Streaming and/or recording

The equipment set up in some auditoriums and classrooms can be used for real-time streaming and / or lecture capture.

How it works

Streaming and recordings of lectures is made available on the subject’s pages in the Canvas Learning platform.

The equipment in the rooms that are prepared for streaming and recording consists of a camera in the ceiling, and either a ceiling microphone or a wearable microphone.

It will mainly be the lecturer's voice that is included in the stream / recording, but in rooms with ceiling microphones, dialogue in the room can be included in the recording.

Only the lecturer, the board area and the screen from the lecturer’s computer will be the focus of the recordings. The students’ activity will not be in focus. It is nevertheless noted that students who move into the board area may become visible in the recordings.

Recordings / stream will only be made available to the students on the subject being lectured, and the recordings made for one class will only be available for this class.

If you ask questions in the lectures, the lecturer will repeat the question in his/her microphone. A microphone for students will not be sent around in the auditorium. You will also be given the opportunity to ask questions in writing, and/or during the breaks.

Lecturers who have ordered streaming and / or recording of lectures will be able to explain more about recording and streaming at the lectures.

Recording and privacy

If you can be identified by either sound or image, this is considered to be personal information. This gives you rights through personopplysningsloven (in English – General Data Protection Regulation).

Your consent for recording

If lecturers wish that students participate in a recording (on the podium or speaking in a microphone), lecturers must ask for written consent. Participation is optional. If you do not want to consent, the lecturer does not have the right to ask you to join a recording.

A consent can also be withdrawn, and you can then require a recording to be deleted or edited.

Read more about your rights in the Høyskolen Kristiania’s Privacy Statement

Alternatively, lecturers can stop recording if or when a student is going to speak in a microphone or when joining on the podium.

If you still appear on recordings

If you have been recorded (film or audio) involuntarily, and this was not the lecturer’s purpose (see section above), you can contact the data controller at You may require the recording to be deleted or edited.

Contact information

If you have any questions about lecture capture in general – send it to

Do you have technical problems? Contact IT support

Questions about access and deletion should be addressed to the data controller at

Questions about personal information should be addressed to the data protection officer at