3233 - Session-based subject

AI for Cyber security

Learn about the applicability and necessity of using artificial intelligence in cybersecurity, as well as designing strategies for data management and implementation of relevant AI models.

kr 22 950
Amount of hand-ins
Admission requirements
Form type
Subject supervisor
Andrii Shalaginov
Subject code
Subject description
No description

Cybersecurity became an inseparable part of our modern digitalized life. With all the connected devices we witness a tremendous increase in the amount of data that often hide traces of attacks or illegal activities. Not only hard to process such data by human experts, but also impossible to comprehend all possible details and contextual information related to unwanted cyber activities. In this course, students will be introduced to fundamental concepts and models from Artificial Intelligences such that clustering, classification, and regression that can be applied to most of the data contained areas in cybersecurity. These include, but not limited to, computer viruses’ analysis, network traffic, financial crime investigations, etc. AI helps to improve the speed and efficiency of data processing and therefore is being integrated in many modern industrial cybersecurity solutions.

Learning outcomes

Through this course, the student will learn about the applicability and necessity of using Artificial Intelligence in multiple domains of cybersecurity and will be capable of formulating the best data processing strategy and application of the most relevant AI model depending on the task. Furthermore, the course will give an insight into how to program training and testing phases of the AI models to tackle Big Data problems in the cybersecurity domain, as well as to derive necessary solutions time-efficiently.

Subject details

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