Subject databases
Gathered here are the most central databases within various subjects. If you are looking for a specific book or article, use the library's catalog Oria.
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Web of Science: Web of Science (WoS) is a reputable and comprehensive database that provides information on research publications, citations, scientific journals, conference proceedings, and books.
Idunn: Idunn is the University Press's digital platform for Nordic academic and research journals, as well as open access academic literature.
The Lens: The Lens is an openly accessible database for both patent and scientific knowledge.
Semantic Scholar: Semantic Scholar is an openly available, AI-driven academic database.
Google Scholar: Google Scholar is a free search engine, not a subject database. Google Scholar indexes scholarly articles, dissertations, conference proceedings, and other academic literature. It also provides information about citations and the h-index for researchers. It is often used as a supplement to other subject databases.
PubMed: PubMed’s the world's largest database in medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care and preclinical science. It is openly available. PubMed uses the Medline database.
Medline: Medline (OVID) is a recognized database in the fields of medicine, health and biology. This is the same database that PubMed uses.
PsychINFO: PsycINFO (OVID) is a professional database for psychology and related disciplines. It provides access to quality-controlled documents in the field and is produced by the American Psychological Association (APA).
CINAHL: CINAHL (EBSCO) is a bibliographic database containing references to English-language literature on nursing and related subjects, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and nutrition.
ERIC: ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text educational literature and resources.
We have a comprehensive overview of guides and tools for health sciences.
Business Source Complete: Business Source Complete is a scientific full-text database for business studies. The database covers all business disciplines, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, and finance.
Communication & Mass Media Complete: Communication & Mass Media Complete (EBSCO) is a database for communication studies. It contains full text, indexing, and abstracts for many leading journals in the field of communication, including media studies, linguistics, rhetoric, and discourse.
PsychINFO: PsycINFO (OVID) is a professional database for psychology, organizational behavior, customer behavior, management and HR.
ERIH PLUS: ERIH PLUS is an openly available academic journal index for the humanities and social sciences.
ERIC: ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text educational literature and resources.
ACM Digital Library: The ACM Digital Library is a comprehensive database of full-text articles and bibliographic literature in the fields of computer science and computer science.
IEEE Xplore: IEEE Xplore is a digital research database that provides access to journal articles, conference procedures, technical standards, and related materials in computer science, electrical engineering, and electronics, as well as related fields.
O'Reilly Online Learning: O'Reilly Online Learning is a curated database of literature and information on artificial intelligence, operations, data, UX design, and more, among other things.
Project MUSE: Project MUSE is a platform for scientific journals and e-books in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. It covers subjects such as cultural studies, economics, education, gender studies, history, political science, literature and literary criticism, visual and performing arts, as well as many other areas.
AES Electronic Library: The AES Electronic Library contains over 10,000 fully searchable PDFs documenting audio research from 1953 to 2003. It includes conference preprints, conference papers, and journal articles published by the Audio Engineering Society.
AIP Acoustical Society of America: The AIP Acoustical Society of America contains up-to-date information on research initiatives and results in the field of physics and audio, from 1953 to the present.