Anne Haugen Gausdal
- Professor emeritus
- Institutt for ledelse og organisasjon
- School of Communication, Leadership and Marketing
Anne H. Gausdal er professor i organisasjon, ledelse og innovasjon. Hun har doktorgrad (ph.d.) i bedriftsøkonomi fra Handelshøgskolen, Nord Universitet, har hovedfag i strategi og kompetanseledelse (cand.Merc), er cand.mag. i organisasjon og ledelse og bioingeniør. Hun jobber som prodekan for forskning ved School of Communication, Leadership and Marketing og som professor ved Institutt for ledelse og organisasjon.
Annes doktorgrad omhandler nettverk mellom små- og mellomstore bedrifter og utvikling av metodikk som bidrar til tillitsbygging, kunnskapsdeling og innovasjon.
Anne er aktiv i flere forskningsgrupper og hennes faglige interessefelt er nettverk, tillit, motivasjon, kunnskapsledelse, metodikk for innovasjon og tillitsbygging, sikkerhets- og beredskaps ledelse og digitaliseringens konsekvenser for ledelse og organisasjon.
Ansatte detaljer
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Svendsen, Mari (2023). Developing growth mindsets in doctoral supervisors. UNIPED. ISSN 1500-4538. 46(2) s 138-148. doi: 10.18261/uniped.46.2.7
- Thon, Andreas Norgår & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2023). HRs bidrag til utvikling av organisatorisk resiliens i krisehåndtering. I Thon, Andreas Norgår, Traavik, Laura E. Mercer & Vedøy, Kjetil Andreas (red.) HR i møte med det nye arbeidslivet. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202717223. s 15-41. doi: 10.23865/noasp.192.ch2
- Evenseth, Lise Lotte, Sydnes, Maria & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2022). Building Organizational Resilience Through Organizational Learning: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Communication. ISSN 2297-900X. 7 doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2022.837386
- Ta, Thi Diem My, Kim, Tae-Eun & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2022). Leadership styles and safety performance in high-risk industries: a systematic review. Safety and Reliability. ISSN 0961-7353. 41(1) s 10-44. doi: 10.1080/09617353.2022.2035627
- Kari, Raheleh, Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Steinert, Ralf Martin (2022). EEG Based Workload and Stress Assessment During Remote Ship Operations. TransNav, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. ISSN 2083-6473. 16(2) s 295-305. doi: 10.12716/1001.16.02.13FULLTEKST
- Sydnes, Maria, Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Åssveen, Ingrid Dahl (2022). Lean Production – One path to organizational Resilience? . Beta. ISSN 0801-3322. 36(1) doi: 10.18261/beta.36.1.4
- Kim, Tae-Eun & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2020). Leaders' influence tactics for safety: An exploratory study in the maritime context. Safety. ISSN 2313-576X. 6(1) doi: 10.3390/safety6010008
- Jaramillo Jimenez, Veronica, Bouhmala, Noureddine & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2020). Developing a predictive maintenance model for vessel machinery. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science. ISSN 2468-0133. 5(4) s 358-386. doi: 10.1016/j.joes.2020.03.003
- Roud, Ensieh Kheiri Pileh, Gausdal, Anne Haugen, Asgary, Ali & Carlström, Eric (2020). Outcome of collaborative emergency exercises: Differences between full‐scale and tabletop exercises. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. ISSN 0966-0879. doi: 10.1111/1468-5973.12339
- Lange, Birthe Kåfjord & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2020). Hvordan påvirker tillit og psykologisk trygghet implementering av radikale endringer? En casestudie av digital tjenesteteknologi. I Bastesen, Jarle, Lange, Birthe Kåfjord, Næss, Hans Erik & Thon, Andreas Norgår (red.) Ledelse av mennesker i det nye arbeidslivet. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202693350. s 257-277. doi: 10.23865/noasp.118.ch10
- Roud, Ensieh & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2019). Trust and emergency management: Experiences from the Arctic Sea region . Journal of Trust Research. ISSN 2151-5581. 9(2) s 203-225. doi: 10.1080/21515581.2019.1649153
- Svare, Helge, Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Möllering, Guido (2019). The function of ability, benevolence, and integrity-based trust in innovation networks. Industry and Innovation. ISSN 1366-2716. doi: 10.1080/13662716.2019.1632695
- Kim, Tae-Eun, Sharma, Amit, Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Chae, Chong-ju (2019). Impact of automation technology on gender parity in maritime industry. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JoMA). ISSN 1651-436X. s 1-15. doi: 10.1007/s13437-019-00176-w
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen, Czachorowski, Karen Vanessa & Solesvik, Marina (2018). Applying Blockchain technology: Evidence from Norwegian companies. Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050. 10(6) s 1-16. doi: 10.3390/su10061985
- Kari, Raheleh, Gaspar, Henrique Murilo, Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Morshedi, Maghsoud (2018). Human Interactions Framework for Remote Ship Operations. I Antsaklis, Panos (red.) The 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). ISBN 9781538674994. s 581-589. doi: 10.1109/MED.2018.8442624
- Underthun, Anders, Svare, Helge & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2018). Nettverksorganisasjoners betydning for kunnskapstilgang og innovasjon. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. ISSN 1504-8004. 35(3) s 203-220. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-7989-2018-03-05
- Kristiansen, Helge Tor & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2018). Design-driven innovation in design practice.
The case of designing a ship-bridge vision . FormAkademisk - Forskningstidsskriftet for design og designdidaktikk. ISSN 1890-9515. 11(5) s 1-18. doi: 10.7577/formakademisk.1856
- Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2017). The multifaceted role of the network orchestrator - a longitudinal study. International Journal of Innovation Management. ISSN 1363-9196. 21(6) doi: 10.1142/s1363919617500463
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Makarova, Julija (2017). Trust and safety onboard. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JoMA). ISSN 1651-436X. 16(2) s 197-217. doi: 10.1007/s13437-017-0126-z
- Kim, Tae-eun & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2017). Leading for safety: A weighted safety leadership model in shipping. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. ISSN 0951-8320. 165 s 458-466. doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2017.05.002
- Svare, Helge & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2017). Dynamic capabilities and network benefits. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI). ISSN 2299-7075. 13(1) s 117-145. doi: 10.7341/20171315FULLTEKST
- Elvekrok, Ingunn, Veflen, Nina, Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2017). Firm innovation benefits from regional triple-helix networks. Regional studies. ISSN 0034-3404. 52(9) s 1214-1224. doi: 10.1080/00343404.2017.1370086
- Gausdal, Anne H. (2016). Trust-building in networks as practical social learning processes. I Jagd, Søren & Fuglsang, Lars (red.) Trust, Organizations and Social Interaction.
Studying Trust as Process within and between Organizations. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781783476190. s 125-145. doi: 10.4337/9781783476206.00016
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen, Svare, Helge & Möllering, Guido (2016). Why don't all high-trust Networks achieve strong network benefits? A case-based exploration of cooperation in Norwegian SME networks. Journal of Trust Research. ISSN 2151-5581. 6(2) s 194-212. doi: 10.1080/21515581.2016.1213173FULLTEKST
- Gausdal, Anne (2015). Methods for developing innovative SME networks. Journal of the Knowledge Economy. ISSN 1868-7865. 6(4) s 978-1000. doi: 10.1007/s13132-013-0169-0FULLTEKST
- Svare, Helge & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2015). Strengthening regional innovation through network-based innovation brokering. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. ISSN 0898-5626. 27(9-10) s 619-643. doi: 10.1080/08985626.2015.1095945
- Gausdal, Anne (2014). Managing trust-building in public–private strategic alliances. I Das, T.K. (red.) Managing public-private strategic alliances. Information Age Publishing. ISBN 978-162396-487-0. s 127-150.
- Gausdal, Anne, Hildrum, Jarle Moss & Gustavsen, Bjørn (2014). Translating knowing that into knowing how: The case of trust in regional network building. International Journal of Action Research. ISSN 1861-1303. 10(1) s 8-33. doi: 10.1688/IJAR-2014-01-Gausdal
- Olsen , Nina Veflen & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2014). Strategic alliances in new product development: A literature review. I Das, T.K. (red.) Strategic Alliances for Innovation and R&D. Information Age Publishing. ISBN 978-1-62396-622-5. s 65-83.
- Gausdal, Anne & Svare, Helge (2013). Individuell versus nettverksbasert kompetansemegling. Beta. ISSN 0801-3322. 27(1) s 59-77.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Hildrum, Jarle Moss (2012). Facilitating trust building in networks: a study from the water technology industry. Systemic Practice and Action Research. ISSN 1094-429X. 25(1) s 15-38. doi: 10.1007/s11213-011-9199-3
- Gausdal, Anne (2012). Trust-building processes in the context of networks. Journal of Trust Research. ISSN 2151-5581. 2(1) s 7-30. doi: 10.1080/21515581.2012.662449
- Gausdal, Anne & Nilsen , Etty Ragnhild (2011). Orchestrating Innovative SME Networks. The Case of “HealthInnovation”. Journal of the Knowledge Economy. ISSN 1868-7865. 2(4) s 586-600. doi: 10.1007/s13132-011-0070-7
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2008). Developing regional communities of practice by network reflection: The case of the Norwegian electronics industry. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. ISSN 0898-5626. 20(3) s 209-235.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2008). Hvordan skape innovative nettverk? Magma forskning og viten. ISSN 1500-0788. 11(5) s 53-63.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2008). Network reflection : a road to regional learning, trust and innovation. Nord universitet. ISBN 9788292893043. (14)
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2007). Developing Regional Communities of Practice : the Role of the Regional University. Norwegian-Russian Cooperation in Business Education and Research : Visions and Challenges in Perspectives of the High Norteh. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 25-39.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2007). Developing regional communities of practice - the role of the regional university. I Bourmistrov, Anatoli & Mellemvik, Frode (red.) Norwegian-Russian Cooperation in Business Education and Research: Visions and Challenges in Perspectives of the High North. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202274023. s 25-39.
- Fossland, Trine Medby & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2023). Nasjonale anbefalinger om veiledning er på vei. ISSN 1894-8995. FULLTEKST
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen, Næss, Hans Erik, Lange, Birthe Kåfjord & Bastesen, Jarle (2022). Virksomhetsledelse på veien til en ny normal etter kriser. En litteraturstudie for Arbeidsgiverforeningen Spekter. Kristiania rapportserie. ISSN 2703-9439.
- Thon, Andreas Norgår & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2022). Styrk organisasjonen mot kriser. Dagens Perspektiv. ISSN 2535-6801.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Svare, Helge (2021). Tillit basert på velvilje gir økt innovasjon. Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X. s 26-27.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Svare, Helge (2021). Tillit basert på velvilje gir økt innovasjon. Dagens Perspektiv. ISSN 2535-6801. (28) s 32-32.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Svare, Helge (2021). Velviljebasert tillit hjelper innovasjonsnettverk til å lykkes. Dagens Perspektiv. ISSN 2535-6801.
- Lange, Birthe Kåfjord & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2020). Hvordan påvirker tillit og psykologisk trygghet implementering av radikale endringer?
- Roud, Ensieh & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2017). Phases of Emergency Management and the Evolution of Trust– Experiences from the Arctic sea region.
- Kulberg, Jan-Henrik & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2017). Hvordan bryte isen på møter?
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen, Möllering, Guido & Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild (2016). Refocusing the Smart-house network. I Sydow, Jörg, Schübler, Elke & Müller-Seitz, Gordon (red.) Managing Inter-Organizational Relations: Debates and Cases. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137370020. s 146-153.
- Underthun, Anders, Svare, Helge, Onsager, Knut & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2015). Nettverk og klynger: Hva er det som gjør at noen lykkes bedre enn andre?
- Imset, Marius & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2015). Is ACAP a suitable tool for RIN development?
- Olsen , Nina Veflen, Elvekrok, Ingunn, Gausdal, Anne, Nilsen , Etty Ragnhild & Scholderer, Joachim (2013). Vertical vs. Horizontal Networks: The implications for innovation.
- Elvekrok, Ingunn, Gausdal, Anne, Nilsen , Etty Ragnhild & Olsen , Nina Veflen (2013). What’s in it for the firm? Innovation benefits from participating in constructed regional triple-helix networks.
- Svare, Helge, Gausdal, Anne & Möllering, Guido (2013). Building network trust by field-configuring events.
- Nilsen , Etty Ragnhild & Gausdal, Anne (2012). The roles of the orchestrator in innovative SME networks. The case of HealthInnovation.
- Nilsen , Etty, Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Lattemann, Cristoph (2012). Universities as intermediaries for innovation and regional development.
- Gausdal, Anne, Hildrum, Jarle Moss & Gustavsen, Bjørn (2012). Knowing that and knowing how: The case of trust in inter-firm network building. FULLTEKST
- Gausdal, Anne (2012). Methods for developing Innovative SME Networks. FULLTEKST
- Gausdal, Anne & Svare, Helge (2012). Building regional innovation systems by networkbased innovation brokering. FULLTEKST
- Svare, Helge & Gausdal, Anne (2012). Network-based innovation brokering in SMEs - a road to building regional innovation systems?
- Svare, Helge & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2011). Network-based innovation brokering in SMEs - a road to building regional innovation systems?
- Svare, Helge & Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2011). Network-based innovation brokering in SMEs - a road to build regional innovation systems? FULLTEKST
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2011). Creating trust in networks.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen, Hildrum, Jarle Moss & Gustavsen, Bjørn (2011). Facilitating trust building in networks: The role of research as a co-constructor.
- Gausdal, Anne & Øvergård, Kjell Ivar (2011). Experienced seafarers’ perception and understanding of errors aboard ships.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Nilsen, Etty (2010). Orchestration of networks for regional development.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Nilsen, Etty (2010). Orchestration of networks: The case of "Health Innovation".
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2007). Samarbeidets betydning for bedrifters lønnsomhet.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2007). Creating interpersonal trust in networks : the role of management education.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2007). Creating Interpersonal Trust by Network Refection.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2007). Creating Interpersonal Trust by Network Reflection.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2006). Økende konkurranse i en flatere verden. Tønsbergs blad.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2006). Mechanisms for creating a regional innovation system : the role of a regional university.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2006). Towards a regional innovation system? the role of a regional university.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2006). Mechanisms for creating a regional innovation system : the role of a regional university.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2006). Creating trust and innovative network : the role of a regional university.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2006). Developing regional communities of practice : the role of the regional university.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2006). Developing industrial communities of practice by network reflections.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2006). Developing regional communities of practice by network reflections.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2005). Nettwork learning creating connectedness? And innovation? (Paper).
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2005). Research Perspective and the Actor Concept in Systems Thinking (Paper). Working Paper. (11) s 22.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2005). Mechanisms for creating a regional innovation system : the role of a regional university (Paper). Working Paper. (15) s 22.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2005). Kunnskapsutvikling og læringsarenaer.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2005). Ledelse og innovasjon.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2004). Verdiskaping og velferdsutvikling er viktige utfordringer i dagens Vestfold. ?
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2004). Aspects of learning in a regional network.
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen (2004). Aspects of innovation in a regional network (Project proposal).
- Gausdal, Anne Haugen & Svendsen, Mari (2023). Developing growth mindsets in doctoral supervisors. UNIPED. ISSN 1500-4538. 46(2) s 138-148. doi:
- 2019 - nåProdekan for forskning og professorHøyskolen Kristiania
- 2015 - nåProfessorUniversitetet i Sørøst-Norge (USN)
- 2018 - nåProfessor IIUiT Norges arktiske universitet
- 2001 - 2015Høyskolelektor/Stipendiat/FørsteamanuensisHøgskolen i Vestfold (USN)
- 1995 - 2001Studiekonsulent/oppdragslederHøgskolen i Vestfold (USN)
- 1984 - 1995Førstekonsulent/IT-konsulentFylkeshelsesjefen, Vestfold fylkeskommune
- 1980 - 1984Bioingeniør/Prosjektleder ITSykehuset i Vestfold
- 1979 - 1980BioingeniørSykehuset i Buskerud
- 2004 - 2008PhD. i bedriftsøkonomiNord Universitet
- 1998Cand.mag. i organisasjon og ledelseHøgskolen i Vestfold (USN)
- 1976 - 1979BioingeniørBuskerud Sentralsykehus
- 1998 - 2001Hovedfag i strategi og kompetanseledelseHøgskolen i Buskerud (USN)