Marit Krogeide

    • Associate professor (Førstelektor)
  • School of Arts, Design and Media
+47 920 13 868


Associate professor at Kristiania University College, teaching ballet and Pilates at BA Dance and didactics, professional ethics, supervising teaching practice and sensor at PPU (Post Graduate Education Certificate).
35-year career as a professional dancer with works for Norwegian theatres, NRK, Riksconsert, Rikstheatre amongst others. She founded the touring company Dans & Toner together with composer and musician Peter Lodwick. They produced 12 performances and toured all over Norway for 25 years.
Krogeide has taught ballet at National Academy of the Arts, Norges Dansehøyskole, Proda, Balletakademien, Daglige Treningen og Danshøgskolen in Stockholm, Bårdar Academy and at ballettschools. She has received several grants and choreographed ballets and shows.

Areas of expertise

  • Guidance
  • Dance
  • Dance Pedagogy
  • Classical ballet
  • Performing arts

Employee details