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Delphine Caruelle er førsteamanuensis i markedsføring ved Høyskolen Kristiania. Hennes primære forskningsinteresser ligger i skjæringspunktet mellom tjenestemarkedsføring og forbrukeratferd. Caruelle leder forskningsgruppen ERG.
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This interdisciplinary group was founded in 2020 and consists of faculty members from two departments at SCLM. Their research consists of employing an experimental method to understand and predict the behaviour of individuals (consumers, leaders, employees). Over the past five years, members of this research group have published in peer-reviewed journals at level 1 (e.g. Psychology & Marketing) and at level 2 (e.g. the Journal of Business Research, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Frontiers in Psychology) and presented their research at international conferences (e.g. ACR North American Advances, Academy of Management conference)