Departement of Leadership and Organization

The Department of Management and Organization's most extensive and most important field is centred on HRM (Human Resource Management) and leadership. There is an active research environment at the department, and the research is regularly published in reputable international journals.

The main emphasis of the department's research activity is within HRM and leadership. Teaching and research are also carried out in the field of procurement management.

The themes of the research conducted at the Department of Management and Organization are related to willpower and leadership, hormones and management, change management, leadership development and gender quotas and self-management.


All employees
  • Kari Spjeldnæs

    Kari Spjeldnæs

    • Associate Professor

    Kristiania University of Applied Sciences

    Kari Spjeldnæs
  • Ayan Nur

    Ayan Nur

    • Advisor

    Kristiania University of Applied Sciences

    Department of Leadership and Organization

    Ayan Nur
  • Birthe Kåfjord Lange

    Birthe Kåfjord Lange

    • Associate Professor

    Kristiania University of Applied Sciences

    Birthe Kåfjord Lange
  • Kjetil Vedøy

    Kjetil Vedøy

    • Assistant Professor

    Kristiania University of Applied Sciences

    Kjetil Vedøy
  • Nora Thorsteinsen Toft

    Nora Thorsteinsen Toft

    • PhD candidate

    Kristiania University of Applied Sciences

    Nora Thorsteinsen Toft
  • Laura Traavik

    Laura Traavik

    • Associate Professor

    Kristiania University of Applied Sciences

    Laura Traavik
  • Anne Haugen Gausdal

    Anne Haugen Gausdal

    • Professor

    Kristiania University of Applied Sciences

    Department of Leadership and Organization

    Anne Haugen Gausdal
  • Ola Martin Jensen Larsen

    Ola Martin Jensen Larsen

    • PhD candidate

    Kristiania University of Applied Sciences

    Department of Leadership and Organization

    Ola Martin Jensen Larsen

Research projects

  • Purpose: The study aims to explore how firms can identify strategic competence which is crucial for realizing strategy and long-term goals. Research Question: What are the potential long-term effects of Strategic Competence Analysis and what qualities may contribute in releasing this potential?  

  • INNLEDNING Dette prosjektet utforsker hvordan idrett kan bidra til sosial inkludering av mennesker med rusutfordringer. Siden prosjektet samarbeider med Norges Rytterforbund (NRYF) og Idretten skaper sjanser (IDS), baserer det seg derfor på følgende forskningsspørsmål: I hvilken grad fører samarbeidet mellom IDS, NRYF, og lokale klubber til at de rusutsatte opplever a) inkludering, b) mestring og c) medvirkning? KONTEKST En norsk kontekst er valgt fordi inkluderingsprosjekter mellom det...

Kunnskap Kristiania

  • Work experience alone is not enough for good learning
    Institutt for ledelse og organisasjon

    Work experience alone is not enough for good learning

    For students to learn effectively through practice, simply sending them into working life is not sufficient.
    Read more
  • Kristiania hosts International conference on Work-Integrated Learning
    Institutt for ledelse og organisasjon

    Kristiania hosts International conference on Work-Integrated Learning

    Kristiania Hosts International Conference on Work-Integrated Learning
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