1. Respond to the Exchange Offer

Accept or decline the exchange placement in Søknadsweb.

2. Attend the Information Meeting

Participate in "Information Meeting 3". This is a meeting for nominated students. Here, we'll go through the application process for partner institutions, course selection, and Learning Agreement for Erasmus/bilateral agreements. The meeting takes place in October and March.

3. Apply for Admission to the Host School

After being nominated to the institution abroad, you must apply yourself to the host school. The documents you need to submit and the application process vary from place to place. It might include:

  • Transcript from Kristiania, which can be ordered in English or Norwegian through Studentweb (not Søknadsweb).
  • Documentation of language proficiency, either through high school transcripts or a language test.
  • Proof of financial capability. You can provide a preliminary statement of eligibility for Lånekassen (the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund) support.

4. Sign a Learning Agreement

The Learning Agreement is a contract between you, Kristiania, and the institution you're traveling to. It ensures that the courses you take abroad will be recognized and credited towards your degree at Kristiania. Remember to inform the International Mobility Team immediately if there are any changes to the courses you intend to take.

How to create an Online Learning Agreement.

For exchange to most institutions outside institutions outside Europa, then you will be sent a link to a "Nettskjema" where you will register your Learning Agreement.

5. Financing, Loans, and Scholarships

It's possible to apply for scholarships. Check the options available to you.

Erasmus students will receive a Grant Agreement specifying the amount of the Erasmus scholarship.

You can apply to Lånekassen for both regular grants and travel grants. There are also other scholarship options; read more here. 

Note that you can purchase an Interrail pass for Erasmus+-students.

Green Scholarship

6. Important Documents 

Familiarize yourself with crucial documents containing practical information, including insurance, visa details, and emergency information. Also, complete the mandatory self-declaration forms:

7. Semester Registration 

Even if you're on exchange, remember to complete semester registration at Kristiania.

8. Language Test and Courses

Erasmus+ Online Language Support offers a free online language test for all those going on Erasmus exchange. After the test, you'll also gain access to a language course in the same language. For instance, if you're going to Germany but taking courses in English, you can take both the German and English tests and courses.

Lånekassen also supports preparatory language courses abroad. It's common to find these courses in the country or city you're going to live in. The course should last at least four weeks with a minimum of 15 teaching hours per week. Read more here.

9. Attend the Pre-Departure Seminar

"Information Meeting 4" is a seminar focusing on preparedness, safety, and cultural understanding. Information Meeting 4 is held in June for autumn exchanges and in December for spring exchanges. It's conducted in collaboration with the Norwegian Seamen's Church and ANSA.

10. Overview of Exchange through Erasmus+

Read about exchange through Erasmus+ here.

Next step: Things to remember when you return home.