There is a lot of information that new students need to familiarize themselves with. On this page, we have gathered frequently asked questions to help you figure out as much as possible at the start of your studies.

Remember to go through the steps in the Checklist for new students. There you will find the most important things you need to do.

How to use this page:

At the top, you will find a list of shortcuts that take you directly to the topic you are looking for. You can also scroll freely down the page.

If you can't find what you're looking for on this page: contact us through Studentservice which you can find on Mitt Kristiania.

If you don't have a user account yet (FEIDE), you can use the "Contact the Study Administration" form from our contact page.

What do I need to do before start of studies?

There are some important things you need to arrange and do before the start of studies. We have a checklist for new students, which lists the most important things you need to do. This is a step-by-step guide specifically made for new students and also contains other steps you should complete during the start of the semester.

When is the semester start and the buddy week?

The start of studies is when the lectures begin. The Into Campus Buddy Week takes place the week before the start of studies in the fall.

Orientation meetings for international students are available in week 32. See dates, times and locations for international orientation meetings here.

Most start having lectures the week right after Into Campus, in week 34 in August (from Monday, August 19th). NOTE: activities in the buddy week will not appear in your personal timetable.

The Buddy Week in Oslo starts with the Welcome Ceremony on Monday, August 12th.

The Buddy Week in Bergen starts with matriculation on Tuesday, August 13th.

What is the Onboarding Week?

This is what we call the first week after Into Campus. Here you will have your first lectures and the academic kick-off. You can see these in your personal timetable in Mitt Kristiania.

In addition, many free courses and open lectures are arranged for you who are new students, during this week.

The whole week is specially made for those of you who are new and includes, among other things, courses in study techniques, student association day, and social events from the Student Union at Kristiania. Some of the activities require registration and we recommend you to sign up early.

Click here for program and registration in Oslo
Click here for program and registration in Bergen

What is Into Campus?

Into Campus is the name of the buddy week at Kristiania. The buddy week is a large and social community where you meet the other new students for a week of social fun. There are various activities and offers on different dates during week 33 in August.

Feel free to follow Into Campus on Instagram:
Oslo: @intocampusoslo
Bergen: @intocampusbergen

How do I attend Into Campus?

To participate in the buddy week, you must have signed your student contract and bought tickets for the events. In Oslo, you must also pick up your Kristiania band for your tickets to be valid.

You can read all about tickets and where to pick up the Kristiania band on the Into Campus website:
•    Bergen: 
•    Oslo:

Do you have questions about Buddy groups?

Check our info page about mentor groups in Into Campus. Among other things, it states when you will get your group.

Important for international students about buddy groups

Exchange students will have their own English-speaking groups. International students attending degree programs will be put in groups with their classmates, unless they opt for the international buddy groups. International students on degree programs will be contacted prior to the semester start regarding this.

Do I need a ticket for the Welcoming Ceremony?

No, you just have to either:

  • Show your main page on Mitt Kristiania at the door (requires smartphone)
  • Have your student card and the Kristiania-bracelet

For the remaining Into Campus, you need both the Kristiania-bracelet and tickets for events.

Where do I find my timetable and when do I get it?

You will have access to your personal timetable from August 6th. You must have completed the semester registration to be able to see it.

You can find your personal timetable by logging into Mitt Kristiania and clicking on the small calendar icon at the very top right of the page. You can do this after you have accepted you study offer and received a username and password by SMS (see step 1 in the checklist for new students).

You can see a general timetable for your study program in TimeEdit from August 2nd, but it is not guaranteed that the general times listed there apply to your class. We therefore recommend that you check your personal timetable on Mitt Kristiania after you have registered for the semester.

Changes can occur in the timetable and you are personally responsible for keeping track of it throughout the semester.

What is TimeEdit?

TimeEdit is Kristiania's timetable system. Here you can book group rooms and search directly in the timetable system. On this page, you can see how to use TimeEdit and how the timetable at Kristiania works.

What class am I in?

In some programs, there are several classes because there are many students. You can find information about which class you belong to by logging into Studentweb and read under the tab called ‘Studies’.

Why can’t I see my timetable in Mitt Kristiania?

This could be due to several things:

If it is not due to the two points above, please contact us either at Student services in Mitt Kristiania or via 'Contact the Study Administration' on Contact Us.

How do I find my way on campus?

To find the right building 
To find the actual building you will be in, we recommend entering the address in Google Maps. Addresses to our buildings can be found under Contact Us.

How to find your classroom 
In your timetable, you can see the name of the room for the lecture. Enter the room name in the Mazemap app. Here you will see which floor and where in the floor the room is located.

You can also use Mazemap online: 
Maze Map for Campus Bergen
Maze Map for Campus Oslo

Where can I find my syllabus and get my curriculum?

You can buy most of the curriculum at Akademika. It is also possible to buy used textbooks from older students. Used curriculum sales are often arranged on campus and you can also search for sales groups on Facebook.

On Mitt Kristiania under ‘my studies’, you can find an overview of your subjects with a link to curriculum lists and subject descriptions. Before you get access to Mitt Kristiania, you can find the information here:

Curriculum lists 
For bachelor’s and master’s students: You can find an overview of which books/articles are part of the curriculum in the curriculum list for each subject. We use the curriculum list system Leganto. You get access to Leganto via your subject room in Canvas after you have registered for the semester. Click on Curriculum in the menu.

Leganto also has a standalone version where you can search for curriculum lists independently of Canvas. You can find an overview of curriculum lists for bachelor’s and master’s degrees here.

To search for the curriculum lists, you need to know the subject title, subject code, or who the lecturer/subject responsible is. You can find this information in the subject descriptions. The curriculum lists will be published continuously up to the start of studies.

For vocational school students 
You can find an overview of which books/articles are part of the curriculum under curriculum literature in the subject descriptions. You can find curriculum lists for vocational studies here.

Subject descriptions 
In the subject description, you will find detailed information about each individual subject, as well as information about learning objectives and what form of examination the subject has. You can find the subject descriptions here.

How much time do I have to spent on my studies?

This varies a bit depending on what you are studying, but a full-time student should spend between 1500-1800 hours a year studying. This means about 40 hours a week. These hours include all lectures, seminars, group work, self-study, assignment writing, and other organized academic activities.

You can calculate how many hours you should use per subject, by checking how many study points the subject gives you (you can find this by searching for the subject code on and read the subject description, or look at the subject in your timetable).

  • A subject of 7.5 study points requires about 200 hours in total
  • A subject of 15 study points requires about 400 hours in total
  • A subject of 30 study points requires about 800 hours in total

What is a semester?

A semester is a time-period of 6 months. This is sometimes referred to as a “term”. One academic year consists of two semesters; fall term and spring term.

When you start as a new student, you start in your first semester.

What do I get with my user account at Kristiania?

As a new student at Kristiania, you'll receive your own user account. You'll need this account to log in to StudentWeb, access school services, use computers, printers, and more. It's also used for logging in to FEIDE, which provides access to many of the school's digital services, including the Canvas learning platform, Office 365, and other tools.

Through Office 365, you also get access to download the Office suite to your personal computer (Word, PowerPoint, etc.)

How do I log in to my student E-mail?

This page explains everything for how to find your student E-mail, log in and more information on how to use it.

  • To log in to your student E-mail, use the following address: 
  • Your student email address will look like this:

How do I use the printer on campus?

If you're using one of the campus PCs, you can print as usual. If you want to print from your own PC, you'll need to install the printer software. Remember that you'll need your student card to unlock the printer.

I've signed the contract, but I haven't received an SMS with my username and password for my user account. What should I do? 

Don't worry! The SMS is sent out continuously after students sign their contracts, and it may take a little time for the system to send it to you. Normally, it should take up to 3 business days from the time you sign until you receive the SMS.

If you encounter any issues logging in with FEIDE, check the information on this page for step-by-step guidance.

How can I get help from IT-support?

IT support assists with issues related to the school's digital services and computers.

Get help from IT-support here.

What is Mitt Kristiania?

Mitt Kristiania  is the main portal to Kristiania.

Here you will find:

  • Overview of your subjects with links to subject descriptions and reading lists
  • Schedule and events
  • Information about semester registration and the Loan Fund
  • Useful tools and shortcuts
  • Form to contact central departments at the school
  • Map of campus
  • News
  • Uploading of documents

Here you can log in to My Kristiania.

What is Canvas?

Canvas is the learning platform for Kristiania. This is where you will find things like syllabuses, information about lectures, send messages to lecturers, and much more. This is also where you will take the crash course in onboarding for new students. See here for how to log in.

You can find your way to Canvas via Mitt Kristiania. You can find it in the menu "useful links for you" on the right side of the page.

What is Studentweb?

Studentweb is where you, among other things, manage your own personal information, sign up for lectures and exams, get your exam results, and can order a transcript of records. Studentweb is used throughout Norway and you are going to be using it throughout your time as a student.

Here you can see how to log in and how to use Studentweb.

How do I register for the semester?

To register for the semester means to confirm that you are a student and that you will study and take exams. You must do this at the start of every single semester within the deadlines.

You can either see step 3 in the checklist for new students, or go directly to our guide for semester registration.

When do I receive the invoice from Kristiania?

Most students receive their invoice during August (for the autumn semester).

The invoice from the school is sent out continuously after new students sign their contracts. You will receive the invoice at the E-mail address you registered when you applied for a study place with us.

If you have questions about the invoice, you should contact us through Studentservice.

When do I have to pay?

The payment deadline will be stated in your invoice.

Is there a difference between the tuition fee and the semester fee?

Yes, these are two different fees you have to pay each semester.

The tuition fee is the fee you pay to Kristiania to be a student here. This covers organized teaching and one exam attempt per subject. If you are taking a course that requires special equipment, the costs of this will be additional. 

The semester fee is a fee all students must pay to the student welfare organization in their city. It is also this fee that must be paid for a student to be able to take their exams.

Can I apply for the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund and are there scholarships?

All of Kristiania's studies are approved for loans and support from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund.
Here you can read about how to apply for a loan from the Loan Fund.

There are other scholarships and financial support at Kristiania. See the overview and if you qualify here.

I have applied for a loan from the Loan Fund, but they say that the school has not reported that I am a student

This is because you have not completed your entire semester registration and you are personally responsible for doing this. You must complete both the registration for courses and exams for the semester registration to be valid. See step 3 in the checklist for new students.

The day after you have completed the semester registration (including signing up for courses and exams) the Loan Fund will automatically receive confirmation that you are a student with us. See our guide on how to register for the semester here.

If you have other problems with payment from the Loan Fund, you must contact them directly.

How do I get my student card?

You do this by following step 7 in the checklist for new students.

As a student, you get your own student card which functions as;

  • identification at Kristiania
  • access card at our study locations within opening hours
  • loan card at the libraries (use the barcode)
  • automatic login on printers for scanning, copying and prints

Do I need to know anything special about the student card?

Yes, you must always have your student card with you when you are on campus, and preferably wear it visibly. You may be asked to show it by security guards or staff. The card is personal to you and it is not allowed to lend it out or otherwise transfer it to others.

Do not make holes in the card, as it can be damaged.

What is the student ID app and do I need it?

Yes, you need the student ID app. 

The Student ID app is the proof that you are a student in Norway. The app serves as a student ID at places like the student welfare organization and public transport companies. For the student ID to be valid, you must have registered for the semester and paid the semester fee.

Is there a difference between my student card and the student ID app?

Yes, the student ID app is your proof of being a student and for having paid the semester fee and registered for the semester.
Your student card serves as identification and access card at Kristiania, loan card at the libraries, and login on printers for scanning, copying, and prints.

Do I need any equipment?

Some studies have requirements and recommendations for the equipment you need as a student. You can find an overview of this on the information pages for your study program.

If you do not find a heading called "equipment", it means that there are no special requirements or recommendations for equipment in your study program.

Find your study program and check if you need any equipment.

What type of computer do I need to be able to take exams at Kristiania?

You need a Mac or a PC that supports Windows to be able to submit an exam at Kristiania.

You cannot use a Chromebook for exams, because it does not support the exam program that Kristiania uses (Wiseflow).

I need facilitation, what do I do?

If you have a disability or a special need that makes it harder to study, you may be entitled to facilitation.

Read about what we can accommodate for and how you apply here.

Make note of deadlines to apply for facilitation on exams and mandatory course work.

Are there student organizations I can join?

Yes, there are both local and external organizations and student associations. Being part of an association or organization is one of the best things you can do during your study time!

Find student associations associations in your city
See the overview of all student associations in Oslo.
See the overview of all student organizations in Bergen.

The Student Union Kristiania (SK) is the local student organization and is located in both Oslo and Bergen.
They serve as a natural gathering point for all students at Kristiania and work to create an inclusive, safe, and social student environment through a variety of events, activities, and offers in both formal and informal arenas.

Become active in the Student Union Kristiania
The Student Union Kristiania has many different committees you can take part in. Being part of a committee gives you both a social circle and good work experience.

Join the Student Union as a member
All Kristiania students at all campuses are most welcome to become a member of the Student Union Kristiania (SK).

As a member, you get a number of benefits:

  • access to Earlybird tickets
  • good discounts with our partners
  • offers on courses and workshops that give career advantages

The Student Union aims to contribute to a safe, active, and inclusive student environment by serving as a natural gathering point for the students at Kristiania.
Through events and activities in both informal and formal arenas, they facilitate a social student environment 

What are Sammen and SiO?

Sammen and SiO are the student welfare organizations in Bergen and Oslo.

Student welfare organizations are responsible for student welfare in student cities in Norway and provide, among other things:

  • Gyms
  • Dining places
  • Student housing
  • Medical providers
  • Dentist
  • Psychologists and counselors
  • Student associations
  • Kindergartens
  • Courses
  • Career counseling
  • Social activities

The services are covered by the semester fee that all students pay each semester.

When is the last deadline to apply for a study place?

We admit students all the way until September 1st. Many of our studies have rolling admissions, which means that you can apply as long as there are available study places.

See studies that still have available places

When is the termination deadline?

All terminations of student contracts must be made in accordance with the contract and/or study conditions.

The termination deadline for the fall is September 1st. If the termination is sent after September 1st, the tuition fee for the semester must be paid.

If you are a new student, the resignation should be sent to  If you are already a student here, the resignation must be submitted via" he termination must be sent in via Studentservice (log in with feide). The contract can also be terminated via Mitt Kristiania.

Still have questions or couldn’t find what you were looking for?

Go to Studentservice (requires FEIDE user) and find the contact form that best fits what you need help with. You can follow up on replies to your case via "My cases" on Studentservice, or check your student E-mail.
If you have not yet received a user account, you should use the form "contact the study administration" which you can find on contact us. Here you must check your private E-mail for answers.