
  • Project period: 2021 - 2028


Earth4All is a research consortium actively engaged in multidisciplinary research aimed towards supporting the Earth4All campaign launched by the Club of Rome. The primary research goal is the continuous development of a system dynamics model able to simulate complex future development scenarios, integrating the coevolution of biophysical and socioeconomic variables. The model illustrates the scope and feasibility of globally-coordinated policy intervention aimed towards reconducting current development trajectories within Earth boundaries, while preserving collective social well-being.

The current focus of the project is on the exploration of alternative viable policy and financing scenarios to achieve a Giant Leap - a significant modification of our long-term development trajectories towards sustainability, the relationship between Earth4All projections and the UNs SDGs, and the determination of the size and distribution of the costs implied by such transformative scenarios.

External website:


  • Jørgen Randers

    • Project manager

    BI Norwegian Business School

  • Ben Callegari

    • Associate Professor

    Kristiania University College

    School EIT faglig

    Ben Callegari