Mehmet Cetin
- Associate Professor
- Institutt for ledelse og organisasjon
- School of Communication, Leadership and Marketing
Ansatte detaljer
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
- Mazzetti, Greta, Alcover, Carlos-Maria, Çetin, Mehmet, De Carlo, Elisa, Derous, Eva & Guglielmi, Dina (2024). Exploring the Benefits of Boundarylessness: Pathways From Boundaryless Career Orientation to Insecurity and Engagement. Journal of Career Development (JCD). ISSN 0894-8453. doi: 10.1177/08948453241268854
- Mazzetti, Greta, Çetin, Mehmet, Guglielmi, Dina & Simbula, Silvia (2024). Resilience and the Dynamics of Job Demands: A Diary Study on Interactions in Healthcare Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Advanced Nursing. ISSN 0309-2402. doi: 10.1111/jan.16629
- Çetin, Mehmet, Ümit, Şevik & Kökalan, Özgür (2023). Being a woman in a “man’s work”: effects of gender roles on occupational commitment and life satisfaction of women . Management Research Review. ISSN 2040-8269.
- Kökalan, Özgür, Çetin, Mehmet, Dede, Bayram & Dede, Ezgi (2023). A multilevel analysis of the links between daily emotional labor, daily spiritual experiences, and daily stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping. ISSN 1061-5806.
- Çetin, Mehmet, Dede, Bayram, Kökalan, Özgür & Dede, Ezgi (2021). A Multilevel Investigation of the Effects of Daily Work–Family Interaction on Daily Affect During the COVID-19 Pandemic . Journal of Family Issues. ISSN 0192-513X.
- Çetin, Mehmet, Samenova, Gulmira, Türkkan, Filiz & Karataş, Ceylan (2021). The Role of Daily Affect in Leader-Member Exchange: A Multilevel Investigation in Public Health Administration. Organizacija (Journal of Management, Informatics and Human Resources). ISSN 1318-5454.
- Çetin, Mehmet & Kökalan, Özgür (2021). A multilevel analysis of the effects of indoor activities on psychological wellbeing during COVID-19 pandemic. Anales de Psicología. ISSN 0212-9728.
- Özgenel, Mustafa & Çetin, Mehmet (2021). Effects of Organizational Cynicism Occupational Commitment and Organizational Dissent on Knowledge Inertia. Kalem Uluslararası Eğitim ve İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi. ISSN 2146-5606.
- Çetin, Mehmet (2020). The relation between religiosity, family cohesion and ethical leadership: a study of family firms in Turkey . Journal of Family Business Management. ISSN 2043-6238.
- Çetin, Mehmet, Hülcen dönmez, Ayşegül & Türkkan, Filiz (2020). An Investigation on Employees’ Methods of Coping with Stress in the COVID-19 Outbreak Process. Journal of Turkish Studies. ISSN 1308-2140.
- Bektaş, Ufuk & Çetin, Mehmet (2020). Pandemi Sürecince Sağlık Çalışanlarında İş Tutkusu, Duygusal Emek ve İş Aile Zenginleşmesi İlişkisinin İncelenmesi. Journal of Turkish Studies. ISSN 1308-2140.
- Çetin, Mehmet (2019). Effects of Religious Participation on Social Inclusion and Existential Well-Being Levels of Muslim Refugees and Immigrants in Turkey . The international journal for the psychology of religion. ISSN 1050-8619.
- Öge, Ercan, Çetin, Mehmet & Top, Seyfi (2018). The effects of paternalistic leadership on workplace loneliness, work family conflict and work engagement among air traffic controllers in Turkey. Journal of Air Transport Management. ISSN 0969-6997.
- Çetin, Mehmet (2024). Investigation of an affective pathway from daily spiritual experience to daily engagement.
- Mazzetti, Greta, Simbula, Silvia, Pische, Edoardo, Çetin, Mehmet & Guglielmi, Dina (2022). Healthy Healthcare Workers During the Covid-19 Pandemic? A Diary Study on the Relationship Between Demands, Resources and Work Outcomes.
- Çetin, Mehmet (2022). Chapter 2: Different Water and in a Smaller Bottle: Understanding Motivations and Differences in Human Resources Management Needs of Small Firms — Common Systems to Unique Requirements. I Dana, Leo-Paul, Sharma, Naman & Singh, Vilnod Kumar (red.) Managing Human Resources in SMEs and Start-ups. World Scientific. ISBN 978-981-12-3921-2. s 13-36. doi: 10.1142/9789811239212_0002
- Çetin, Mehmet (2021). New Challenges for Leading the Change for the Psychological Consequences of Pandemics: Workplace Loneliness, Work Alienation, and Spiritual Well-Being in the Post-COVID-19 Era. I Al-Aali, Ebtihaj & Masmoudi, Meryem (red.) Global Perspectives on Change Management and Leadership in the Post-COVID-19 Era
. IGI Global. ISBN 9781799869481. s 169-187. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6948-1.ch011
- Öge, Ercan & Çetin, Mehmet (2020). COVID-19 PANDEMİSİ: İNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİ AÇISINDAN OLASI ETKİLERİ. I Tutcu, Alper & Gun, Serkan (red.) COVID-19 SÜRECİ VE ÖRGÜTSEL YÖNETİM. IKSAD International Publishing House. ISBN 978-625-7897-75-4. s 3-34.
- Çetin, Mehmet (2020). Örgüt İkliminin Öncülleri ve Çıktıları (Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Climate) . I Özgenel, Mustafa (red.) Okul ve Orgut Iklimi. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık. ISBN 978-625-402-065-0. s 39-49.
- Öge, Ercan & Çetin, Mehmet (2020). Örgüt Ikliminin Boyutları. I Özgenel, Mustafa (red.) Okul ve Orgut Iklimi. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık. ISBN 978-625-402-065-0. s 15-25.
- Çetin, Mehmet & Babangida, Adams h. (2019). Does Culture Affect Why We Work: A Comparative Study between Ghana and Turkey.
- Öge, Ercan & Çetin, Mehmet (2019). Investigation of the Relationship Between Intention to Quit Organizational Cynicism and Compensation Satisfaction .
- Çetin, Mehmet & Öge, Ercan (2019). Yaratıcılık Kavramının Tanımı ve Yapısı Üzerine Bir İçerik Analizi (A Content Analysis on the Structure and Definition of Creativity Concept) .
- Çetin, Mehmet (2018). Is Presenteeism a Form of Political Behavior? The Association between Work Values, Presenteeism and Political Behavior.
- Çetin, Mehmet (2017). Investigating Perceptions and Possible Consequences of Proactive Behavior with an Event Sampling Approach .
- Mazzetti, Greta, Alcover, Carlos-Maria, Çetin, Mehmet, De Carlo, Elisa, Derous, Eva & Guglielmi, Dina (2024). Exploring the Benefits of Boundarylessness: Pathways From Boundaryless Career Orientation to Insecurity and Engagement. Journal of Career Development (JCD). ISSN 0894-8453. doi: