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1. Background

John Smith is an Associate Professor at Kristiania University College and teaches branding and communication. Smith has published several books in the fields of marketing, communication and reputation building. He has also published a number of articles in reputable journals, both nationally and internationally. 

John Smith's research areas are primarily within the marketing field. 

In 2014, he received the Brage Prize for the book "The Market Agenda" and also works as a columnist in Aftenposten. 

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2. Work experience

2014 – present / nåværende
Associate professor / Førsteamanuensis
Kristiania University College / Høyskolen Kristiania

3. Education

2008 - 2010
Master of Marketing and Innovation / Master i markedsføring og innovasjon
University of Oslo / Universitetet i Oslo

2006 - 2008
Master of Sociology / Master i sosiologi
University of Oslo / Universitetet i Oslo

4. Social media

Only professional use


  • Cristin (https://app.cristin.no/persons/show.jsf?id=23662)
  • Blog (https://kristiania.no/kunnskap-kristiania)
  • LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ole-kristian-rudi/)

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Work experience


Social media

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