External Research Funding

Some research financiers cover fees for OA publications. It should be ascertained when applying for external funding if OA fees can be covered by the funder. When possible, external funds should cover Article Processing Charges (APC).

"Read & Publish" Agreements 

On behalf of the sector, Sikt has negotiated transitional agreements with the leading scientific publishers. These agreements ensure that participating institutions have both reading access and open publishing rights for a large percentage of the publishers' portfolios.

Some of the agreements that Kristiania University of Applied Sciences has signed cover the article fee (APC) for hybrid journals and also give discounts on publishing in fully open journals (Gold OA journals). In cases where a discount is given for fully open journals, the author can apply to Kristiania's Publication Fund for the remaining amount; see below for more information about the fund.

See also the overview of the library’s "Open Access Agreements" for more information.

Diamond Open Access

Diamond open access (also referred to as "platinum" open access) is a publishing model where both reading access and open publishing are free for the author. Instead of imposing author or reader fees, diamond journals and platforms are financed through alternative models such as public grants and membership fees.

Diamond journals are "community-driven"; initiatives owned and run by the research community itself, with a focus on principles such as the researchers' ownership and control over the process, content, sustainable costs, and publishing diversification (eg "bibliodiversity"). Many of these journals also explore new forms of peer review (eg "open peer-review" and "post-publication peer review").

The Diamond/Platinum model and principles have the potential to influence the publishing landscape in the years to come. See also Sikt publication (Oct 2023); Towards responsible publishing: a proposal fra cOAlition S.

At present, diamond open access can’t replace the more prevalent forms of open publishing (eg open journals with article fees) or traditional journals (journals with subscription costs). However, in some research areas, they may be an alternative to consider.

Publication Fund

Kristiania University of Applied Sciences has set up a publication fund to cover publication fees for articles (Article Processing Charges - APC) and for monographs/anthology chapters (Book Processing Charges – BPC).

Researchers can apply by filling out the Publication Fund Application Form.  The application is submitted by filling in the following online form. The fund is administered by the library, applications are processed on an ongoing basis.

Criteria for the Publishing Fund 

Publiseringsfondets retningslinjer ENG

For questions about the publication fund and the application process, contact: biblioteket@kristiania.no

Please note that changes to the fund's application process and guidelines may occur. Any changes will not have a retroactive effect on applications that have already been processed.