Cathrine Filstad
- Professor
- Institutt for ledelse og organisasjon
- School of Communication, Leadership and Marketing
Cathrine Filstad er professor II (PhD) i ledelse som praksis, organisasjonslæring og kompetanseledelse ved Høyskolen Kristiania.
Hun er professor ved Politihøgskolen. Hennes forskningsområder er ledelse som praksis, endringsledelse, politiledelse, organisasjonslæring, læringskultur, politireform, mellomledelse, kunnskapsdeling/tillit/tilhørighet/sosial identitet, HRM, makt og politikk i organisasjoner og nyansatte læringsprosesser.
Hun har publisert et stort antall internasjonale artikler innenfor disse fagområdene. Hun har også skrevet 9 bøker, blant annet: "Organisasjonslæring - fra kunnskap til kompetanse", 2.utg. 2016, "Nyansatte læringsprosesser", 2017 og Politiledelse som praksis, 2020.
Hun er en erfaren foredragsholder i både private og offentlige organisasjoner og er en aktiv forskningsformidler i norske medier.
Ansatte detaljer
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
- Filstad, Cathrine & Rød, Anne (2024). Emotional coping by chance: Experiences of emotional coping strategies among on-scene commanders in the Norwegian police services. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. ISSN 1752-4512. 18 s 1-9. doi: 10.1093/police/paae001
- Filstad, Cathrine (2024). Role models in police leadership – When the symbolic becomes reality - Reinforcement or ways forward? The Police Journal. ISSN 0032-258X. s 1-16. doi: 10.1177/0032258X241280199
- Filstad, Cathrine, Karp, Tom & Rød, Anne (2024). What do we know about police leadership?: A review of the current status of police leadership research and practice, with suggestions for future research directions. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy. ISSN 1043-9463. doi: 10.1080/10439463.2024.2407399
- Hoel, Linda Antoniett & Filstad, Cathrine (2023). The police’s intelligence-led crisis management: Crossing knowledge boundaries of operational and intelligence practices during acute crises. The Police Journal. ISSN 0032-258X. doi: 10.1177/0032258X231196117FULLTEKST
- Filstad, Cathrine (2023). Ledelse som praksis. I Thon, Andreas Norgår, Traavik, Laura E. Mercer & Vedøy, Kjetil Andreas (red.) HR i møte med det nye arbeidslivet. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202717223. s 91-113.
- Filstad, Cathrine & Karp, Tom (2023). Possible Co-productions of Change Among Police Leaders and Police Officers in the Norwegian Police Reform. Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing (NJSP). ISSN 2703-7045. 10(1) s 1-13. doi: 10.18261/njsp.10.1.11FULLTEKST
- Filstad, Cathrine (2022). Police leadership as practice. Routledge. ISBN 9781032123288.
- Filstad, Cathrine, Olsen, Trude Høgvold & Thomassen, Anja Overgaard (2022). When sensemaking remains local: implications for distributed sensemaking in reform implementation. Journal of Workplace Learning. ISSN 1366-5626. doi: 10.1108/JWL-03-2022-0032
- Filstad, Cathrine (2022). Organisasjonslæring: fra kunnskap til kompetanse. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 9788245038958.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2022). ‘If I’m not police, then who am I?’: About belonging and identity in the police. International Journal of Police Science and Management. ISSN 1461-3557. 24(4) doi: 10.1177/14613557221106099
- Filstad, Cathrine (2021). The Power and politics of reforming leadership practices. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. ISSN 1752-4512. 15(3) s 1904-1915. doi: 10.1093/police/paab032
- Filstad, Cathrine & Karp, Tom (2020). Police leadership as a professional practice. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy. ISSN 1043-9463. doi: 10.1080/10439463.2020.1777996FULLTEKST
- Filstad, Cathrine (2020). Politiledelse som praksis. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-2787-7.
- Filstad, Cathrine, Olsen, Trude Høgvold & Karp, Tom (2020). Constructing managerial manoeuvring space in contradictory contexts. European Management Journal. ISSN 0263-2373. doi: 10.1016/j.emj.2020.10.003
- Jakobsen, Helene Filstad & Filstad, Cathrine (2020). Crossing knowledge boundaries in interprofessional collaborations knowledge sharing in the child's best interest. Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing (NJSP). ISSN 2703-7045. 7(2) s 121-136. doi: 10.18261/issn.2703-7045-2020-02-04
- Filstad, Cathrine, Traavik, Laura E. Mercer & Gorli, Mara (2019). Belonging at work: the experiences, representations and meanings of belonging. Journal of Workplace Learning. ISSN 1366-5626. 31(2) s 116-142. doi: 10.1108/JWL-06-2018-0081
- Olsen, Trude Høgvold, Glad, Tone & Filstad, Cathrine (2018). Learning to learn differently. Journal of Workplace Learning. ISSN 1366-5626. 30(1) s 18-31. doi: 10.1108/JWL-04-2017-0032
- Filstad, Cathrine, Simenova, Boyka & Visser, Max (2018). Crossing power and knowledge boundaries in knowledge sharing: the role of EMS. Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. 25(3) s 159-168. doi: 10.1108/TLO-02-2017-0024
- Filstad, Cathrine, Karp, Tom & Glomseth, Rune (2018). How police leaders learn to lead. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. ISSN 1752-4512. 14(3) s 601-615. doi: 10.1093/POLICE/PAY043
- Nilsen, Jon-Andre, Aaserud, Terje & Filstad, Cathrine (2018). Learning how to lead police investigations . International Journal of Police Science and Management. ISSN 1461-3557. 20(3) s 185-195. doi: 10.1177/1461355718793662FULLTEKST
- Borge, Baard Herman, Filstad, Cathrine, Olsen, Trude Høgvold & Skogmo, Per Øyvind (2018). Diverging assessments of learning organizations during reform implementation. Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. 25(6) s 399-409. doi: 10.1108/TLO-02-2018-0024FULLTEKST
- Karp, Tom, Filstad, Cathrine & Glomseth, Rune (2018). 27 Days of Managerial work in the police service. Police Practice & Research. ISSN 1561-4263. s 1-17. doi: 10.1080/15614263.2018.1526682
- Filstad, Cathrine (2017). Nyansattes organisasjonssosialisering: Læringsstrategier og perspektiver. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 9788245019872.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2016). Organisasjonslæring - fra kunnskap til kompetanse, 2utg. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-1992-6.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2014). Learning and knowledge as interrelations between CoPs and NoPs. Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. 21(2) s 70-82. doi: 10.1108/TLO-11-2012-0077
- Filstad, Cathrine (2014). The politics of sensemaking and sensegiving at work. Journal of Workplace Learning. ISSN 1366-5626. 26(1) s 3-21. doi: 10.1108/JWL-03-2012-0016
- Filstad, Cathrine & Gottschalk, Petter (2014). Knowledge management in law firms. I Örtenblad, Anders (red.) Handbook of Research on Knowledge Management: Adaptation and Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 978 1 78347 041 9. s 53-68. doi: 10.4337/9781783470426.00014
- Filstad, Cathrine & Gottschalk, Petter (2014). Knowledge management in the police force. I Örtenblad, Anders (red.) Handbook of Research on Knowledge Management: Adaptation and Context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 978 1 78347 041 9. s 69-86. doi: 10.4337/9781783470426.00015
- Filstad, Cathrine & Gottschalk, Petter (2013). The police force : To be or not to be a learning organization? I Örtenblad, Anders (red.) Handbook of research on the learning organization : Adaption and context. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 978 1 78100 489 0. s 179-210. doi: 10.4337/9781781004906.00020
- Filstad, Cathrine, Hepsø, Vidar & Skarholt, Kari (2013). Connecting Worlds through Self-Synchronization and Boundary Spanning: Crossing Boundaries in Virtual Teams. I Hepsø, Irene & Hepsø, Vidar (red.) Integrated Operations in the Oil and Gas Industry: Sustainability and Capability Development. IGI Global. ISBN 9781466620025. s 76-90. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2002-5.ch005
- Filstad, Cathrine & Gottschalk, Petter (2012). Characteristics of White-Collar Criminals: An Norwegian Study. Journal of Money Laundering Control. ISSN 1368-5201. 15(2) doi: 10.1108/13685201211218199
- Filstad, Cathrine, Gottschalk, Petter & Solli-Sæther, Hans (2012). Executives´ knowledge of white-collar Crime: learning to prevent criminal behavior. International Journal of Innovation and Learning. ISSN 1471-8197. 11(3) s 250-267. doi: 10.1504/IJIL.2012.046065
- Filstad, Cathrine (2012). Organisasjonslärende - från kunskap til kompetens. Studentlitteratur AB. ISBN 978-91-44-07394-1.
- Filstad, Cathrine & Gottschalk, Petter (2011). Performance evaluation of police oversight agencies. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy. ISSN 1043-9463. 21(1) s 96-109. doi: 10.1080/10439463.2010.540653
- Gottschalk, Petter, Filstad, Cathrine, Glomseth, Rune & Solli-Sæther, Hans Arthur (2011). Information management for investigation and prevention of white-collar crime. International Journal of Information Management. ISSN 0268-4012. 31(3) s 226-233. doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2010.07.002
- Filstad, Cathrine & Gottschalk, Petter (2011). Becoming a learning organization: The espoused values of police managers from two Norwegian districts. Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. 18(6) s 486-500. doi: 10.1108/09696471111171321
- Filstad, Cathrine & McManus, Jacqueline (2011). Transforming knowledge to knowing at work: the experience of newcomers. International Journal of Lifelong Education. ISSN 0260-1370. 30(6) s 763-780. doi: 10.1080/02601370.2011.625573
- Filstad, Cathrine (2011). Organizational Commitment through Organizational Socialization. Journal of Workplace Learning. ISSN 1366-5626. 23(6) s 376-390. doi: 10.1108/13665621111154395
- Filstad, Cathrine & Gottschalk, Petter (2010). Creating a learning organization in law enforcement: Maturity levels for police oversight agencies. Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. 17(5) s 404-418.
- Filstad, Cathrine & Gottschalk, Petter (2010). Knowing in mobile organizations - trust and knowledge sharing in virtual teams. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation. ISSN 1746-725X. 4(3) s 269-280.
- Filstad, Cathrine & Gottschalk, Petter (2010). Collectivism versus individualism in police cultures. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management. ISSN 1465-6612. 10(2) s 117-135.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2010). Suksesskriterier for etablering av en sterk læringskultur. Magma forskning og viten. ISSN 1500-0788. 13(3) s 63-70.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2010). Learning to be a competent paramedic: emotional management in emotional work. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion. ISSN 1740-8938. 3(4) s 368-383.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2010). Organisasjonslæring: fra kunnskap til kompetanse. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 9788245007794.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2010). A Social and Cultural Approach to Newcomers Workplace Learning. Westover, J.H. (ed), Traning the next generation of knowledge workers. Common Ground Publisher.
- Filstad, Cathrine & Gottschalk, Petter (2009). How knowledge organizations work: The case of real estate agencies. International Real Estate Review. ISSN 1029-6131. 12(1) s 88-97.
- Filstad, Cathrine, Dean, Geoff, Fahsing, Ivar Andre & Gottschalk, Petter (2008). Newcomers’ use of colleagues as role models: Research propositions for investigative thinking styles of law enforcement detectives. Knowledge and Process Management. ISSN 1092-4604. 14(2) s 71-80.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2008). Nye perspektiver på læring og kunnskapsutvikling i organisasjoner. Magma forskning og viten. ISSN 1500-0788. 11(1) s 55-62.
- Fahsing, Ivar Andre, Filstad, Cathrine, Gottschalk, Petter & Gottschalk, Petter (2007). Research propositions for the use of role models in law enforcement: The case of newcomers in police investigations. International Journal of Innovation and Learning. ISSN 1471-8197. 4(5) s 501-515.
- Filstad, Cathrine, Dean, Geoff, Fahsing, Ivar Andre, Gottschalk, Petter & Gottschalk, Petter (2007). Newcomer`s use of colleagues as role models: Research propositions for investigative thinking styles of law enforcement detectives. Knowledge and Process Management. ISSN 1092-4604. 14(2) s 71-80.
- Blåka, Gunnhild & Filstad, Cathrine (2007). How Does a Newcomer Construct Identity? A Socio-Cultural Approach to Workplace Learning. International Journal of Lifelong Education. ISSN 0260-1370. 26(1)
- Dean, Geoff, Filstad, Cathrine & Gottschalk, Petter (2006). Knowledge Sharing in Criminal Investigations: An Empirical Study of Norwegian Police as Value Shop. Criminal justice studies. ISSN 1478-601X. 19(4) s 423-437.
- Blaaka, G. & Filstad, Cathrine (2005). A Social and Cultural Approach to Newcomers´Learning Processes in Two Different Communties. The International Journal of Learning. ISSN 1447-9494. 12(12) s 63-70.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2004). How newcomers use role models in organizational socialization. Journal of Workplace Learning. ISSN 1366-5626. 16(7) s 396-409.
- Filstad, Cathrine & Rosendahl, Tom (2004). Globalisering av kunnskap i kompetanseledelse og organisatorisk læring. Beta. ISSN 0801-3322. 18(1)
- Filstad, Cathrine (2004). Rollemodeller i organisasjoner. ? 7(1)
- Karp, Tom & Filstad, Cathrine (2023). Hvem skal bestemme i politiet. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116. FULLTEKST
- Drake, Irmelin & Filstad, Cathrine (2023). Tilhørighet redder liv - en paneldebatt ledet av Thomas Seltzer.
- Bjørkelo, Brita, Eckblad, Kjersti, Sandvik, Asle Makoto, Filstad, Cathrine, Hoel, Linda Antoniett, Boe, Ole, Steinsvåg, Johannes Sjo & Grove, Martin (2022). Troen på en eller flere veier til læring
. Politiforum. ISSN 1500-6921. FULLTEKST
- Olsen, Trude Høgvold, Thomassen, Anja Overgaard, Filstad, Cathrine & Gjeruldsen, Iselin (2021). Implementation of reforms as local distributed sensemaking in loosely coupled organizations.
- Ellefsen, Hjørdis Birgitte, Filstad, Cathrine, Gundhus, Helene Ingebrigtsen, Jahnsen, Synnøve Økland & Wathne, Christin Thea (2020). En prinsippløs og selvmotsigende politipolitikk. Politiforum. ISSN 1500-6921. FULLTEKST
- Bjørkelo, Brita, Hoel, Linda Antoniett, Eckblad, Kjersti, Filstad, Cathrine & Wathne, Christin Thea (2020). Et genuint ønske om utvikling: Politiet skal bør og må lære av sine feil. Dagbladet. ISSN 0805-3766. s 32-33. FULLTEKST
- Bjørkelo, Brita, Hoel, Linda Antoniett, Eckblad, Kjersti, Filstad, Cathrine, Wathne, Christin Thea & Olsvik, Egil Hove (2020). Kritikken treffer ikke. Dagbladet. ISSN 0805-3766. s 31-31. FULLTEKST
- Bjørkelo, Brita, Sandvik, Asle Makoto, Wathne, Christin Thea, Eckblad, Kjersti, Olsvik, Egil Hove, Hoel, Linda Antoniett, Filstad, Cathrine & Aabrekk, Einar (2020). En undring over forskningsformidling og retorikk. Politiforum. ISSN 1500-6921. FULLTEKST
- Sørli, Vanja Lundgren, Ellefsen, Hjørdis Birgitte, Egge, Marit, Filstad, Cathrine, Glomseth, Rune & Larsson, Paul (2019). Regjeringens mål om politidekning er utdatert. Politiforum. ISSN 1500-6921. FULLTEKST
- Karp, Tom & Filstad, Cathrine (2019). Noe galt med lederkulturen? Det finner vi ingen bevis for. Politiforum. ISSN 1500-6921. FULLTEKST
- Filstad, Cathrine & Karp, Tom (2019). Evaluering, implementering og resultater av nærpolitireformen.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2018). Hvordan politiledere lærer å lede. Politiforum. ISSN 1500-6921. 9 s 40-41. FULLTEKST
- Filstad, Cathrine & Karp, Tom (2018). Politiet venter... Lensmannsbladet - Politilederen. FULLTEKST
- Filstad, Cathrine & Karp, Tom (2018). Enten må politiet få mer penger, eller så må ambisjonen og tempoet i reformen senkes. Dagbladet. ISSN 0805-3766. FULLTEKST
- Filstad, Cathrine, Traavik, Laura E. Mercer & Gorli, Mara (2017). The Sense of Belonging At Work: Investigating its Dynamicity between Representation and Interpretation.
- Filstad, Cathrine, Glomseth, Rune & Karp, Tom (2017). Er det noe galt med lederkulturen i politiet? Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116. FULLTEKST
- Filstad, Cathrine (2017). Ledelse for kompetanse og kompetent ledelse. I Heier, Tormod (red.) Kompetanseforvaltning i Forsvaret. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-2117-2. s 31-51.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2017). Ledelse av kompetanse: kompetent ledelse. I Aas, Marit & Paulsen, Jan Merok (red.) Ledelse i fremtidens skole. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-2016-8. s 123-141.
- Filstad, Cathrine & Olsen, Trude Høgvold (2017). Change readiness and socially constructed manoeuvring space: Dilemmas police leaders encounter as change agents.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2017). Ledelse læres mens man leder. BI Business Review.
- Borge, Baard Herman, Filstad, Cathrine, Olsen, Trude Høgvold & Skogmo, Per Øyvind (2017). Diverging views of the Norwegian Police Services as a Learning Organization.
- Arnulf, Jan Ketil & Filstad, Cathrine (2016). Politiledelse – noe for seg selv? Dagens næringsliv. ISSN 0803-9372. FULLTEKST
- Filstad, Cathrine & Traavik, Laura E. Mercer (2016). Senses of belonging: Getting underneath notions of identity.
- Glomseth, Rune, Karp, Tom, Filstad, Cathrine & Dahl, Terje (2016). Hva gjør egentlig politiledere? Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116. FULLTEKST
- Filstad, Cathrine, Karp, Tom, Glomseth, Rune & Dahl, Terje (2016). Farlige halvsannheter som fasit i politiet. Dagbladet. ISSN 0805-3766. FULLTEKST
- Simenova, Boyka, Easterby-Smith, Mark, Bogolyubov, Pavel & Filstad, Cathrine (2016). Power and trust in knowledge sharing: a systematic review.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2014). Uformelle arenaer viktige i lederutvikling - viktige funn om praksisfellesskap.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2014). Hvordan lykkes med kunnskapsdeling?
- Filstad, Cathrine (2014). Gi mellomlederne makt.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2014). Like barn leker best.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2014). Tillit til å dele kunnskap.
- Filstad, Cathrine, Geppert, Mike & Visser, Max (2011). Power and politics in organizational learning and knowing.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2011). Innovation and organizational learning.
- Filstad, Cathrine (2011). Taus kunnskap er gull. Kapital. ISSN 0332-5423. (21)
- Filstad, Cathrine (2008). Nye perspektiver på læring og kunnskapsutvikling i organisasjoner. Magma forskning og viten. ISSN 1500-0788. (1)
- Filstad, Cathrine & Blaaka, G. (2007). Learning in Organizations. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
- Blaaka, G. & Filstad, Cathrine (2007). Læring i helseorganisasjoner. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
- Filstad, Cathrine, Hildebrandt, Steen & Rishøj, Sif (2004). Familien på arbeid : om å skape sammenheng mellom arbeidsliv og familieliv. Abstrakt forlag. ISBN 8279351132.
- Filstad, Cathrine & Rød, Anne (2024). Emotional coping by chance: Experiences of emotional coping strategies among on-scene commanders in the Norwegian police services. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. ISSN 1752-4512. 18 s 1-9. doi:
- 2020 - nåProfessorKristiania University College
- 2017 - nåProfessor IINorwegian Police University College
- 2011 - 2020Professor in Organizational Behavior and LeadershipInstitute of Leadership and Organization Management, BI Norwegian School of Business
- 2015 - 2018Professor IIUniversity of Tromsø, Norway
- 2014 - 2018Associate DeanExecutive Master at BI Norwegian School of Business
- 2003 - 2011Ph.d. and Associate Professor in Organizational Behavior and LeadershipInstitute of Leadership and Organization Management, BI Norwegian School of Business
- 2004 - 2007Program Director for Master of ScienceBI
- 1996 - 2003LecturerNorwegian School of Management (BI)
- Ph.d. in Organizational Learning and Organizational KnowledgeAarhus School of Business, Denmark
- Master of Management, Organizational Psychology and HRMNorwegian School of Management (BI)
- Bachelor in Sociology (cand.mag.)University of Oslo
- Diploma in Market EconomyNorwegian School of Marketing (NMH)
- Basic course and higher course in marketingNorwegian School of Marketing (NMH)