The group’s members hail mostly (but are not limited to) Kristiania’s arts faculties and engage in a broad variety of artistic projects across the entire spectrum of artistic expressions, including film, theatre, music, design, writing and dance. 

We believe in the practice-related exploration of artistic expressions reconciling both practice-led and practice-based research. Our artistic research projects are equally concerned with original artistic investigations and the exploration of the nature of artistic practice. The overarching ambition is to generate new knowledge in accordance with the goals and values established in the Frascati manual.

We identify ourselves as artists who engage in research through practical and theoretical experiments and investigations. Though based on a shared canon of methodologies we acknowledge a variety of processes that can transcend the historical, epistemological and socio-cultural traditions of our institutions.

“If we artists as researchers know more about what it is that affects conditions that give us scope to create what we want, we can stretch and remove borders, use resistance and limitations constructively and strengthen opportunities for co-operation. We need to identify each other, as well as the system we are part of, and we need to redefine our role within the power hierarchies that run it.” (Efva Lilja - Art, Research, Empowerment, The artist as researcher, 2015).

AR@K – artistic research at Kristiania symposium

To present and showcase our work and to invite fellow artistic researchers from around the world, Kristiania University college has been hosting an annual symposium on artistic research on campus in Oslo since 2019. The AR@K symposium brings together artistic researchers interested in exploring how the discourses of research on, in and through the arts can inform each other. Furthermore, the event reflects our ambition to discuss and critically assess the broader transdisciplinary approaches to knowledge production through artistic research in existing institutional structures. The symposium has an inclusive agenda and is open to artistic researchers, students and everyone interested in the intricacies of the artistic process.

For an overview of AR@K’s previous presentations and contributors, please see the program schedules for:

For general inquiries about the symposium of the artistic research group please contact the coordinator Kai Hanno Schwind,

Group members