Departement of Psychology, Pedagogy and Law

The section has three major disciplines:

  • The Section for Psychology, Pedagogy and Law's Academic Profile relates to research and teaching related to learning, development and law. Pedagogy is a field of study, science and an internship that deals with parenting, socialization, learning and teaching in different contexts and at different ages. Common is knowledge of how we humans develop and learn. Studies in psychology provide knowledge that explains and predicts actions of humans, alone andin groups and knowledge of the cognitive mechanisms behind it.  Forensic science deals with major areas such as health law, labour law, property rights, market law and inheritance law.

  • The section has several research groups such as the Critical Thinking Research Lab researching learning, development and teaching critical thinking in people with different learningprofiles. The research group Cognition and Art Research Group has an interdisciplinary focusand looks at the relationship between cognition and art. In the research lab The PIT there are a number of exciting studies on perception, interactive technology, and interaction between humans and machines.

  • The section provides both annual units and bachelor's programmes both on campus and as online studies. We focus on providing educations the labour market needs and have several exciting programmes under development both at bachelor's and master's level.


All employees
  • Ashley Rebecca Holt Bell

    Ashley Rebecca Holt Bell

    • Assistant Professor

    Kristiania University College

    Institutt for psykologi, pedagogikk og juss

    Ashley Rebecca Holt Bell
  • Aase Marie Rolstad

    Aase Marie Rolstad

    • Assistant Professor

    Kristiania University College

    Institutt for psykologi, pedagogikk og juss

    Aase Marie Rolstad
  • Dan-Mikael Ellingsen

    • Professor

    Kristiania University College

    Institutt for psykologi, pedagogikk og juss

    Dan-Mikael Ellingsen
  • Anette Andresen

    Anette Andresen

    • Associate Professor

    Kristiania University College

    Institutt for psykologi, pedagogikk og juss

    Anette Andresen
  • Dharany Thurairajah

    Dharany Thurairajah

    • Assistant Professor

    Kristiania University College

    Institutt for psykologi, pedagogikk og juss

    Dharany Thurairajah
  • Espen Wilner Sjøberg

    Espen Wilner Sjøberg

    • Associate Professor

    Kristiania University College

    Institutt for psykologi, pedagogikk og juss

    Espen Wilner Sjøberg
  • Helene Hjelmervik

    Helene Hjelmervik

    • Associate Professor

    Kristiania University College

    Institutt for psykologi, pedagogikk og juss

    Helene Hjelmervik
  • Janne Eldevik

    • Assistant Professor

    Kristiania University College

    Institutt for psykologi, pedagogikk og juss

    Janne Eldevik

Research projects

  • On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. This invasion has enormous consequences for health and health systems. This event took place at the same time as the health systems in Europe are struggling to rebalance services and finances after the Covid-19 pandemic (Leon, 2022). In addition, the physical and psychological problems experienced by millions of refugees and internally displaced persons are significant. Since the invasion began, over 40,000 Ukrainian refugees have settled in...

  • Forskningen skal utforske under hvilke betingelser friske personer hallusinerer (hører stemmer). For å gjøre dette kombinerer vi to typer betingelser, hvit støy og absolutt stillhet, som representerer to sensoriske ytterpunkter ved at den første overstimulerer (bottom-up drevet) og den andre understimulerer (top-down drevet) det auditive systemet. Begge betingelsene har tidligere blitt assosiert med hallusinasjoner men ikke blitt undersøkt samtidig. I denne studien ønsker vi å undersøke hvilk...

  • The project looks at gaming in those of middle-to older age, in particular how gaming could benefit the cognitive abilities of older people. Previous studies have found that retired people playing videos have increased attention, memory and problem solving abilities, provided that they enjoy the game. This project further investigates the interaction between age, cognitive abilities, cognitive aging, and video game perception and experience.

  • Exploring the use of narrative therapy with Ukrainian refugees
    Institutt for psykologi, pedagogikk og juss

    Exploring the use of narrative therapy with Ukrainian refugees

    Ukrainian students play a key role in a new interdisciplinary research project at Kristiania University College.
    Read more