Cathrine Seierstad
- Professor
- School of Communication, Leadership and Marketing
Employee details
Scientific Publications
- Seierstad, Cathrine & Fjellvær, Hilde (2024). State regulation and quotas - international perspectives on the use of gender quotas for corporate boards. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781800886599.
- Åberg, Carl, Fjellvær, Hilde & Seierstad, Cathrine (2023). Board diversity: the impact of dynamic capabilities, absorptive capacity and ambidexterity. I Tasheva, Sabina & Huse, Morten (red.) Research handbook on Diversity and Corporate Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781800377776. p {0}. doi: 10.4337/9781800377783.00014
- Seierstad, Cathrine, Åberg, Carl & Fjellvær, Hilde (2023). Gender quotas on boards 20 years on: a useful tool for increased wider diversity? Achievements, “broken promises” and blindspots in the Norwegian board diversity debate. I Tasheva, Sabina & Huse, Morten (red.) Research handbook on Diversity and Corporate Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781800377776. p {0}.
- Traavik, Laura E. Mercer & Seierstad, Cathrine (2023). Arbeidsgiver-merkevarebygging med et mangfoldsfokus: En analyse av norske selskapers nettsider. I Thon, Andreas Norgår, Traavik, Laura E. Mercer & Vedøy, Kjetil Andreas (red.) HR i møte med det nye arbeidslivet. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202717223. p {0}. doi: 10.23865/ noasp.192.ch10
- Warner-Søderholm, Gillian, Gabaldón Quiñones, Patricia, Seierstad, Cathrine & Åberg, Carl (2023). Getting More Women on Boards: Cultural and Institutional Antecedents That Matter. Sage Open. ISSN 2158-2440. 13(3) doi: 10.1177/21582440231193589
- Casaca, Sara Falcão, Marques, Susana Ramalho, Guedes, Maria João & Seierstad, Cathrine (2022). Gender-Balanced Seats, Equal Power and Greater Gender Equality? Zooming into the Boardroom of Companies Bound by the Portuguese Gender Quota Law. Social Sciences. ISSN 2076-0760. 11(10) doi: 10.3390/socsci11100449
- Aldossari, Maryam, Sara, Chaudry, Tatli, Ahu & Seierstad, Cathrine (2021). Catch-22: Token Women Trying to Reconcile Impossible Contradictions between Organisational and Societal Expectations. Work, Employment and Society. ISSN 0950-0170. doi: 10.1177/09500170211035940
- Seierstad, Cathrine, Tatli, Ahu, Aldossari, Maryam & Huse, Morten (2020). Broadening of the field of corporate boards and legitimate capitals: An investigation into the use of gender quotas in corporate boards in Norway. Work, Employment and Society. ISSN 0950-0170. doi: 10.1177/0950017019892835
- Mensi-Klarbach, Heike & Seierstad, Cathrine (2020). Gender quotas on corporate boards: similarities and differences of quota scenarios. European Management Review. ISSN 1740-4754. doi: 10.1111/emre.12374
- Seierstad, Cathrine, Healy, Geraldine, Le Bruyn, Eskil Sønju & Fjellvær, Hilde (2020). A ‘quota silo' or positive equality reach? The equality impact of gender quotas on corporate boards in Norway. Human Resource Management Journal. ISSN 0954-5395. 31(1) p {0}. doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12288
- Le Bruyn, Eskil Sønju & Seierstad, Cathrine (2020). Kjønnsbalanse blant toppledere i Norge : En oversikt over ulike styringsformer. Magma forskning og viten. ISSN 1500-0788. 23(3) p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Stray, Karianne Nyheim, Thomassen, Ole Jacob & Seierstad, Cathrine (2024). The disjuncture between migrants' experiences and the institutional view of time in work inclusion processes.
- Stray, Karianne Nyheim, Seierstad, Cathrine, Thomassen, Ole Jacob & Vassilopoulou, Joana (2024). Migrants' work inclusion from an individual, organizational and societal perspective .
- Seierstad, Cathrine, Thomassen, Ole Jacob, Løyning, Trond, Arntzen, Annett & Stray, Karianne Nyheim (2024). Migrant Work Inclusion: A tale of three inclusion projects in Norway.
- Seierstad, Cathrine (2024). Hvordan lykkes med inkludering i et mangfoldig arbeidsliv?
- Seierstad, Cathrine (2024). Kvotering for AS-styrer: Hva har vi lært fra kvotering i ASA-styrer og hva bør selskaper gjøre nå?
- Seierstad, Cathrine (2024). Kvotering for AS-styrer: Hva har vi lært fra ASA selskapene.
- Seierstad, Cathrine (2024). Mangfold og inkludering: Viktigheten av kulturforståelse for en god prosess.
- Stray, Karianne Nyheim, Thomassen, Ole Jacob & Seierstad, Cathrine (2024). Time to work - migrants' experiences of work inclusion processes.
- Thomassen, Ole Jacob, Løyning, Trond, Seierstad, Cathrine, Arntzen, Annett & Stray, Karianne Nyheim (2023). The influence of the logics of bureaucracy, market and psychology in public welfare organizations.
- Stray, Karianne Nyheim, Arntzen, Annett, Thomassen, Ole Jacob, Seierstad, Cathrine & Løyning, Trond (2023). Immigrants’ experiences of collaborative initiatives to enhance their employment.
- Top, Vidar, Åberg, Carl & Seierstad, Cathrine (2023). Silent and Violent Behavior in the Boardroom: An Examination of Negative Emotions’ Impact on Conflict.
- Fjellvær, Hilde, Seierstad, Cathrine & Åberg, Carl (2023). Unpacking value in Venture Capital Firms .
- Seierstad, Cathrine, Thomassen, Ole Jacob, Løyning, Trond, Stray, Karianne Nyheim & Arntzen, Annett (2023). Migrant Work Inclusion: A tale of three inclusion projects.
- Seierstad, Cathrine & Doldor, Elena (2023). Advocating For Women on Boards in the UK and Norway: Framing Processes and Actor Positions .
- Løyning, Trond, Arntzen, Annett, Stray, Karianne Nyheim, Seierstad, Cathrine, Thomassen, Ole Jacob & Tvedten, Sigrunn (2023). Embedded Co-creation: Towards a reconceptualisation.
- Thomassen, Ole Jacob, Løyning, Trond, Stray, Karianne Nyheim, Seierstad, Cathrine & Annett, Arntzen (2023). Co-creation: Transforming institutional and professional tensions? Challenges and opportunities.
- Åberg, Carl, Fjellvær, Hilde & Seierstad, Cathrine (2022). Unpacking Value-adding Processes in Venture Capital Firms.
- Løyning, Trond, Thomassen, Ole Jacob, Annett, Arntzen & Seierstad, Cathrine (2022). Prosjekter for samskaping; effektiv forbedring av integreringsarbeidet eller en kortvarig forstyrrelse av etablerte praksiser? .
- Tvedten, Sigrunn, Løyning, Trond, Thomassen, Ole Jacob & Seierstad, Cathrine (2022). Theorizing the New Public Governance. Changes in institutional logics, organizational roles, and professional identities.
- Seierstad, Cathrine & Fjellvær, Hilde (2021). Gender quotas on corporate boards: Diversity spill-over and the role of non-executive directors as change agents.
- Seierstad, Cathrine (2021). Mangfoldsledelse.
- Seierstad, Cathrine & Doldor, Elena (2020). Women on boards in the UK & Norway:using frame analysis to understand rhetorical strategies and policy interventions.
- Seierstad, Cathrine (2020). Mangfold og mangfoldsledelse.
- Seierstad, Cathrine & Fjellvær, Hilde (2019). Women directors: Change agents for further equality?
- Huse, Morten & Seierstad, Cathrine (2013). Getting women on to corporate boards: Consequences of the Norwegian gender balance law. European Financial Review. FULLTEKST