Fareedi, Abid Ali, Ghazawneh, Ahmad & Bergquist, Magnus (2024). Value Added Conversational AI and Digital Health: An Ontology-Driven Approach. I Bui, Tung X. (red.) Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). ISBN 978-0-9981331-7-1. s 4010-4019.
Fareedi, Abid Ali, Ismail, Muhammad, Ghazawneh, Ahmad, Shehzad, Ahmed & Bukhari, Syed Ahmad Chan (2024). Empowering Health Data Fusion: A Federated Virtual Knowledge Graph Approach Leveraging The Ontop Platform
. I Parmiggiani, Elena & Bardaki, Cleopatra (red.) 16th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS 2024). Association for Information Systems (AIS). ISBN 978-989-33-6886-2.
Fareedi, Abid Ali, Ismail, Muhammad, Ghazawneh, Ahmad, Bergquist, Magnus & Ortiz-Rodriguez, Fernando (2023). The Utilization of Artificial Intelligence for Developing Autonomous Social Robots within Health Information Systems. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. ISSN 1613-0073. 3447 s 34-50.
Fareedi, Abid Ali, Ghazawneh, Ahmad, Bergquist, Magnus & Ismail, Muhammad (2023). Conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the
Healthcare Industry. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. ISSN 1529-3181.
Ghazawneh, Ahmad & Mansour, Osama (2023). The Evolving Interdependencies between Banks and Fintechs within Open Banking Platforms. I Rahul, De´ (red.) ICIS 2023 Proceedings. Association for Information Systems (AIS). ISBN 978-1-958200-07-0.
Ghazawneh, Ahmad & Henfridsson, Ola (2011). Micro-Strategizing in Platform Ecosystems: A Multiple Case Study.
Ghazawneh, Ahmad & Henfridsson, Ola (2010). Governing Third-Party Development through Platform Boundary Resources.