Kvinner i Akademia - visning Shadowland I the dancefilms - paneldeltager.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection Austin Dance Festival Dance on Film - "Shadowland I - the dance films".
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection Screendance Festival, Stockholm "Shadowland I - the dance films".
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Screenings Shadowland I og Shadowland II the dance films - MeYaBe International Dance Festival.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Finalist at Braga International Video Dance Festival, Shadowland II the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Best Dance Film Short, Mannheim Arts and Film Festival - Shadowland II the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection American Dance Festivals´ Movies by Movers - Shadowland I - the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Best Dance Film Edit at Florence Dance On Screen Festival, Shadowland I the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection at RedRocks Screen Dance Film Festival - Shadowland II the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection The Music Dance Screenings Film Festival Consonance - Shadowland I the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection at Dance Camera Istanbul - Shadowland II the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection Interfaccia Digitale Screendance Festival - Shadowland I the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection Interfaccia Digitale Screendance Festival - Shadowland II the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection International Screendance festival Iowa City - Shadowland I the dance films .
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Semi Finalist at Inspired Dance Film Festival - Shadowland I the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Finalist at Inspired Dance Film Festival - Shadowland II the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection at Immagina Film Festival - Shadowland II the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection at InShadow Lisbon Screendance Festival - Shadowland I the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Official Selection at InShadow Lisbon Screendance Festival - Shadowland II the dance films.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). When the body becomes the battleground - thoughts on freedom of expression in dance.
- Hoaas, Kari & Alexander, Kayiambakis (2023). How to communicate choreographically in audiovisual contexts.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Andreas Wahl tar Morgenkaffe med en Forsker -Forskerdagene 2023 arrangert av Forskningsrådet.
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Reflections in action - a lecture demonstration.
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Liminal bodies, liminal spaces - choreographing thresholds .
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Official Selection at Mannheim Arts and film festival - Awarded Best dance film short - Shadowland dance film I.
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Official Selection at Cine Paris Film Festival - Awarded Best Dance Film Short - Shadowland dance film I.
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Official Selection at FVC International ScreenDance Festival of Chile - Semifinalist - Shadowland dance film I.
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Shadowland første koreografiske utvikling residens at DansiT - Regionalt Kompetansesenter for Dansekunst i Trondheim.
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Shadowland - andre koreografiske utviklings residens ved DansiT - Regionalt Kompetansesenter for Dans i Trondheim.
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Official Selection at Athens International Digital Film Festival Shadowland dance film I.
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Official Selection at Immagina Film Festival Shadowland dance film I, Finalist.
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). Pure Projects re-imagined - artistic research residency new choreographic work.
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). Pure Projects re-imagined - Sharing Embodied Spaces, a performative lecture presentation.
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). HEAT - a group dance experience.
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). Sharing Embodied Spaces - workshop.
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). Hvordan kan vi skape digitale identiteter med bevegelse? - En introduksjon til det tverrfaglige KU prosjektet “Hvordan å kommunisere koreografisk i en audiovisuell sammenheng.
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). Shadowland - choreographic development residency.
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). HEAT #5 rising online from Oslo - at Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Scotland.
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). Dialogsenen - en koreografisk prosess.
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). Shadowland - artistic research residency choreographic development .
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). Liminal bodies, liminal spaces - choreographing the threshold.
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). HEAT - the distant episodes #7 WISH and #9 RISE.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). Obstacles as opportunities - Creating choreographic strategies moving through shifting landscapes.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). Be Like Water - digital full performance at Seattle International dance festival, USA.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). Danseundervisning Online.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). Be Like Water - the distant episodes #3 BRANCH and #4 LEAVES at LaMaMa Moves festival, New York, USA.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). Obstacles as Opportunities.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). Be Like Water at SIDF - digital artistic discussion.
- Hoaas, Kari (2019). HEAT - workshops.
- Hoaas, Kari (2019). HEAT - workshops and performances.
- Hoaas, Kari (2019). Pure Projects: study - choreographic research residency developing new choreographic methods.
- Hoaas, Kari (2019). Be Like Water - choreographic practices through shifting space.
- Hoaas, Kari (2018). HEAT - an immersive choreographic dance party - lecture presentation.
- Hoaas, Kari (2018). HEAT - choreographic development residency and performance presentation.
- Hoaas, Kari (2017). HEAT - choreographic research residency and performative lecture presentation.
- Hoaas, Kari (2017). Be Like Water - Palestine tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2017). Be Like Water - Jordan tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2017). Be Like Water - workshop.
- Hoaas, Kari (2017). Be Like Water - lecture presentation.
- Hoaas, Kari (2016). Be Like Water - Georgia tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2016). Be Like Water - Azerbaijan tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2016). On the desperate edge of now - Russia tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2016). Be Like Water - Sweden tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2016). Be Like Water - Porsgrunn tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2015). One - USA tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2014). On the desperate edge of now - Sweden tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2014). One - Sweden tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2014). On the desperate edge of now - Dominican tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2014). On the desperate edge of now - Jordan tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2014). On the desperate edge of now - Palestinian tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2014). On the desperate edge of now - Bærum .
- Hoaas, Kari (2014). On the desperate edge of now - Greenland tour.
- Hoaas, Kari (2013). On the desperate edge of now - Finnmark.
- Hoaas, Kari (2013). One - choreographic research residency.
- Hoaas, Kari (2013). One - performative lecture/demonstration at Seminarium.
- Hoaas, Kari (2013). On the desperate edge of now - choreographic research residency .
- Hoaas, Kari (2011). On the desperate edge of now - choreographic work in process presentation.
- Hoaas, Kari (2011). On the desperate edge of now - choreographic research residency and presentation.
- Hoaas, Kari (2006). What the body remembers - lecture demonstration and workshop at RE:Searching Nordic Symposium on Artistic Research in the Performing Arts.
Artistic Results
- Hoaas, Kari (2024). Three Movements on Connection.
- Hoaas, Kari (2024). Shadowland II - the solo performance.
- Hoaas, Kari (2024). And Still I Rise.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Shadowland - PREMIERE LaMaMa Moves Dance Festival, New York.
- Hoaas, Kari (2023). Shadowlandscapes.
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Shadowland - Ida´s solo.
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Shadowland - Kari´s solo.
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Shadowland - dance film I.
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Bricolages.
- Hoaas, Kari (2022). Summer in reverse - Music video with Sondre Lerche .
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). Shadowland - the distant episodes #11 LOSS.
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). mellomrom - site specific at CODA International Contemporary Dance Festival Oslo.
- Hoaas, Kari (2021). mellomrom #2.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). Be Like Water - the distant episodes #1POND.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). Be Like Water - the distant episodes #2FALL.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). Be Like Water - the distant episodes #3 BRANCH.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). Be Like Water - the distant episodes #4 LEAVES.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). Be Like Water - the distant episodes #5 TREE.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). HEAT - the distant episodes #6 GROW.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). HEAT - the distant episodes #7 WISH.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). HEAT - the distant episodes #8 LOT.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). HEAT - the distant episodes #9 RISE.
- Hoaas, Kari (2020). HEAT #5 - rising online from Oslo.
- Hoaas, Kari (2019). Wounds - three movements on restriction and support reworked.
- Hoaas, Kari (2019). HEAT #3 - Ukraine tour, Kiev.
- Hoaas, Kari (2019). HEAT #4 Ukraine tour Dnipro.
- Hoaas, Kari (2018). HEAT - premiere Porsgrunn.
- Hoaas, Kari (2018). HEAT #2 .
- Hoaas, Kari (2017). Wounds: three movements on restriction and support .
- Hoaas, Kari (2017). Bak disse murene vet jeg det er et hav.
- Hoaas, Kari (2016). Group Experience.
- Hoaas, Kari (2015). Be Like Water.
- Hoaas, Kari (2014). Shelter .
- Hoaas, Kari (2014). Jordnær og himmelvendt - site spesific performance .
- Hoaas, Kari (2014). This place is shelter.
- Hoaas, Kari (2013). One .
- Hoaas, Kari (2013). Prett Ugly.
- Hoaas, Kari (2013). On the desperate edge of now.
- Hoaas, Kari (2013). "Livets Dans - site spesific performance MUNCH150" i Nasjonalgalleriets utstilling.
- Hoaas, Kari (2012). Rosa Elena.
- Hoaas, Kari (2010). Daybreak.
- Hoaas, Kari (2010). La Senda de tu Perfume.
- Hoaas, Kari (2009). Duet for one.
- Hoaas, Kari (2009). Another Spring.
- Hoaas, Kari (2008). "Inside Out" site spesific performance opening the new pavillion for Architecture by Sverre Fehn at the National Museum for Architecture.
- Hoaas, Kari (2008). "Brothers".
- Hoaas, Kari (2007). "Trio M".
- Hoaas, Kari (2007). Plastic Memory.
- Hoaas, Kari (2006). "Krossat Velvet".
- Hoaas, Kari (2006). may-b remembered.
- Hoaas, Kari (2006). Memory #2.
- Hoaas, Kari (2006). Headhunting.
- Hoaas, Kari (2006). Dei Sju Dødssynder.
- Hoaas, Kari (2005). Veien Ut.