Martine Tufvesson Lundberg

    • Assistant Professor
  • School of Arts, Design and Media
+47 416 68 862


Martine has a bachelor’s degree from Gothenburg University, with a great passion for developing musical theatre. She’s a qualified professor from Østfold University college and is known for having a genuine love for her work and the people she works with.

When she’s not teaching she’s directing and her work includes shows at Trøndelag Teater, Folketeateret, Chateau Neuf, Riksscenen, Det andre teatret og Chat Noir. This in addition to a number of semi-professional productions associated with various local communities in Norway such as «Olav den heldige» (Stiklestad), «Albert og Leonie» (Odda), «Det brenner en ild» (Fredrikstad) and new musical theatre productions in Brottet Amfi (Hvaler). This spring she’s directing «Pelle Politibil» at Nordland Teater.

Martine loves working with people for people. With good professional and relational competence her ambition is to contribute to developing independent, curious, brave students through an open, honest dialogue in an inclusive, motivating working environment.

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