Arne Nygaard
- Professor
- School of Communication, Leadership and Marketing
Arne Nygaard is a Professor at Kristiania University College, holding a Dr. Oecon degree from the Norwegian School of Economics in 1992. He has also been a Visiting Scholar at several prestigious institutions, including the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, the Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, and Florida Atlantic University.
With more than 50 papers, eight books, and numerous comments and articles, Nygaard is an accomplished author on a range of economic and business-related topics. His research has been featured in several renowned journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Venturing, and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Nygaard's primary research interests include sustainable supply chains, greenwashing, geopolitical risk and strategic uncertainty, economic contracts and incentives, sustainability, and green marketing, technology, and entrepreneurship. He has also served as a reviewer in various A-level international refereed journals and international evaluation committees.
Nygaard has received numerous research awards, including the Outstanding Research Award from the Norwegian Business School in 2000, the Best Paper Award from the American Marketing Association in 2002, the Best Paper Award from the Southern Management Association in 2005, and Johan Arndt's Prize for Outstanding Publication in 2007. He has held various academic leadership positions, including serving as the Dean of the School of Marketing at the Norwegian Business School and the chief coordinator of the Ph.D. Program in marketing. Additionally, he was the director of the Centre for Advanced Research in Retailing at the Norwegian Business School.
Nygaard has also been a Guest Editor for several journals, including the Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Strategy, and the Environment.
Employee details
Scientific Publications
- Nygaard, Arne (2023). Is sustainable certification's ability to combat greenwashing trustworthy? Frontiers in Sustainability. ISSN 2673-4524. 4 doi: 10.3389/frsus.2023.1188069
- Nygaard, Arne (2022). The Geopolitical Risk and Strategic Uncertainty of Green Growth after the Ukraine Invasion: How the Circular Economy Can Decrease the Market Power of and Resource Dependency on Critical Minerals. Circular Economy and Sustainability. ISSN 2730-597X. 3(2) p {0}. doi: 10.1007/s43615-022-00181-x
- Nygaard, Arne (2022). From Linear to Circular Economy: a Transaction Cost Approach to the Ecological Transformation of the Firm. Circular Economy and Sustainability. ISSN 2730-597X. 2(3) p {0}. doi: 10.1007/s43615-022-00158-w
- Nygaard, Arne & Dahlstrøm, Robert (2022). Better together? How evolution of co-branding alliance affects performance. The journal of business & industrial marketing. ISSN 0885-8624. 38(9) p {0}. doi: 10.1108/JBIM-07-2022-0304
- Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2022). Sustainable development and greenwashing: How blockchain technology information can empower green consumers. Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE). ISSN 0964-4733. doi: 10.1002/bse.3338FULLTEKST
- Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nygaard, Arne (2021). Smarte kontrakter kan hindre grønnvasking. Magma forskning og viten. ISSN 1500-0788. (05) p {0}.
- Flygansvær, Bente Merete, Dahlstrøm, Robert & Nygaard, Arne (2019). Green innovation in recycling - A preliminary analysis of reversed logistics in Norway. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development. ISSN 1746-0573. 15(6) p {0}. doi: 10.1504/WREMSD.2019.104860
- Ndubisi, Nelson Oly, Nygaard, Arne & Capel, Celine (2019). Mindfulness-based business strategies and the environment. Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE). ISSN 0964-4733. 28(3) p {0}. doi: 10.1002/bse.2218
- Nygaard, Arne (2019). From Linear to Circular Organization: The Political Economy of Sustainable Strategy. . I Benito, Gabriel R G & Lunnan, Randi (red.) Voyages of a Scholar: Navigating Companies, Channels, and Clusters. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-3276-5. p {0}.
- Ndubisi, Nelson Oly, Nygaard, Arne & Chunwe, Gibson (2019). Managing Sustainability Tensions in Global Supply Chains: Specific Investments in Closed-Loop Technology vs ‘Blood Metals’. Production planning & control (Print). ISSN 0953-7287. doi: 10.1080/09537287.2019.1695921
- Flygansvær, Bente Merete, Dahlstrøm, Robert & Nygaard, Arne (2018). Exploring the Pursuit of Sustainability in Reverse Supply Chains for Electronics. Journal of Cleaner Production. ISSN 0959-6526. 189 p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.04.014
- Ndubisi, Nelson Oly & Nygaard, Arne (2018). The Ethics of Outsourcing: When Companies Fail at Responsibility. Journal of Business Strategy (JBS). ISSN 0275-6668. 39(5) p {0}. doi: 10.1108/JBS-03-2018-0037
- Dahlstrøm, Robert & Nygaard, Arne (2016). The Psychology of Co-Branding Alliances: The Business-to-Business Relationship Outcomes of Role Stress. Psychology & Marketing. ISSN 0742-6046. 33(4) p {0}. doi: 10.1002/mar.20874
- Silkoset, Ragnhild, Nygaard, Arne & Kidwell, Roland E. (2016). Differential effects of plural ownership and governance mechanisms in limiting shirkers and free riders. Corporate Ownership and Control. ISSN 1727-9232. 13(2) p {0}. doi: 10.22495/cocv13i2p12
- Utgård, Jakob, Nygaard, Arne & Dahlstrøm, Robert (2015). Franchising, local market characteristics and alcohol sales to minors
. Journal of Business Research. ISSN 0148-2963. 68(10) p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.03.010
- Nygaard, Arne, Biong, Harald, Silkoset, Ragnhild & Kidwell, Roland E. (2015). Leading by example: values-based strategy to instill ethical conduct. Journal of Business Ethics. ISSN 0167-4544. Published ahead of print doi: 10.1007/s10551-015-2885-9
- Utgård, Jakob (2015). Organizational form, local market structure and corporate social performance in retail. Handelshøyskolen BI. ISBN 978-82-8247-098-8. (2/2015)
- Dahlstrom, Robert, Nygaard, Arne, Kimasheva, Maria & Ulvnes, Arne Morten (2014). How to recover trust in the banking industry? A game theory approach to empirical analyses of bank and corporate customer relationships. International Journal of Bank Marketing. ISSN 0265-2323. 32(4) doi: 10.1108/IJBM-03-2014-0042
- Dahlstrøm, Robert, Nygaard, Arne, Kimasheva, Maria & Ulvnes, Arne-Morten (2014). How to Recover Trust in the Banking Industry? A Game Theory Approach to Empirical Analyses of Bank and Corporate Customer Relationships. International Journal of Bank Marketing. ISSN 0265-2323. 32(4) p {0}. doi: 10.1108/ijbm-03-2014-0042
- Biong, Harald, Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2013). Ledelse, lønnsomhet og etikk gjennom eksemplets makt. Magma forskning og viten. ISSN 1500-0788. 16(2) p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Nygaard, Arne & Utgård, Jakob (2012). En kunnskapsbasert varehandel. Magma forskning og viten. ISSN 1500-0788. 15(1) p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Kidwell, Roland E. & Nygaard, Arne (2011). A Strategic Deviance Perspective on the Franchise Form of Organizing. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. ISSN 1042-2587. 35(3) p {0}. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6520.2011.00439.x
- Dahlstrom, Robert, Nygaard, Arne & Plant, Emily (2011). Exploring the Role of Governance in Sustainable Franchised Distribution Channels. I Stanley, Brunn D. (red.) Engineering Earth: The Impacts of Megaengineering Projects. Springer Publishing Company. ISBN 9048199190. p {0}. doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-9920-4_48
- Biong, Harald, Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2010). The Influence of Retail Management's Use of Social Power on Corporate Ethical Values, Employee Commitment, and Performance. Journal of Business Ethics. ISSN 0167-4544. 97(3) p {0}. doi: 10.1007/s10551-010-0523-0
- Dahlstrøm, Robert, Silkoset, Ragnhild, Nilsen, Harald & Nygaard, Arne (2010). Venner og kjente - hvordan hjelper de deg til bedre lønnsomhet i næringsklynger? Magma forskning og viten. ISSN 1500-0788. 13(5) p {0}.
- Dahlstrøm, Robert & Nygaard, Arne (2010). Epilogue: Popperian Perspectives on Transaction Cost Economics and Future Directions of Empirical Research. Journal of Retailing. ISSN 0022-4359. 86(3) p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.jretai.2010.07.010
- Nygaard, Arne & Biong, Harald (2010). The Influence of Retail Management's Use of Social Power on Corporate Ethical Values, Employee Commitment, and Performance. Journal of Business Ethics. ISSN 0167-4544. 97(1) p {0}. doi: 10.1007/s10551-010-0497-y
- Dahlstrøm, Robert, Haugland, Sven A., Nygaard, Arne & Rokkan, Aksel (2009). Governance structures in the hotel industry. Journal of Business Research. ISSN 0148-2963. 62(8) p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2007.07.033
- Nygaard, Arne (2009). Measuring Transaction Costs in Plural Formed Marketing Channels. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG. ISBN 3639222431.
- Dahlstrøm, Robert, Nygaard, Arne & Crosno, Jody L. (2008). Strategic, Metric, and Methodological Trends in Marketing Research and Their Implications for Future Theory and Practice. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. ISSN 1069-6679. 16(2) p {0}.
- Haugland, Sven A., Haugland, Sven A., Nygaard, Arne & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2007). Market orientation and performance in the service industry: A data envelopment analysis. Journal of Business Research. ISSN 0148-2963. 60(11) p {0}.
- Crosno, Jody L., Nygaard, Arne & Dahlstrøm, Robert (2007). Trust in the Development of New Channels in the Music Industry. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. ISSN 0969-6989. 14(3) p {0}.
- Kidwell Jr, Roland E., Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2007). Antecedents and Effects of Free Riding in the Franchisor-Franchisee Relationship. Journal of Business Venturing. ISSN 0883-9026. 22(4) p {0}.
- Nygaard, Arne & Dahlstrom, Robert (2005). Measurement of Transaction Costs and Falsification Criteria: Toward Future Directions in Empirical Research on Transaction Costs Theory. Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 1-59454-193-0.
- Ulvnes, Arne Morten (2004). Communication strategies and the costs of adapting to opportunism in an interfirm marketing system. Handelshøyskolen BI. ISBN 8270426407. (5/2004)
- Dahlstrøm, Robert, Haugland, Sven A., Haugland, Sven A., Nygaard, Arne & Rokkan, Aksel I. (2003). Norsk hotellindustri: Blodbad eller konstruktiv reorganisering? ? (1) p {0}.
- Dahlstrøm, Robert, Haugland, Sven A., Haugland, Sven A., Nygaard, Arne & Rokkan, Aksel I. (2003). Norsk hotellindustri: Blodbad eller konstruktiv reorganisering? Magma forskning og viten. ISSN 1500-0788. 6(1) p {0}.
- Nygaard, Arne & Dahlstrøm, Robert (2002). Role Stress and Effectiveness in Horizontal Alliances. Journal of Marketing. ISSN 0022-2429. 66(2) p {0}.
- Nygaard, Arne, Haugland, Sven A., Haugland, Sven A. & Rokkan, Aksel I. (2000). Strukturell utvikling i norsk hotellvirksomhet: en priliminær empirisk analyse av agentkostander og skalafortrinn. Beta. ISSN 0801-3322. 14(2) p {0}.
- Nygaard, Arne & Myrtveit, Ingunn (2000). Moral Hazard, Competition and Contract Design: Empirical Evidence from Managerial, Franchised and Entrepreneurial Businesses in Norway. Applied Economics. ISSN 0003-6846. 32(3) p {0}.
- Nygaard, Arne (1999). Interfirm Control of Plural Formed Marketing Channels. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing. ISSN 1051-712X. 6(4) p {0}.
- Dahlstrom, Robert & Nygaard, Arne (1999). Ownership decisions in plural contractual systems. Twelve networks fro m the quick service restaurant industry. European Journal of Marketing. ISSN 0309-0566. 33(1/2) p {0}.
- Dahlstrom, Robert & Nygaard, Arne (1999). An Empirical Investigation of Ex-Post Transaction Costs in Franchised Distribution Channels. Journal of Marketing Research. ISSN 0022-2437. 36 p {0}.
- Myrtveit, Ingunn & Nygaard, Arne (1998). Kontrollkostnader, konkurranseforhold og valg av ulike lederkontrakter. Beta. ISSN 0801-3322. (1)
- Nygaard, Arne, Krohn-Fagervoll, Ole & Stillerud, Bård (1998). Outsourcing av IT-funksjoner i norsk oljeindustri; problemstillinger og muligheter. Praktisk økonomi og ledelse. ISSN 0803-4680. 14(2)
- Nygaard, Arne, Manolis, Chris & Stillerud, Bård (1997). Uncertainty and Vertical Control: An International Investigation. International Business Review. ISSN 0969-5931. 6(6)
- Nygaard, Arne & Dahlstrom, Robert (1995). An Exploratory Investigation of Interpersonal Trust in New and Mature Market Economies. Journal of Retailing. ISSN 0022-4359. 71(4) p {0}.
- Nygaard, Arne, Dahlstrom, Robert & Manolis, Chris (1995). A Preliminary Investigation of Ownership Conversions in Franchised Distribution Systems. Journal of Applied Business Research. ISSN 2157-8834. 11(2)
- Nygaard, Arne (1994). The Falsification Perspective on Theories in Channel Research. Journal of Marketing Channels. ISSN 1046-669X. 3(4)
- Dahlstrom, Robert & Nygaard, Arne (1994). A Preliminary Investigation of Franchised Oil Distribution in Norway. Journal of Retailing. ISSN 0022-4359. 70(2) p {0}.
- Nygaard, Arne & Dahlstrom, Robert (1993). Market Structure and Integration in the Norwegian Oil Industry. Omega. The International Journal of Management Science. ISSN 0305-0483. 21(2)
- Nygaard, Arne & Dahlstrom, Robert (1992). Multinational Company Strategy and Host Country Policy. Scandinavian Journal of Management. ISSN 0956-5221. 8(1)
- Nygaard, Arne (1991). Heterogene Kontraktsforhold I Produksjon og Distribusjon; En Komplementær Tilnærming til Agentproblemet. Beta. ISSN 0801-3322. (2) p {0}.
- Nygaard, Arne, Noreng, Øystein & Atle, Midtun (1987). Utenlandske Investeringer I Norsk Industri. Tano Forlag. ISBN 82-518-2418-4.
- Nygaard, Arne (2024). Green Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Springer. ISBN 3031503325.
- Nygaard, Arne & Eirill, Bø (2024). Bærekraftige Forsyningskjeder. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 9788245039092.
- Nygaard, Arne (2024). Grønn Markedsføringsledelse 2 utgave. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 9788245049633.
- Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nygaard, Arne (2024). I kampen mot grønnvasking kan blokk-kjedeteknologi være løsningen.
- Nygaard, Arne (2024). How brands can exploit green certification.
- Nygaard, Arne (2024). Green energy shift: A geopolitical quandary. The Academic. ISSN 2583-973X.
- Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nygaard, Arne (2024). How blockchain technology can effectively combat greenwashing in sustainable markets. The Academic. ISSN 2583-973X.
- Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nygaard, Arne (2024). How blockchain technology can effectively combat greenwashing OPINION: By ensuring transparency, it could reduce the impact of greenwashing and support genuine practices.
- Nygaard, Arne (2024). Green Marketing und Unternehmertum. Springer Gabler. ISBN 978-3031760990.
- Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nygaard, Arne (2024). I kampen mot grønnvasking, kan blokkjede-teknologi være løsningen . Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X.
- Nygaard, Arne, Ellingsen, Kristen Albert & Jakobsen, Per Kåre (2022). Mulighetenes region for opplevelsesturisme, men forhvem? Nordnorsk Debatt.
- Nygaard, Arne (2022). Kan det grønne skiftet redde oss fra energipolitisk usikkerhet? Kina dominerer forsyningskjedene for kritiske mineraler for det grønne skiftet. Avhengigheten til Kina krever en ny strategi for bærekraftig utvikling.
- Nygaard, Arne (2022). Kinas dominans i forsyningskjedene for kritiske mineraler er en trussel mot det grønne skiftet. Framtid made in China. . Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839.
- Nygaard, Arne (2022). The Infection-Leakage Model: How Blockchain Technology Act as a Governance Institution To Combat Counterfeits in Markets.
- Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nygaard, Arne (2021). «Hva kan Nortura lære av Walmart? Mer tilsyn er ikke veien til bedre dyrevelferd,» . Nationen. ISSN 0805-3782.
- Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nygaard, Arne (2021). «Smarte Kontrakter er Veien til Grønnere og mer Lønnsomme Forsyningskjeder,. Dagens næringsliv. ISSN 0803-9372.
- Nygaard, Arne, Silkoset, Ragnhild & Kidwell, Roland E. (2020). Government Coercion Backfires in FightingCOVID-19 Their draconian measures and hypocrisy in following them come ata cost. The American Spectator. ISSN 0148-8414.
- Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2020). Gode eksempler og tillit til eksperter trumfer tvang og restriksjoner. Dagens næringsliv. ISSN 0803-9372.
- Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2020). Korona-profitørene De samme kriminelle aktørene som produserer falske luksusvarer omstilte seg raskt til Covid-19 produksjon. NRK Ytring.
- Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2020). En perfekt storm: Pandemien og falske produkter. BI Marketing Magazine. ISSN 1893-3092.
- Nygaard, Arne (2019). Grønn markedsføringsledelse – om bærekraftig entreprenørskap, strategi og markedsføring. Magma forskning og viten. ISSN 1500-0788. 4 p {0}. FULLTEKST
- Nygaard, Arne (2019). Grønn Markedsføringsledelse. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-2428-9.
- Silkoset, Ragnhild, Dahlstrøm, Robert & Nygaard, Arne (2018). The Blockchain Disruption: From Lemons to Peach Markets.
- Silkoset, Ragnhild, Dahlstrøm, Robert & Nygaard, Arne (2018). The End of Organizations? The Disruptive Impact of Blockchain Technology on Trust, Opportunism and Transactions.
- Nygaard, Arne, Gripsrud, Geir & Bø, Eirill (2018). Ledelse av Forsyningskjeder. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-2251-3.
- Nygaard, Arne (2017). From linear to circular organization: Towards an Ecological Theory of the Firm Sustainable business models? Historical and institutional dynamics of corporate (ir)responsibility.
- Nygaard, Arne, Gripsrud, Geir & Bø, Eirill (2013). Ledelse av Forsyningskjeder. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-1302-3.
- Silkoset, Ragnhild, Nygaard, Arne & Kidwell, Roland E* (2012). Differential Effects of Governance Mechanisms on Franchisor-Franchisee Unit Opportunism.
- Lunnan, Randi & Nygaard, Arne (2011). Strategiske Allianser. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-0954-5.
- Silkoset, Ragnhild, Nygaard, Arne & Biong, Harald (2011). Eksempelets makt.
- Nygaard, Arne & Friedman, Ken (2008). Forskningsstrategi og Publisering. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-0224734-8.
- Friedman, Ken & Nygaard, Arne (2008). Forskningsstrategi og publisering. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202247348.
- Nygaard, Arne (2007). Alliansebygging. Strategi - nettverk - marked. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 9788245004984.
- Haugland, Sven A., Haugland, Sven A., Myrtveit, Ingunn & Nygaard, Arne (2005). Market Orientation and Productivity in the Hotel Industry.
- Haugland, Sven A., Haugland, Sven A., Myrtveit, Ingunn & Nygaard, Arne (2005). Market Orientation, Customer Satisfaction and Productivity in the Service Industry: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach.
- Haugland, Sven A., Haugland, Sven A., Myrtveit, Ingunn & Nygaard, Arne (2004). Market Orientation, Customer Satisfaction and Productivity in the Service Industry: A Data Envelopment Analysis.
- Kidwell Jr, Roland E., Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2004). Causes and Effects of Free Riding in the Franchisor-Franchisee Relationship.
- Dahlstrøm, Robert, Haugland, Sven A., Haugland, Sven A., Nygaard, Arne & Rokkan, Aksel I. (2003). The Inter-Organizational Effect of Monitoring Costs, Market and Scale in the Service Industry.
- Haugland, Sven A., Haugland, Sven A., Nygaard, Arne, Rokkan, Aksel I. & Dahlstrøm, Robert (2002). The Interorganizational Effect of Monitoring Costs, Market and Scale in the Service Industry.
- Ulvnes, Arne Morten & Nygaard, Arne (2002). Dangerous Recipes in Marketing: The Relationship between Opportunism and Trust.
- Haugland, Sven A., Haugland, Sven A., Nygaard, Arne & Rokkan, Aksel I. (2001). Governance and Control in Hotel Chains: An Empirical Study of the Norwegian Hotel Industry.
- Nygaard, Arne (2023). Is sustainable certification's ability to combat greenwashing trustworthy? Frontiers in Sustainability. ISSN 2673-4524. 4 doi:
- 2021 - nowProfessorThe Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
- 2021Visiting ProfessorFlorida Atlantic University, College of Business
- 2014 - nowProfessorKristiania University College
- 2013Scientific advisorThe Swedish Retail and Wholesale Development Council fund
- 2009 - 2018ProfessorNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
- 2009 - 2010Guest EditorJournal of Retailing, New York University
- 2004 - 2011Director, Centre for Advanced Research in RetailingBI Norwegian Business School
- 2004 - 2010Associate Dean, Bachelor of Retail Management
- 2000 - 2014ProfessorBI Norwegian Business School
- 1997 - 2001Program Director, Dr. Oecon program in MarketingBI Norwegian Business School
- 1988Master of Science (MSc)Norwegian School of Economics. (NHH)
- 1986 - 1992Dr. Oecon, StrategyNorwegian School of Economics (NHH)
- 1979 - 1982MSc, Master og Business and EconimicsBI Norwegian Business School