How to log in:

  1. Go to Student web for Kristiania University College.
  2. Click “Log in with Feide”.
  3. Choose “Kristiania University College” as your affiliation.
  4. Log in with your Feide user accountForgotten your password? 
  5. Need help? Look further down on this page

In StudentWeb you can, among other things:  

  • See exam dates 
  • See exam results 
  • Confirm your individual education plan and sign up for the exam
  • Register for re-scheduled and re-sit exams 
  • Change your address 
  • Order transcripts 

If you receive support from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund, you can read more about it at Laanekassen's pages.

You can find important information about the fee for re-sit examinations and registration for re-sit and re-scheduled exams here

Problems with semester registration? Contact Studentservice (log in with feide). 

It is important that you register the correct address, phone number and e-mail in StudentWeb. You must register and confirm your individual education plan before you are reported as an active student to the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund, and to gain access to your subjects in the Canvas learning portal. 

Help and answers:

It doesn’t recognise my username or password

  1. Check that you have chosen Kristiania University College as your affiliation.
  2. Check if you can log in to our user administration pagewith your Feide username and password.
    1. If you can log in there, try logging in to Studentweb again. If you still can’t get in, contact the Service Centre.
    2. If you can’t log in to the user administration page, use the “forgot password” service there to create a new password.
    3. If you don’t receive a one-time text message from the forgot password service or you receive an error message, contact the Service Centre.

I have the correct password but I'm still getting an error message

  1. Click here to log out of Feide.
  2. Click on “Yes, log out of all services.”
  3. Close your browser, restart it and follow the instructions at the top to log in to Studentweb again.
    1. If you still can’t get in: contact the Service Centre.

National identification number and PIN code

If you have forgotten your password for your Feide account and need to change the phone number to reset it, you can log in to Studentweb with your national identification number and PIN code:

  1. Go to Student web for Kristiania University College.
  2. Click on the tab labelled “national identification number and PIN” to the right or scroll down on your mobile phone.
  3. If you don’t have your PIN code click on “Send PIN by e-mail”.
  4. Open your e-mail and look for an email from Check your spam folder if it does not arrive in your inbox within a short time.
  5. Enter your national identification number and the PIN you received, and log in.

You can change your personal details, such as your phone number, by clicking on your name in the upper right corner and then “My profile”.