• Courses in literature search and citation use

    The library now offers courses in literature search and citation use. (The courses and the course overview pages are in Norwegian)

    See our course overview here
  • Student på biblioteket

    Guidance on literature search and citation use

    We offer individual guidance on literature searches and citation use. (The booking pages are in Norwegian)

    Book guidance with a librarian here

If you have any questions about our courses or individual guidance or need help with booking individual guidance with a librarian, please contact us by email, or phone us within our staffed opening hours.

About  guidance on literature search and citation use

Before booking guidance: We recommend that  you first attend one of our courses  if you would like help with literature search or source reference and Zotero, as our courses and workshops will go through the basics.

We can help you with:

  • Literature search and source criticism
  • Use of sources/bibliography
  • The reference tool Zotero

We offer guidance physically at libraries both in Bergen and in Oslo, and digitally on Teams.

Write briefly about what you would like help with in the form on the order page. You will receive a confirmation of your booking as well as a reminder the day before your appointment.  If you need to cancel the appointment, you will find information on how to do this in the sent email

Note: do not enter sensitive personal information in the free text fields.