Audun Beyer
- Professor
- Department of Communication
- School of Communication, Leadership and Marketing
Areas of expertise
Employee details
Scientific Publications
- Beyer, Audun, Knudsen, Erik, Andersen, Kim & Shehata, Adam (2021). Political media effects in a Nordic perspective. I Skogerbø, Eli, Ihlen, Øyvind, Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard & Nord, Lars W. (red.) Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries. Nordicom. ISBN 978-91-88855-28-2. p {0}. doi: 10.48335/9789188855299-17FULLTEKST
- Karlsen, Rune, Beyer, Audun & Steen-Johnsen, Kari (2020). Do High-Choice Media Environments Facilitate News Avoidance? A Longitudinal Study 1997–2016. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. ISSN 0883-8151. doi: 10.1080/08838151.2020.1835428FULLTEKST
- Beyer, Audun & Figenschou, Tine Ustad (2018). Media hypes and public opinion: Human interest frames and hype fatigue. I Vasterman, Peter (red.) From Media Hype to Twitter Storm. News Explosions and Their Impact on Issues, Crises and Public Opinion. Amsterdam University Press. ISBN 9789462982178. p {0}. doi: 10.1515/9789048532100-014
- Enjolras, Bernard, Steen-Johnsen, Kari & Beyer, Audun (2018). Forholdet mellom online- og offline-deltakelse i frivillige organisasjoner. I Enjolras, Bernard & Eimhjellen, Ivar (red.) Fra kollektiv til konnektiv handling? Nye former for samfunnsengasjement og kollektiv handling i Norge
. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202590420. p {0}. doi: 10.23865/noasp.45.ch4FULLTEKST
- Beyer, Audun & Steen-Johnsen, Kari (2018). Nasjonale organisasjoners bruk av sosiale
medier. Muligheter og barrierer for bruk. I Enjolras, Bernard & Eimhjellen, Ivar (red.) Fra kollektiv til konnektiv handling? Nye former for samfunnsengasjement og kollektiv handling i Norge
. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202590420. p {0}. doi: 10.23865/noasp.45.ch9FULLTEKST
- Beyer, Audun & Matthes, Jörg (2015). Public Perceptions of the Media Coverage of Irregular Immigration: Comparative Insights From France, the United States, and Norway. American Behavioral Scientist. ISSN 0002-7642. doi: 10.1177/0002764215573253
- Aalberg, Toril & Beyer, Audun (2015). Human Interest Framing of Irregular Immigration: An Empirical Study of Public Preferences for Personalized News Stories in the United States, France, and Norway. American Behavioral Scientist. ISSN 0002-7642. 59(7) p {0}. doi: 10.1177/0002764215573258
- Matthes, Jörg & Beyer, Audun (2015). Toward a cognitive-affective process model of hostile media perceptions: A multi-country structural equation modeling approach. Communication Research. ISSN 0093-6502. 44(8) p {0}. doi: 10.1177/0093650215594234
- Figenschou, Tine Ustad, Beyer, Audun & Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti (2015). The moral police : agenda-setting and framing effects of a new(s) concept of immigration. Nordicom Review. ISSN 1403-1108. 36(1) p {0}.
- Beyer, Audun & Matthes, Jörg (2015). Attitudes toward illegal immigration and exposure to public service and commercial broadcasting in France, Norway, and the United States. International Journal of Communication. ISSN 1932-8036. 9(1) p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Waldahl, Ragnar & Beyer, Audun (2015). Offentlig opinion og politisk kommunikasjon. I Ihlen, Øyvind, Skogerbø, Eli & Allern, Sigurd (red.) Makt, medier og politikk: Norsk politisk kommunikasjon. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 9788215024585. p {0}.
- Figenschou, Tine Ustad & Beyer, Audun (2014). Elitene, minoritetene og mediene: Definisjonsmakt i norsk innvandringsdebatt. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. ISSN 0040-716X. 55(1) p {0}.
- Beyer, Audun, Knutsen, Carl Henrik & Rasch, Bjørn Erik (2014). Election campaigns, issue focus and voting intentions: Survey experiments of norwegian voters. Scandinavian Political Studies. ISSN 0080-6757. 37(4) p {0}. doi: 10.1111/1467-9477.12029FULLTEKST
- Beyer, Audun & Figenschou, Tine Ustad (2014). Human-Interest Fatigue: Audience Evaluations of a Massive Emotional Story. International Journal of Communication. ISSN 1932-8036. 8 p {0}.
- Figenschou, Tine Ustad & Beyer, Audun (2014). The Limits of the Debate: How the Oslo Terror Shook the Norwegian Immigration Debate. The International Journal of Press/Politics. ISSN 1940-1612. 19(4) p {0}. doi: 10.1177/1940161214542954
- Beyer, Audun (2013). Politiske superstjerner: Kjendispolitikk og mediene. Internasjonal Politikk. ISSN 0020-577X. 71(4) p {0}.
- Beyer, Audun (2013). Political superstars: Celebrity politics and the media. Internasjonal Politikk. ISSN 0020-577X. 71(4) p {0}.
- Beyer, Audun (2012). Valgets nyhetsrammer. Produksjon, innhold, opinion. Universitetet i Oslo.
- Beyer, Audun (2010). Hvordan studere generiske nyhetsrammer? forslag til metodiske forbedringer. Norsk Medietidsskrift. ISSN 0804-8452. 17(2) p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Beyer, Audun & Waldahl, Ragnar (2009). Polls in the media. Does presentation pf polls in the media comply with national and international standards? Results from an election year. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. ISSN 0040-716X. 50(1) p {0}.
- Waldahl, Ragnar & Beyer, Audun (2008). Meningsmålinger og valgkamp i USA. Internasjonal Politikk. ISSN 0020-577X. 66(2-3) p {0}.
- Haugsgjerd, Atle, Karlsen, Rune, Steen-Johnsen, Kari & Beyer, Audun (2022). Less Informed and Less Confident Citizens: Social Media, Retrieval Accuracy and Confidence in Political Knowledge.
- Brekke, Jan-Paul & Beyer, Audun (2021). Everyone wants to leave. Examining possible effects of social media campaigns on migrants in transit.
- Haugsgjerd, Atle, Karlsen, Rune, Steen-Johnsen, Kari & Beyer, Audun (2021). Misinformed or uninformed? A panel-study of how the use of social media as a news source influences political knowledge .
- Beyer, Audun, Karlsen, Rune & Steen-Johnsen, Kari (2020). Social Media News Consumption and Political Surveillance Knowledge:Adding Motivation and Ability to the Equation .
- Beyer, Audun, Karlsen, Rune & Steen-Johnsen, Kari (2019). News Habits Die Hard, but Die. A Longitudinal Study of Total News Avoidance in the transition from low to high-Choice Media Environments 1997-2016.
- Karlsen, Rune, Beyer, Audun & Steen-Johnsen, Kari (2019). Social Media News Consumption, News Finds Me Perceptions, and Political Knowledge.
- Beyer, Audun, Asbjørnsen, Dag, Akselberg, Jørgen Wold, Larsen, Elin Strand, Lysne, Anders, Eide, Bernt, Haukanes, Lena, Thommessen, Therese, svensøy, Turid, Totland, Geir & Kjelling, Kristoffer (2018). Hallo. Medier og kommunikasjon 2. Aschehoug & Co. ISBN 9788203404450.
- Beyer, Audun (2016). Komikere i politikken.
- Beyer, Audun (2014). Mediene skygget unna innvandring etter 22. juli. FULLTEKST
- Beyer, Audun (2014). Politiske superstjerner: Kjendisaktivisme og politikerkjendiser. Hvor hender det? ISSN 0801-9509. FULLTEKST
- Figenschou, Tine Ustad & Beyer, Audun (2014). The Limits of the Debate. How the Oslo Terror Attacks shook the Norwegian Immigration Debate.
- Beyer, Audun (2014). Kjendiser i politikerklær.
- Beyer, Audun (2013). Politikerkjendiser.
- Beyer, Audun & Figenschou, Tine Ustad (2013). Burglar Alarm Fatigue. Media-hype, human-interest frames and audience reactions to a real-life news serial.
- Figenschou, Tine Ustad & Beyer, Audun (2013). Norwegian Identity Revisited: How the 22/7 Terror Attacks Shook the Immigration Debate.
- Matthes, Jörg & Beyer, Audun (2013). Toward a Cognitive-affective Process Model of Hostile Media Perceptions: A Multi-Country Structural Equation Modeling Approach.
- Andresen, Kari & Beyer, Audun (2012). Forskeruenighet om kvalitet på nyheter. FULLTEKST
- Andresen, Kari & Beyer, Audun (2012). Spillet om nyhetene. FULLTEKST
- Beyer, Audun & Figenschou, Tine Ustad (2012). The consequences of mediatized news serials – what does the audience say?
- Beyer, Audun (2011). Intervju om valgkampen etter 22. juli.
- Beyer, Audun (2011). - Mindre sirkus, mer politikk.
- Beyer, Audun (2009). Generic news frames and content analysis. A strategy for better measurement and operationalization of generic news frames.
- Beyer, Audun (2009). Meningsmålinger i mediene.
- Beyer, Audun (2009). Erna er twitter-dronningen.
- Beyer, Audun (2009). Forsker på fjernsynets valgdekning.
- Beyer, Audun (2008). Partibarometre i mediene.
- Waldahl, Ragnar & Beyer, Audun (2007). Lar vi oss påvirke av meningsmålinger? Minerva (Oslo). ISSN 0805-7842. FULLTEKST
- Beyer, Audun, Knudsen, Erik, Andersen, Kim & Shehata, Adam (2021). Political media effects in a Nordic perspective. I Skogerbø, Eli, Ihlen, Øyvind, Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard & Nord, Lars W. (red.) Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries. Nordicom. ISBN 978-91-88855-28-2. p {0}. doi:
- 2022 - nowProfessorSchool of Communication, Leadership and Marketing, Kristiania University College
- 2020 - 2022Associate professorSchool of Communication, Leadership and Marketing, Kristiania University College
- 2017 - nowSenior research fellowInstitute for social research, Oslo
- 2014 - 2017Associate professorDepartment of media and communication, University of Oslo
- 2014Associate professorOsloMet, Oslo
- 2012 - 2014Post-doctoral research fellowDepartment of media and communication, University of Oslo
- 2008 - 2012PhD scholarshipUniversity of Oslo
- 2007 - 2008University lecturerUniversity of Oslo
- 2008 - 2012PhD in Media and communicationUniversity of Oslo, Norway
- 2001 - 2005M.A. in Media and communicationUniversity of Oslo, Norway
- 1998 - 2001B.A. (Media/comm; Indian languages, demography)University of Oslo, Norway