Doctoral Education at Kristiania

The School of Doctoral Studies (SDS) at Kristiania manages the PhD programmes in Applied Information Technology, and Coomunication and Leadership. On this page you will find information about the different phases of the education, PhD candidates, news, events and PhD courses.

Available PhD Fellowship positions

On this page you can find currently available fellowship positions at Kristiania University College
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Doctoral phase 1

  • Admission and funding

    On this page you will find information regarding the process of admission to the PhD programmes, funding possibilities, and the structure and content of the PhD programmes.
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  • Getting started

    Here you can read about the onboarding of new PhD students, PhD courses we offer, the operating budget for Research Fellows, PhD and mobility (internationalisation), research ethics and regulations.
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Doctoral Phase 2

  • During your PhD

    On this page you will find information regarding every step of your PhD admission period, milestones, and information you will need while working on your thesis.
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  • Completion of your PhD

    Here you will find all information concerning the final stage of your doctoral education, from submitting your thesis all the way to receiving your diploma.
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For Supervisors

On this page, you can find information and guidelines related to your role as a supervisor.
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Our PhD Candidates

Get to know our fellows and PhD candidates
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Our Team