Espen Sjøberg

    • Associate Professor
  • School of Health Sciences
+47 976 99 843


Espen Sjoberg is an Associate Professor at Kristiania University College and lectures on psychology and esports. He has a doctorate degree in behaviour analysis, a sub-discipline in psychology that researches learning. Sjoberg has multiple scientific publications in evolutionary psychology, animal research, scientific methodology and esports. He is a co-author on a psychology textbook which is curriculum at many Upper Secondary schools in Norway.

Sjoberg’s research primarily concerns themes within esports, learning, evolution and philosophy of science. He is one of two leaders of the ACE Research Group (Art, Cognition & Esports) at Kristiania University College. He is also a member of the research group Experimental Behavior Analysis at OsloMet, as well as the Animal Learning Lab at UNED, Spain.

In 2018, Sjoberg was a finalist at Research Grand Prix Oslo. He has won several awards and grants within both academia and film production, as well as being nominated for Lecturer of the Year four times.

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