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Kontakt: olav.johansen@kristiania.no

Olav Johansen

Olav Johansen er førstelektor i organisasjon og ledelse ved Høyskolen Kristiania og underviser i forhandling, påvirkning, ledelse, strategi og kompetanseutvikling. Han leder forskningsgruppen KMOL.
Mer informasjon om Olav

The idea is to think big and start small and to create an informal, diverse, bottom-up-driven group. The group was created in early October 2020 and has currently five members from SCLM, including two PhD students. The members have published in books and high-ranking journals, including Industry and Innovation, the Scandinavian Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Trust Research, Regional Studies, the Journal of the Knowledge Economy, FORMakademisk, Søkelys på arbeidslivet, the Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, the International Journal of Innovation Management, the International Journal of Action Research and Systemic Practice and Action Research. One group member is also involved in the anthology project ‘Leading work and people in the new working life’. A substantial part of the associated publications and the work conducted in this research group are directly relevant as curriculum for the PhD course Change Management and Organisational Learning.