Alf Børre Kanten
- Associate Professor
- School of Health Sciences
Employee details
Scientific Publications
- Teigen, Karl Halvor & Kanten, Alf Børre (2022). Out of the blue: on the suddenness of perceived chance events. Thinking and Reasoning. ISSN 1354-6783. doi: 10.1080/13546783.2022.2047105FULLTEKST
- Teigen, Karl Halvor & Kanten, Alf Børre (2019). Are random events expected to be small? . Psychological Research. ISSN 0340-0727. doi: 10.1007/s00426-019-01252-9FULLTEKST
- Blix, Ines, Kanten, Alf Børre, Birkeland, Marianne Skogbrott & Thoresen, Siri (2018). Imagining What Could Have Happened: Types and Vividness of Counterfactual Thoughts and the Relationship With Post-traumatic Stress Reactions. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078. 9 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00515
- Blix, Ines, Kanten, Alf Børre, Birkeland, Marianne Skogbrott, Solberg, Øivind, Nissen, Alexander & Heir, Trond (2016). Thinking About What Might Have Happened: Counterfactual Thinking and Post-traumatic Stress in Individuals Directly and Indirectly Exposed to the 2011 Oslo Bombing. Applied Cognitive Psychology. ISSN 0888-4080. 30(6) p {0}. doi: 10.1002/acp.3289
- Kanten, Alf Børre & Teigen, Karl Halvor (2015). A Magnitude Effect in Judgments of Subjective Closeness. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. ISSN 0146-1672. 41(12) p {0}. doi: 10.1177/0146167215609894
- Teigen, Karl Halvor, Kanten, Alf Børre & Terum, Jens Andreas (2011). Going to the other extreme: Counterfactual thinking leads to polarised judgements. Thinking and Reasoning. ISSN 1354-6783. 17(1) p {0}. doi: 10.1080/13546783.2010.537491
- Kanten, Alf Børre (2011). The effect of construal level on predictions of task duration. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. ISSN 0022-1031. 47(6) p {0}. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2011.04.005
- Kanten, Alf Børre & Teigen, Karl Halvor (2008). Better than average and better with time: Relative evaluations of self and others in the past, present, and future. European Journal of Social Psychology. ISSN 0046-2772. 38 p {0}. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.457
- Løhre, Erik & Kanten, Alf Børre (2020). Communicated and perceived public consensus about climate change.
- Kanten, Alf Børre (2020). Det som "måtte skje". Minerva. ISSN 0026-4695. September
- Teigen, Karl Halvor, Keren, Gideon & Kanten, Alf Børre (2019). Are random events rare and small? Intuitive connotations of perceived chance events.
- Kanten, Alf Børre (2018). Om tenkning og avstander.
- Kanten, Alf Børre & Strand, Tormod (2015). Intervju på NRK (Dagsrevyen) i forbindelse med en reportasje om det å gripe inn når andre er i nød.
- Kanten, Alf Børre & Teigen, Karl Halvor (2015). A Magnitude Effect in Judgments of Subjective Closeness.
- Teigen, Karl Halvor, Kanten, Alf Børre & Terum, Jens Andreas (2010). Going to the other extreme: The role of contrasts in counterfactual thinking.
- Kanten, Alf Børre (2010). The effect of construal level on prediction of task duration.
- Teigen, Karl Halvor, Filkukova, Petra, Kanten, Alf Børre & Terum, Jens Andreas (2010). Det som kan skje er lite sannsynlig: Om tenkning i ytterligheter.
- Kanten, Alf Børre (2009). The role of abstract versus concrete processing modes in time estimation.
- Kanten, Alf Børre (2007). The better-than-average improvement effect.
- Teigen, Karl Halvor & Kanten, Alf Børre (2022). Out of the blue: on the suddenness of perceived chance events. Thinking and Reasoning. ISSN 1354-6783. doi:
- 2022 - nowFørsteamanuensisHøyskolen Kristiania
- 2015 - 2022FørsteamanuensisOslo Nye Høyskole
- 2012 - 2017PostdoktorUniversitetet i Oslo
- 2007 - 2011StipendiatSimula Research Laboratory og Universitetet i Oslo
- 2006 - 2007UniversitetslektorUniversitetet i Oslo
- 2012PhD i psykologiUniversitetet i Oslo
- 2006Mastergrad i psykologiUniversitetet i Oslo
- 2004Bachelorgrad i kultur og samfunnsfagUniversitetet i Oslo