Audra Diers-Lawson
- Professor
- Institutt for kommunikasjon
- School of Communication, Leadership and Marketing
Audra Diers-Lawson (PhD, 2006 University of Texas-Austin) er professor i risiko- og krisekommunikasjon og doktorgradsleder i kommunikasjon og ledelse ved Kristiania.
Med undervisnings- og forskningserfaring i fem land og med mer enn 35 vitenskapelige publikasjoner, inkludert en monografi, og redigerte volumer bare de siste fem til seks årene, erfaring med å redigere Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research, tjene som korrekturleser for mer enn 20 tidsskrifter, og holde lederstillinger med ECREA og ICRCA, Diers-Lawson er en global leder innen risiko- og krisekommunikasjon. Hennes forskning fokuserer på sammenhenger mellom risiko, krise, interessenter og organisasjoner.
Endelig er Diers-Lawson lidenskapelig opptatt av å bygge bro mellom akademiske og praktiserende samfunn for å oversette forskning til praksis. Hun deltar jevnlig som hovedtaler i online og ansikt til ansikt arrangementer med kommunikasjonseksperter og beslutningstakere fra ulike bransjer. For eksempel har hun deltatt i workshops for å dele, evaluere og utvikle beste praksis innen risikokommunikasjon, samfunnsengasjement og infodemisk ledelse (RCCE-IM) med utøvere på Balkan og i Sentral-Asia. Hun fungerte også som innholdsekspert i risikokommunikasjon ved en felles evalueringsøvelse i Kosovo.
Til slutt samarbeider hun for å gi råd og produsere forskning som påvirker politikk og praksis med institusjoner som Asia-Europe Foundation, EU og WHO-Europe. Spesielt er hun et innvielsesmedlem av WHO-Europas RCCE-IM Technical Advisory Group.
Ansatte detaljer
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2024). It’s complicated…. Exploring vaccination attitudes and the vaccination infodemic in the UK throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. I Sellnow, Timothy L. & Sellnow, Deanna D. (red.) Communicating Risk and Safety. De Gruyter Mouton. ISBN 9783110752359. doi: 10.1515/9783110752427-029
- Monehin, Daniel & Diers-Lawson, Audra (2024). A Model of Pragmatic Optimism for More Effective Crisis Leadership. I Harrison, Christian (red.) Leadership During a Crisis: A Focus on Leadership Development. Routledge. ISBN 9781032383552. s 46-68. doi: 10.4324/9781003344629-4
- Diers-Lawson, Audra & Fredheim, Nanna Alida Grit (2024). Designing Strategic Communication Messages for Health in a High Trust Society: Analyzing the Factors Behind Vaccine Confidence in Norway. I Alghasi, Sharam, Vanvik, Ester Conings, Barland, Jens & Falkheimer, Jesper (red.) Strategic Communication – Contemporary Perspectives. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-02-78099-9. s 37-64. doi: 10.23865/noasp.208.ch3
- Schwarz, Andreas & Diers-Lawson, Audra (2024). Mediated crises and strategic crisis communication of third sector organizations: a content analysis of crisis reporting in six countries. Corporate Communications. An International Journal. ISSN 1356-3289. doi: 10.1108/CCIJ-08-2023-0117
- Zeng, Cheng, Kelly, Stephanie, Goke, Ryan & Diers-Lawson, Audra (2024). Employee voice as a means to facilitate organizational safety and crisis preparedness. Communication Quarterly. ISSN 0146-3373. s 1-21. doi: 10.1080/01463373.2024.2344760
- Diers-Lawson, Audra & Omondi, Grace (2024). Ripples, Waves, and Riptides: Reconceptualizing Wicked, Novel, and Ongoing Crises as Prolonged Crises. I Fisher Liu, Brooke & Mehta, Amisha (red.) Routledge Handbook of Risk, Crisis, and Disaster Communication. Routledge. ISBN 9781003363330.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra, Schwarz, Andreas, Meissner, Florian & Ravazzani, Silvia (2024). Risk and Crisis Communication in Europe: Towards Integrating Theory and Practice in Unstable and Turbulent Times. Routledge. ISBN 978-1032437132.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2024). Translating Research to Practice: Identifying Best Practice in Pandemic Communication. I Diers-Lawson, Audra, Schwarz, Andreas, Meissner, Florian & Ravazzani, Silvia (red.) Risk and Crisis Communication in Europe:
Towards Integrating Theory and Practice in Unstable and Turbulent Times. Routledge. ISBN 978-1032437132. s 161-197. doi: 10.4324/9781003375296-13
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2024). Denigrated, delegitimized, and erased: prejudice against Scots in the UK. I Nshom, Elvis & Croucher, Stephen (red.) Research Handbook on Communication and Prejudice. Routledge. ISBN 9781802209655. s 283-300. doi: 10.4337/9781802209662.00028
- Diers-Lawson, Audra & Lawson, Stuart J. (2024). Hallucination or vision? Establishing reliability and validity of AI-based qualitative analysis of the unified model of activism in the Scottish independence Twitter debate. Corporate Communications. An International Journal. ISSN 1356-3289. doi: 10.1108/CCIJ-08-2024-0139
- Croucher, Stephen & Diers-Lawson, Audra (2023). Pandemic Communication. Routledge. ISBN 9781032075433.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2023). The New Normal: Pandemic Communication and Sustainable Organizations. I Croucher, Stephen & Diers-Lawson, Audra (red.) Pandemic Communication. Routledge. ISBN 9781032075433. s 96-116.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2023). Reflecting on Theory and Research in Pandemic Communication. I Croucher, Stephen & Diers-Lawson, Audra (red.) Pandemic Communication. Routledge. ISBN 9781032075433. s 289-302.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra, Omondi, Grace & Hillier, Sophie (2023). Shooting from the Hip or Taking Careful Aim? Developing the VISTA analytic framework comparing the English and Scottish visual campaigns for self-protective behavior throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Visual Political Communication. ISSN 2633-3732. 9 s 59-97. doi: 10.1386/jvpc_00017_1
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2023). iScotland: building a unified model of activism in multi-platform communication environments from traditional PR theory. Corporate Communications. An International Journal. ISSN 1356-3289. 28(4) s 599-617. doi: 10.1108/CCIJ-12-2022-0153
- Schwarz, Andreas, Alpers, Francis, Wagner-Offermann, Elisabeth & Diers-Lawson, Audra (2023). The Global Study of COVID News: Scope, Findings, and Implications of Quantitative Content Analyses of the COVID-19 News Coverage in the First Two Years of the Pandemic. Health Communication. ISSN 1041-0236. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2023.2226932
- Croucher, Stephen, Nguyen, Thao, Ding, George Guoyu, Diers-Lawson, Audra, Spencer, Anthony, Permyakova, Tatiana M., Dutta, Mohan, Turdubaeva, Elira, Ashwell, Doug, Bustamante,, Sandra & Gomez, Oscar (2023). Intergroup Communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A 20-Nation Analysis of Prejudice. I Croucher, Stephen & Diers-Lawson, Audra (red.) Pandemic Communication. Routledge. ISBN 9781032075433. s 174-196.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra & Collins, Lorraine (2022). Taking off the rose-colored glasses: the influence of crises on employee relationship management. Employee Relations. ISSN 0142-5455. 44(4) s 833-849. doi: 10.1108/ER-03-2021-0115
- Monehin, Daniel & Diers-Lawson, Audra (2022). Pragmatic optimism, crisis leadership, and contingency theory: A view from the C-suite. Public Relations Review. ISSN 0363-8111. 48(4) doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2022.102224
- Topic, Martina, Diers-Lawson, Audra & Goodman, Christian (2022). Middle-Class “Chavs” From Working-Class Areas? Habitus, the Attainment Gap, and the Commodification of Higher Education Among Communication Students in England. Journal of Communication Pedagogy. ISSN 2578-2568. 6 s 65-82. doi: 10.31446/JCP.2022.1.08
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2022). ‘She's Played a Blinder’ : Nicola Sturgeon as a Crisis Leader and Change Agent in Scotland. I Topić, Martina (red.) Towards a New Understanding of Masculine Habitus and Women and Leadership in Public Relations. Routledge. ISBN 9781003161622. s 228-243.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra & Pang, Augustine (2021). Strategic crisis management: State of the field, challenges and opportunities. I Valentini, Chiara (red.) Public relations. De Gruyter Mouton. ISBN 3110552299. s 195-216. doi: 10.1515/9783110554250-011FULLTEKST
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2021). Eureka: Identifying what it means to practice student-centered teaching in a hypermodern age. Journal of Communication Pedagogy. ISSN 2578-2568. doi: 10.31446/JCP.2021.1.10
- Diers-Lawson, Audra, Symons, Amelia & Zeng, Cheng (2021). Building crisis capacity: Limitations of reactive crisis response and need for proactive public relations. Corporate Communications. An International Journal. ISSN 1356-3289. doi: 10.1108/CCIJ-02-2021-0024
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2020). Crisis Communication: Managing Stakeholder Relationships. Routledge. ISBN 9781138346253.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2020). Applying the stakeholder relationship model as an issue management and risk communication tool. I Peksevgen, Burcu (red.) Issues, Risk and Crisis Communication Themes in Issues, Risk and Crisis Communication: A Multi-Dimensional Perspective. Peter Lang Publishing Group. ISBN 9783631816516.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra & Qureshi, Noumaan (2020). Healthcare is more than curing the disease: The role of stakeholder relationship management in healthcare. I Tench, Ralph & Waddington, Stephen (red.) Exploring Public Relations and Management Communication. Pearson Education Academic Publisher. ISBN 1292321741.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2020). Norsk Tipping’s loneliest stakeholder: Crisis, issues and the whistleblower’s voice. I Svenkerud, Peer Jacob, Sørnes, Jan-Oddvar & Browning, Larry (red.) Whistleblowing, Communication and Consequences: Lessons from The Norwegian National Lottery. Routledge. ISBN 9780367421335.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2017). Crisis Communication. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.397
- Diers-Lawson, Audra & Croucher, Stephen (2017). Sports, culture, and financial crisis: A cross-cultural comparison of the social media responses of struggling sports associations in the United States and United Kingdom. I Jin, Yan (red.) Social Media and Crisis Communication. Routledge. ISBN 1138812005.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra, Croucher, Stephen, Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara & Wilson, Paul A. (2017). Approaches to conflict: Mediated and group dynamics. Rowman & Littlefield International. ISBN 9781498535489.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2012). Reconstructing stakeholder relationships using ‘corporate social responsibility’ as a response strategy to cases of corporate irresponsibility: The case of the 2010 BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico. I Tench, Ralph, Sun, William & Jones, Brian (red.) Corporate social irresponsibility: A challenging concept. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. ISBN 978-1-78052-998-1. doi: 10.1108/S2043-9059(2012)0000004017
- Diers-Lawson, Audra, Meissner, Florian, Schwarz, Andreas & Ravazzani, Silvia (2024). Introduction. I Diers-Lawson, Audra, Schwarz, Andreas, Meissner, Florian & Ravazzani, Silvia (red.) Risk and Crisis Communication in Europe: Towards Integrating Theory and Practice in Unstable and Turbulent Times. Routledge. ISBN 978-1032437132. s 1-10.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2023). Testimony: Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. FULLTEKST
- Duncan, Ben & Diers-Lawson, Audra (2023). Preparing for International and Cross-Cultural Crises: The Challenges of Research in Action, Competing Voices, Inclusivity, and the Interplay of Responsibility in Global Organizations.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2023). Translating the science: A contingency approach to risk communication and community engagement.
- George, Amiso & Diers-Lawson, Audra (2023). Cultural Contradictions: A Critical Reflection on Current Events in Nigeria.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2023). Denigrated, delegitimized, & erased: Prejudice against Scots in the UK.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra, Ashwell, Doug & Murray, Niki (2023). Institutional Trust and Vaccine Confidence: The Case of New Zealand.
- Woodward, Laura, Salvi, Cristiana, Diers-Lawson, Audra, Amlôt, Richard, Gaspar, Rui, Aslan, Dìlek, Dzhumalieva, Aizhana & Kamberi, Fatjona (2023). Risk communication, community engagement and infodemic management (RCCE-IM) can save lives: success stories.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2022). iScotland: Crises, the integrated model of activism and Twitter. I Austin, Lucinda & Jin, Yan (red.) Social Media and Crisis Communication, 2nd edition. Routledge. ISBN 9780367489007.
- Bjorck, Albena, Diers-Lawson, Audra & Ducrey, Felix (2022). Evolution and Effectiveness of the Governmental Risk and Crisis Communication on Twitter in the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Switzerland. FULLTEKST
- Diers-Lawson, Audra & Hillier, Sophie (2022). The 2010 BP Gulf of Mexico disaster could be seen from space, but does it still affect attitudes about the company? Analyzing attitudes and factors influencing long-term brand damage.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2022). iScotland: A Unified model of activism in a media rich and multiplatform environment.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2022). Was COVID-19 a game changer for changing vaccine hesitancy in the UK?: Understanding the role of competitive message environments about vaccination throughout the pandemic on British vaccine attitudes.
- Bjorck, Albena, Diers-Lawson, Audra & Ducrey, Felix (2022). Effective governmental risk and crisis communication on Twitter: A study of communication strategies and their development during the COVID-19 pandemic on the example of Switzerland.
- Hillier, Sophie, Pugh, Esther & Diers-Lawson, Audra (2022). Bridging the gap between the fashion industry and crisis communication theory: Evaluating 50 years of value co-creation, public relations, and crisis response in the industry.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2022). Stakeholder centered risk communication and community engagement: Exploring the central role of communication excellence in managing health outcomes.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2022). Paving the way: Risk communication and community engagement lessons from Europe.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2017). Antecedents and indicators of strong emotional reactions to crises among stakeholders. I Diers-Lawson, Audra, Croucher, Stephen, Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara & Wilson, Paul A. (red.) Approaches to conflict: Mediated and group dynamics. Rowman & Littlefield International. ISBN 9781498535489.
- Diers-Lawson, Audra (2024). It’s complicated…. Exploring vaccination attitudes and the vaccination infodemic in the UK throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. I Sellnow, Timothy L. & Sellnow, Deanna D. (red.) Communicating Risk and Safety. De Gruyter Mouton. ISBN 9783110752359. doi:
- 2022 - nåProfessor of Risk and Crisis Communication / Head of Ph.D. Program Communication and LeadershipKristiania
- 2016 - 2022Senior Lecturer / Academic Chair of the Retail Institute, Research LeadLeeds Beckett University (UK) / School of Public Relations and Journalism – Leeds Business School
- 2021 - 2022Visiting Lecturer in Crisis Communication and Corporate CommunicationHanze University (Netherlands)/ Masters in International Communication
- 2014 - 2016Course Director for MSc in Corporate Communication and Reputation ManagementUniversity of Manchester, Department of Marketing
- 2012 - 2014Part-Time Lecturer / Academic Lead for CommunicationColorado State University Global Campus, Department of Communication
- 2009 - 2012Assistant ProfessorMarist College, School of Communication
- 2006 - 2009Director of ForensicsUnited States Air Force Academy
- 2006Ph.D. Organizational CommunicationUniversity of Texas-Austin
- 1999M.A. Communication and Mass MediaUniversity of Wyoming 1997
- 1997B.A. Speech CommunicationColorado State University