Preliminary Program and Registration Info

Below you will find the preliminary program for the WIL 25 conference. The program will be updated continiously. Registration starts on March 14.


Pre-conference activities in Oslo 

MONDAY 22 sept

1030 - 1200 Registration and networking  

1200 - 1300 Welcome and opening  

1315 - 1600 Paralell sessions 

1615 - 1715 Workshop 1:

  • Shaping the future landscape of WIL -  Contemporary issues of WIL  
  • Workshop PhD: WIL in PhD programs

1900 - Social gathering/light dinner 

TUESDAY 23 sept

0845    Key note Stephen Billet. Read interview with Billett here!

0945 - 1200 Paralell sessions

1200 - 1300 Lunch 

1300 - 1500 Academia Meets Worklife

  • Success stories and refelctions from different continents
  • Worklife key notes - "Expectations and challenges"
  • Debate: "Expectations and  challenges"
1530 - 1700  Workshop 2:
  • Shaping the future of WIL - Contemporary issues of WIL
  • Workshop PhD: WIL in PhD programs

1900 - Social gathering/conference dinner 

WEDNESDAY 24 sept  

0845 - 1115 Paralell sessions 

1100 - 1200 Closing and way forward 

1200 -  Lunch to go

Registration Info

Conference registration opens March 14. Conference fee (Early Bird) is NOK 4,900. The fee includes conference participation, lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as dinner on Monday and Tuesday. 

If you wish to stay a few days extra to visit Oslo during the weekend, there will be a pre-conference program where you can experience different aspects of Oslo and its surroundings. More information about the weekend program will be available on March 14.


Work Integrated Learning

WIL25 is the third international conference on work-integrated learning.
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