3241 - Session-based subject

Critical infrastructure and Operational Security

Learn more about cybersecurity risks in critical infrastructure, digital information security architecture for enterprise systems, modeling security infrastructure, implementing security measures, and controls for operational safety.

kr 22 950
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The course centers on the essential aspects of ICT infrastructures and operational security within enterprise systems. It delves into critical topics such as cyber risk in critical infrastructures, the digital information security architecture of enterprise systems, modeling security infrastructure, implementing security measures and controls for operational security, and exploring emerging themes in critical infrastructure and operational security, including AI, cloud computing, and Blockchain technologies. 

Learning outcome

This course empowers students with essential insights into critical infrastructure and operational security, playing a pivotal role in the governance of Information Systems (IS). Through comprehensive exploration, students acquire the ability to recognize strategic assets and vulnerabilities present within the critical infrastructure of enterprise systems. The curriculum delves into various enterprise security architecture models, equipping students with a multifaceted understanding of the complex interplay between security and operational excellence. 

Practical skills development forms a key aspect of the course, enabling students to analyze cyber risk scenarios through the lens of enterprise architecture models. With a strategic approach, students learn to specify crucial requirements for effective enterprise security architectures, ensuring robust protection against potential threats. Additionally, students gain the skills to design and implement defense mechanisms aimed at safeguarding the critical infrastructure within enterprise systems. This hands-on skill acquisition aligns with the broader goal of preparing students to address real-world challenges and contribute to the enhancement of operational security. 

Beyond theoretical knowledge and skill acquisition, the course nurtures a general competence that extends across multiple dimensions. Students are adept at identifying both strategic assets and vulnerabilities inherent in the critical infrastructure of enterprise systems. By engaging with various cyber risk scenarios within enterprise systems, students develop a holistic perspective on potential threats and vulnerabilities. A significant outcome of the course is the ability to design operational enterprise cyber defense programs, bridging the gap between theoretical concepts and practical implementation, and effectively contributing to the safeguarding of critical infrastructure within enterprise systems. 

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