StudentWeb opens for registration on Wednesday, April 23rd at 12:00. The deadline for registration is Tuesday, April 29th at 23:59.

Please note that there may be changes to some of the information on this page. Any changes will be posted before the registration opens.

Below you will find an overview of which elective courses offered for master's students in the 3rd semester (full-time) and 5th semester (part-time) in the fall of 2025, as well as information about the selection process you will go through to register. You are responsible for familiarizing yourself with the information on this page and following the deadlines.

Before you choose, you must read the course descriptions carefully. You register for elective courses in StudentWeb.

  • StudentWeb opens for registration on Wednesday, April 23 at 12:00. The deadline for registration is Tuesday, April 29 at 23:59. If a course is not available for your program, it will not appear in StudentWeb.
  • To be guaranteed a place in the course, you must have completed all steps in the teaching notification. It is not enough to simply add the elective course to the education plan.
  • If you do not see the opportunity to register for classes, it means that the course is full/no places available.
  • It will be possible to sign up for a waiting list for elective courses. Information about the waiting list is at the bottom of this page.

NOTE - the language of lectures will be stated in the course description. Several of the courses delivered by the School of Economics, Innovation and Technology will be taught in English.

Information about the 2025 selection process

  • If you are going on exchange, you are not to choose elective courses. If you are not going on exchange after all, please contact StudentService using the form "Contact the study administration".
  • StudentWeb opens for registration on Wednesday, April 23 at 12:00. The deadline for registration is Tuesday, April 29 at 23:59. See our registration guide here.
  • There is a limited number of places on all elective courses. Those who register first will be given a place first, until a course is full.
  • If someone changes electives before the registration closes, places may become available on electives that were previously fully booked. You will then have the opportunity to change your choice before the deadline expires, without having to be on a waiting list.
  • You can register for one course per block. If you choose a course that spans 2 blocks, you cannot choose other courses at the same time from those blocks.
  • The timetable for elective courses will not be visible in your personal timetable. To see teaching times, you must look up the course code in TimeEdit.
  • For questions about elective courses, which are about the subject itself, you can contact the course manager listed in the course description. For other questions, contact StudentService using the form "Contact the Academic Administration".
  • It is a prerequisite that an elective course has enough registered students for it to be offered. You will be notified if the course you have chosen is cancelled.

Important message to students on the Master of Marketing Management program:

You can only choose courses from blocks 2, 3 and 4.

Block 1

Block 1 and 2

Block 2

Block 2 and 3

Block 3

Block 3 and 4

Block 4

Waiting list for elective courses

If you wish to be on the waiting list for a different elective course than the one you have been offered, you can register for the waiting list.

The waiting list is not for students who have not registered by the deadline, or who have a cancelled course. They must contact the study administration at Student Services to be registered. Students who need a new elective course due to a cancellation will have priority for available places in elective courses.

Registration opens on Wednesday, April 30th at 12:00The registration form can be found here

How the waiting list works

  • You can register for the waiting list for one elective course.
  • If a place becomes available in the course you have specified, you will be moved.
  • We will send an SMS to those who have been moved at the end of the spring semester. You can also look at your education plan in Studentweb to check if you have been moved.
  • Electives for masters in fall semester of 2025

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