Information about the Corona virus (Covid-19)
Kristiania University College is keeping an eye on the situation and following the guidelines issued by the authorities.
Last updated: 6th of February 2020 1600 hrs
A working group has been set up consisting of representatives from the Administration Department, the HR Department, the Department of Research Administration and Internationalisation, the Department for Student Follow-up and the Department of Marketing and Communications, who are all following developments relating to the situation. The College is prepared to implement further measures if the need should arise and to update its plans on pandemics.
Kristiania University College is keeping an eye on the situation and following the guidelines issued by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD).
Information about the virus issued by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health can be read here:
Kristiania University College is in contact with its students who are abroad on exchange visits in areas which are at risk. Top priority is being devoted to their safety.
We would recommend that any students and employees who are planning to travel should follow the travel advice issued by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and the UD:
Further information about the travel advice provided by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health can be found here:
How is Kristiania managing the coronavirus so far
Risk and vulnerability assessments for coronavirus-related matters have been established and are updated continuously.
Below are the key measures that have been taken.
Washing hands/infection control :
- Information on washing hands has been posted at sinks and on information screens.
- Extra cleaning and disinfection of points of contact such as door knobs, handles, etc.
- Everyone has been asked to cough and sneeze into their elbows.
- Avoid unnecessary contact in teaching situations.
- A summary of all travel plans for employees was compiled.
- It is actively recommended not to travel to zones with infection risk, and employees are instructed to not go on work-related travel to zones with infection risk. Travel advice in accordance with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s recommendations have been implemented in the organisation.
- In connection with events with many external parties, food packed in portions will be served to avoid many people coming into contact with food.
- Dialogue with our key suppliers to clarify their ability to deliver in the event of illness, etc.
- All teaching, examinations and events under the auspices of the University College and Technical College will proceed as normal. Should this change, all employees and students will be informed.
Contact information at Kristiania University College
Exchange students and their relatives:
Please contact the Department of Research Administration and Internationalisation:
Janne Kristin Olsen:
Students who suspect that they may have been infected:
Please contact the Department for Student Follow-up:
Stine Karlsen:
Students who are worried and need someone to talk to:
Please contact the Department for Student Follow-up:
Tevje Akerø:
Please contact the HR Department:
Anders Aas:
Media contact:
The Department of Marketing and Communications
Stein-Oddvar Evensen:
Other contact information
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has created an information number regarding the Corona virus. That number is 815 55 015.
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health ask that the public check information online before contacting the above number.
If you think you may be infected by the Corona virus, please contact the emergency room on 116117.
It is important that if you think that you may be infected, do not go to the emergency room, but stay at home and make contact by telephone.
Information about quarantine
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health recommends some type of quarantine for anyone with a high risk of having been infected. This applies to people who have been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with the Corona virus. Home quarantine will be recommended for healthy people who have a high risk of infection. Everyone to whom this applies will be followed up by the health services in order to see if they develop any symptoms for a period of 14 days after their most recent contact with a patient who has been diagnosed with the virus. They will be recommended to reduce any unnecessary travelling and social contact, and to avoid going to work, school or the shops.
Healthy people who have been in areas in which the Corona virus is prevalent without having been in close contact with anyone who is ill, will receive information about how to keep an eye on any signs of respiratory infections for 14 days after they left the area in question, although they do not need to be in quarantine. If they become ill, they should ring the health services.
We still do not know a lot about the disease, but it is thought that it is unlikely to become infectious before the symptoms appear. Our advice is in line with the recommendations provided by the other Nordic countries, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Centre for Disease Control.