Price overview

The price overview below applies to students who start their studies in the autumn of 2025. The tuition fee will be invoiced to you in two equal instalments. You will receive one invoice in August/September and one invoice in January/February.

For studies lasting more than one school year, the price will be adjusted annually along with regular societal price increases.

Price overview

Master programmes last two academic years. Tuition fees listed are for one academic year and include lectures and standard examination fees. There is also a fee per semester for membership in the student organisation at your place of study.

As a student at Kristiania University of Applied Sciences, you may apply for loans and grants from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen).

Kristiania University of Applied Sciences is a foundation whose purpose is teaching and research. All financial surplus is used to strengthen the academic and learning environment.

Tuition fees for students from countries outside the EEA area

Due to new government guidelines, students from countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland starting their studies in the fall of 2024 need to be aware that they will be subject to an additional fee in addition to the tuition at Kristiania.

The surcharge is calculated as follows:

  • For the School of Arts, Design, and Media, the surcharge is 60%.
  • For the School of Health Sciences, the surcharge is 30%.
  • For the School of Communication, Leadership, and Marketing, the surcharge is 30%.
  • For the School of Economics, Innovation, and Technology, the surcharge is 30%.

It is important to note that this increase does not apply to exchange students from our partner institutions or to students who have already commenced a study program at Kristiania, provided they have an existing study contract.

Learn more about the additional fee and various exemptions.