Maike Luimes
- Seniorrådgiver
- Pedagogikk
- Felles administrasjon
Maike Luimes jobber som seniorrådgiver ved senter for pedagogisk utvikling ved Høyskolen Kristiania.
Ansatte detaljer
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Ludvigsen, Kristine, Luimes, Maike & Siddiq, Fazilat (2024). UH-institusjoners arbeid med forskning på egen praksis: en casestudie. I Husebø, Dag, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Stalheim, Odd Rune, Erikson, Inger Carin, Isaksen, Robert, Mavroudi, Anna & Wallin, Patric (red.) Det universitets- og høgskolepedagogiske vitenskapsområde i Norge - fremvekst, grunnlagstenkning og "state of the art". Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-02-86079-0. doi: 10.23865/cdf.225.ch9
- Luimes, Maike Kristina (2021). Framing policy problems and solutions in education policymaking: Pre-vocational education in Norwegian lower secondary school . European Educational Research Journal. ISSN 1474-9041. doi: 10.1177/14749041211044602
- Luimes, Maike & Karseth, Berit (2018). Pre-vocational education in the curriculum: the case of Norwegian lower secondary education. Journal of Curriculum Studies. ISSN 0022-0272. 51(2) s 245-261. doi: 10.1080/00220272.2018.1528301
- Sivesind, Kirsten & Luimes, Maike (2017). Didaktik and curriculum studies: a European perspective. I Lee, John Chi-kin & Kennedy, Kerry J. (red.) Theorizing Teaching and Learning in Asia and Europe. A Conversation between Chinese Curriculum and European Didactics. Routledge. ISBN 9781138805996. s 217-231. doi: 10.4324/9781315751900-13
- Luimes, Maike (2014). Programmet for basiskompetanse i arbeidslivet - mer enn grunnleggende ferdigheter? I Strand, Torill (red.) Folkedanningens vandringer. Folkeuniversitetet 150 år. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-1687-1. s 220-231.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Luimes, Maike Kristina (2023). Teaching in higher education (THE project): Teacher beliefs about teaching and research on teaching in higher education.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Luimes, Maike Kristina (2020). Når undervisernes oppfatninger står i veien for bedre undervisning.
- Ferguson, Leila Eve & Luimes, Maike Kristina (2020). Når undervisernes oppfatninger står i veien for bedre undervisning. Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X.
- Luimes, Maike Kristina (2020). Addressing policy problems: Pre-vocational education in Norwegian lower secondary education.
- Luimes, Maike (2018). Legitimicy of changes in lower secondary school curriculum: Framing the ideas for pre-vocational education.
- Luimes, Maike & Karseth, Berit (2017). Pre-vocational education in a unitary education system: The case of Norwegian Lower Secondary Education.
- Luimes, Maike & Karseth, Berit (2017). Pre-vocational education in a comprehensive school system: The case of Norwegian Lower Secondary Education.
- Luimes, Maike & Karseth, Berit (2017). Pre-vocational education in the curriculum: The case of Norwegian Lower Secondary Education.
- Luimes, Maike (2016). Legitimation of pre-vocational education in Norway.
- Luimes, Maike (2016). Centre for Comparative and International Education and Schriewer's theoretical contribution.
- Luimes, Maike (2016). Curriculum policy and practice: Pre-vocational orientation in Norwegian Lower Secondary School.
- Luimes, Maike (2015). Curriculum as a governing tool: The formation of subject matter content and its legitimation.
- Luimes, Maike (2015). Legitimation and organization of vocational oriented subjects in lower secondary school.
- Sivesind, Kirsten & Luimes, Maike (2015). Conceptualizing Curriculum and Bildung: rethinking the ‘whys’ and ‘whats’ of teaching within a European Research Discourse.
- Luimes, Maike (2014). Curriculum design and development in a comparative perspective: A study of vocational oriented subjects in lower secondary school in Norway and Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia).
- Luimes, Maike & Sivesind, Kirsten (2014). A comparison of subject matter content and the semantics of new curricula for lower secondary school in Norway and Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia).
- Luimes, Maike & Sivesind, Kirsten (2014). A comparison of subject matter content and the semantics of new curricula for lower secondary school in Norway and Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia).
- Luimes, Maike & Sivesind, Kirsten (2014). Content for teaching or competencies for learning? The formation of subject matter content and its legitimation.
- Luimes, Maike Kristina (2013). Curriculum design and development: A comparative study of vocational oriented subjects in lower secondary school in Norway and Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia).
- Ferguson, Leila Eve, Ludvigsen, Kristine, Luimes, Maike & Siddiq, Fazilat (2024). UH-institusjoners arbeid med forskning på egen praksis: en casestudie. I Husebø, Dag, Ferguson, Leila Eve, Stalheim, Odd Rune, Erikson, Inger Carin, Isaksen, Robert, Mavroudi, Anna & Wallin, Patric (red.) Det universitets- og høgskolepedagogiske vitenskapsområde i Norge - fremvekst, grunnlagstenkning og "state of the art". Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-02-86079-0. doi:
- 2019 - nåSeniorrådgiverHøyskolen Kristiania
- 2018UniversitetslektorOsloMet
- 2013 - 2018StipendiatUniversitetet i Oslo
- 2012 - 2013SeniorkonsulentUniversitetet i Oslo
- Master i pedagogikkUniversitetet i Oslo