Miroslava Tokovska
- Førsteamanuensis
- Institutt for helse og trening
- School of Health Sciences
Miroslava Tokovska er førsteamanuensis ved Høyskolen Kristiania og underviser i folkehelse, grunnmedisin og psykologi.
Tokovska har utgitt flere artikler i anerkjente tidsskrifter, både nasjonalt og internasjonal innenfor fagfeltene folkehelse, migrasjonshelse, demensomsorgen, helse- og sosialfaglig arbeid, psykososialt støtte og arbeid, eldreomsorg og familie.
Tokovskas forskning omhandler hovedsakelig temaer innenfor folkehelse, eldreomsorg og psykoedukative intervensjoner.
Ansatte detaljer
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
- Seberini, Andrea, Izakova, Katarina & Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). Greenwashing – ciemna strona marketingu ekologicznego. Studium przypadku ze Słowacji. Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae. ISSN 1733-1218. 22(1) s 83-95. doi: 10.21697/seb.5800
- Seben Zatkova, Timea, Tokovska, Miroslava & Šolcová, Jana (2024). What Psychosocial Support Do First Year University Students Need? A Mixed Creative Methods Study. International Journal of Emotional Education (IJEE). ISSN 2073-7629. 16(1) s 140-153. doi: 10.56300/AXLK4968
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Šolcová, Jana, Nolasco Ferreira, Vanessa, Nour, Magde Mohamed, Yilmaz, Muharrem, Malmedal, Wenche Karin & Botngård, Anja (2024). Elder Abuse Prevention in Brazil, Norway and Slovakia: a Narrative Review. Central European Journal of Public Policy. ISSN 1802-4866. 18(1) s 37-51. doi: 10.2478/cejpp-2024-0003
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Doktorova, Dominika & Šolcová, Jana (2024). Promoting Cognitive Brain Health and Sustained Attention in Adults and Older Adults Through e-Games. Journal of Social Studies Education Research (JSSER). ISSN 1309-9108. 15(3) s 1-22.
- Šeben Zaťková, Timea, Ambrozy, Marian, Tokovska, Miroslava & Šolcová, Jana (2024). University Students’ Views and Understanding Towards Ageing and Older Adults. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. ISSN 1804-7890. 14(1) s 277-282. doi: 10.33543/j.1401.277282
- Zaťková, Tímea S., Šolcová, Jana, Jamborová, Ľubica & Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). University Students’ Knowledge about Welfare Technologies within Active Aging Concept: An Online Survey Interview. Emerging Science Journal. ISSN 2610-9182. 8(3) s 1085-1096. doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-03-017
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Doktorová, Dominika & Šolcová, Jana (2024). Promoting Cognitive Brain Health and Sustained Attention in Adults and Older Adults Through e-Games. Journal of Social Studies Education Research (JSSER). ISSN 1309-9108. 15(3) s 1-22.
- Alfarnes, Natalia & Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). Helsefremmende samhandling og medborgerskapsperspektiv i en barnehagekontekst. I Torgersen, Glenn-Egil, Sæverot, Herner & Jermstad, Linnéa K. (red.) Samfunn og samhandling under press: Betydning for pedagogisk praksis og teori. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202829407. s 149-165. doi: 10.23865/cdf.227.ch10
- Cokluk, Betül & Tokovska, Miroslava (2023). Self-management of type 2 diabetes among Turkish immigrants in Norway: A focus group study. Journal of Public Health Research. ISSN 2279-9028. 12(1) doi: 10.1177/22799036231154680
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Nour, Magde Mohamed, Sørensen, Anette & Nolasco Ferreira, Vanessa (2023). Public Health Measures Enacted by the Norwegian Political Leadership to Protect the Elderly in Response to the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Crisis. Central European Journal of Public Policy. ISSN 1802-4866. 17(1) s 1-13. doi: 10.2478/cejpp-2023-0001
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Nolasco Ferreira, Vanessa, Vallušová, Anna & Seberini, Andrea (2023). E-Government—The Inclusive Way for the Future of Digital Citizenship. Societies. ISSN 2075-4698. 13(6) doi: 10.3390/soc13060141
- Seberini, Andrea, Tokovska, Miroslava & Vallušová, Anna (2023). Long-term Integrated Care for Older Adults. Belianum. ISBN 978-80-557-2054-8. FULLTEKST
- Kvalsvik, Linda Anette & Tokovska, Miroslava (2023). „Život už není beznadějný…“. KONTAKT – Journal of nursing and social sciences related to health and illness. ISSN 1212-4117. 25(4) s 314-320. doi: 10.32725/kont.2023.043
- Vallušová, Anna, Seberini, Andrea, Kaščáková, Alena, Horehájová, Mária & Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). The Long-Term Care with Focus on an Integrative Care Model in the Slovak Republic: A Pilot Study. Social Sciences. ISSN 2076-0760. 11(2) s 1-12. doi: 10.3390/socsci11020038
- Seberini, Andrea, Nour, Magde Mohamed & Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). From Digital Divide to Technostress during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review. Organizacija (Journal of Management, Informatics and Human Resources). ISSN 1318-5454. 55(2) s 98-111. doi: 10.2478/orga-2022-0007
- Lie, Silje Stangeland, Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger & Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). How might digital healthcare influence citizenship for people with chronic conditions? A narrative review. I Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger, Gjermestad, Anita & Lid, Inger Marie (red.) Lived citizenship for persons in vulnerable life situations. Theories and practices. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 978-82-15-05379-0. s 79-95. doi: 10.18261/9788215053790-2022-05
- Šolcová, Jana, Seberini, Andrea & Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Integrative Elderly Care Model as a Part of a Changing Long-Term Care and Welfare State in Slovakia. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala. ISSN 1583-3410. 77 s 149-161. doi: 10.33788/rcis.77.9FULLTEKST
- Flikingerova, Lenka, Tokovska, Miroslava & Petrova, Gabriela (2022). Diversity within Corporate Education at the Slovak Labour and Welfare Administration: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Survey. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. ISSN 1804-7890. 12(01) s 45-50. doi: 10.33543/12014550
- Šolcová, Jana, Tokovska, Miroslava & Kozubik, Michal (2022). Philosophical Concept of Citizenship in Social Work Education: Model of Norway. Sociální práce / Sociálna práca. ISSN 1213-6204. 22(1) s 62-79. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Seben Zatkova, Timea & Jamborova, Lubica (2022). Digital Competencies Development in Higher Education Institutions: A Mixed Methods Research Study. Emerging Science Journal. ISSN 2610-9182. 6 s 150-165. doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-SIED-011
- Kozubik, Michal, Bobakova, Daniela Filakovska, Mojtova, Martina, Tokovska, Miroslava & van Dijk, Jitse P. (2022). Roma Religion: 1775 and 2018 Compared over Time. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). ISSN 1661-7827. 19(18) doi: 10.3390/ijerph191811645
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Eg, Ragnhild, Bell, Ashley Rebecca & Tennfjord, Merete Kolberg (2022). “Just Be Careful, Since Social Media Is Really Not as Safe as It’s Being Portrayed”: Adolescent Views on Adult Support for Safer Social Media Use. Social Sciences. ISSN 2076-0760. 11(10) doi: 10.3390/socsci11100492
- Bell, Ashley Rebecca, Tennfjord, Merete Kolberg, Tokovska, Miroslava & Eg, Ragnhild (2022). Exploring the role of social media literacy in adolescents' experiences with personalization: A Norwegian qualitative study. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. ISSN 1081-3004. 2023(66) s 239-248. doi: 10.1002/jaal.1273FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Šolcová, Jana (2022). The Burden of Next-of-Kin Carers of Dementia Sufferers in the Home Environment. Healthcare. ISSN 2227-9032. 10(12) doi: 10.3390/healthcare10122441
- Marasova, Jana, Seberini, Andrea, Šolcová, Jana & Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Dopady technostresu na starších dospelých zamestnancov. Ekonomika Management Inovace. ISSN 1804-1299. 23(2) s 5-25. doi: 10.24040/eas.2022.23.2.5-25FULLTEKST
- Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger & Tokovska, Miroslava (2021). “I need you to pick him up.” Next of kin’s experiences with
social support in dementia. KONTAKT – Journal of nursing and social sciences related to health and illness. ISSN 1212-4117. s 1-7. doi: 10.32725/kont.2021.010FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Kozubik, Michal, Seberini, Andrea & Walli Weihe, Hans Jørgen (2021). Gaming and Gambling Disorders among Elderly and Challenges for Public Health Policy and Social Work. Fórum sociální práce. ISSN 1804-3070. (1) s 35-51. FULLTEKST
- Seberini, Andrea, Martinkovicova, Miriam, Tokovska, Miroslava & Goth, Ursula Småland (2021). Social and health care services from a public health perspective: Access to social and health care services for the elderly (60+) in the Region of Gemer in Slovakia. KONTAKT – Journal of nursing and social sciences related to health and illness. ISSN 1212-4117. 23(4) s 315-322. doi: 10.32725/KONT.2021.038
- Bell, Ashley Rebecca Holt, Tennfjord, Merete Kolberg, Tokovska, Miroslava & Eg, Ragnhild (2021). Exploring adolescents' experiences with personalized content on social media: A qualitative study. I Li, Wanwan & Popescu, Manuela (red.) DIGITAL 2021 Advances on Societal Digital Transformation. International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA). ISBN 9781612089270. s 17-22. FULLTEKST
- Seberini, Andrea & Tokovska, Miroslava (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Changing the Content of Social Media Advertising. Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae. ISSN 1733-1218. 19(3) s 61-71. doi: 10.21697/seb.2021.19.3.06FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Nour, Magde Mohamed, Sørensen, Anette & Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland (2021). Informal caregivers and psychosocial support: Analysis of European Dementia Policy documents. Journal of Public Health Research. ISSN 2279-9028. 11(1) s 1-12. doi: 10.4081/jphr.2021.2416FULLTEKST
- Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger & Tokovska, Miroslava (2020). What characterizes studies on social support groups for next of kin of persons with dementia? A qualitative systematic review. Nordic Social Work Research. ISSN 2156-857X. 12(4) s 464-479. doi: 10.1080/2156857X.2020.1817134
- Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland, Jermstad, Linnéa K. & Tokovska, Miroslava (2020). Tilrettelegging for trivsel. Mangfold i det norske klasserommet. I Jermstad, Linnéa K. & Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland (red.) Fra barnehage til voksenliv: Utdanning, didaktikk og verdi. Novus Forlag. ISBN 978-82-8390-053-8. s 65-79. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Kozubik, Michal & Jusko, Peter (2019). How Can Suicidal Behaviour in the Elderly be Prevented? A Scoping Review of the Visegrad Group Countries. Sociální práce / Sociálna práca. ISSN 1213-6204. 19(4) s 19-31. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Tokovska, M. (2019). Kropp, alder og doping: et kjønnsperspektiv. I Wallin Weihe, H. J. (Red.), Doping -Avhengighet, forfengelighet og ytelse. (s.125-134). Oslo: Cappelen Damm. I Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin (red.) Doping, avhengighet, forfengelighet og ytelse. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202586973. s 125-134.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Šolcová, Jana (2019). Physical sports activization of the elderly as a determinant to the concept of health promotion. I Görner, Karol & Kompán, Jaroslav (red.) Livskvalitet hos eldre i 2019. Slovenská asociácia kondičných trénerov KTVS FF UMB. ISBN 978-80-570-1579-6. s 14-26.
- Rosenberg, Adriana & Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). Participation in a support group from the perspective of family caregivers of Alzheimer's disease patients. Osetrovatelstvo. ISSN 1338-6263. 7(2) s 53-57. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Rosenberg, Adriana (2017). New trends in non-pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Horyzonty Wychowania. ISSN 1643-9171. 16(40) s 97-111. doi: 10.17399/HW.2017.164006
- Kamanova, Irena & Tokovska, Miroslava (2015). Seniors - target group of social work. Kamanova, I. & Kucharska, E. (2015). In Wybrane aspekty opieki nad osobami starszymi z perspektywy opieki zdrowotnej i pracy socjalnej. Selected aspects of care for the elderly from the perspective of health care and social work. Tribun.eu. ISBN 9788026308836. FULLTEKST
- Jana, Šolcová, Tokovska, Miroslava & Šeben Zaťková, Timea (2024). Active Education in Older Adults with Use of Smart Technologies. BELIANUM. ISBN 978-80-557-2136-1. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). Strategické východiská pre inteligentné aktívne starnutie. I Šeben Zaťková, Timea, Šolcová, Jana & Tokovska, Miroslava (red.) Aktívne starnutie s využitím inteligentných technológií v edukácii. Belianum . ISBN 978-80-572-0422-0. s 18-42.
- Alfarnes, Natalia & Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). Sustainable interaction and citizenship in the kindergarden context .
- Seberini, Andrea, Hronec, Martin & Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). Demographic Analysis and Resource Allocation in Humanitarian Aid: A Case Study of Age-Specific Service Provision. Journal of Human Resource Management. ISSN 2453-7683. 27(2) s 169-182. doi: 10.46287/DSAA7708
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2023). Safe and independent life with the help of smart technologies. Bezpecny a nezavisly zivot pomoc smart technologii.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2023). Inclusive Aging, Alzheimer’s Disease and Smart Active Ageing. Inkluzivne starnutie, Alzheimerova choroba a aktivne starnutie pomocou smart technologii.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2023). Samsykelighet – et problem kommer sjelden alene, kapittel 18 I S. Overå, M. Martinsen & H.-J. Wallin Weihe (Red.), Penge- og dataspill. Lek, Læring, Lidenskap og Lidelse (s. 143-146). Hertervig Forlag Akademisk. Hertervig Akademisk. ISBN 9788282172493.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2023). Spillevaner og spilleproblemer hos eldre, kapittel 19 I S. Overå, M. Martinsen & H.-J. Wallin Weihe (Red.), Penge- og dataspill. Lek, Læring, Lidenskap og Lidelse (s. 147-154). Hertervig Forlag Akademisk. Hertervig Akademisk. ISBN 9788282172493.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Wallin Weihe, Hans Jørgen (2022). Når eldre får problemer med spill. Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania. ISSN 2703-707X. 03 s 44-45. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Alzheimer's Disease: Questions and answers.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Dementia - a global health challenge for the 21st century.
- Seberini, Andrea, Tokovska, Miroslava & Marasova, Jana (2022). Technophobia and Technostress in Older Adult Employees as a challenge for Human Resource Management. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Society for all.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Inclusive Education & Person-Centred Thinking for Everyone.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2022). Alzheimerova choroba - Otazky a odpovede. Alzheimer's Disease - Questions and answers.
- Tokovska, Miroslava, Klepsvik, Tove & Stangeland Lie, Silje (2021). Vernepleierstudenter bidrar til å fremme brukernes helse. Fontene. ISSN 0805-5432. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2021). Promoting Health and Well-Being through Inclusive Education.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2021). "How can we provide better care for people with Alzheimer's Dementia?".
- Bell, Ashley Rebecca Holt, Tennfjord, Merete Kolberg, Tokovska, Miroslava & Eg, Ragnhild (2021). Adolescent experiences with personalised social media content.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). „Is there an inclusion at all?“.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). How to understand and manage unwanted behavior in people with Alzheimer disease?
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Slovakia: Aging people with mental disability.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Dementia and persons with intelectual disabilities: facts, research, and early interventions.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Person-centred care in dementia and social support to relatives of persons with dementia.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Lie, Silje Stangeland (2019). Tokovska, M. & Lie, S. S. (2019). «Ikke glem hvem du er!» Vernepleiere i demensomsorgen. I Grung, M. R. (Red.). Vernepleieren - Fremtidsrettet og ettertraktet. Oslo: Fellesorganisasjon. I Grung, Rolf Magnus (red.) Vernepleieren. Fremtidsrettet og ettertraktet. Fellesorganisasjonen. ISBN 978-82-90858-16-7. s 74-84. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Searching for aging people with mental disabilities and dementia in the framework of interdisciplinary cooperation. Dispenzarizácia starnúcich osôb s mentálnym postihnutím a demenciou v rámci interdisciplinárnej spolupráce. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Tokovska, M. (2019). Kognitivní aktivizace. I Zrubakova,K., Bartosovic, I. (Red.) Nefarmakologicka lecba v geriatrii. ( s. 61-76). Praha: Grada Publishing. Grada Publishing. ISBN 978-80-271-2207-3.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). "Gi beboerne gode øyeblikk" Hva, hvor, når og hvordan skal vi skape det?
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Person-centred care in dementia – Theory in social practice. Constantine Philosopher University in Nitra. ISBN 9788055814926.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2019). Medborgerskap og demens.
- Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger & Tokovska, Miroslava (2018). Hva kjennetegner opplevelse og erfaring av sosial støtte hos pårørende til personer med demens? Foreløpige analyse fra fokusgruppeintervju med pårørende.
- Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger & Tokovska, Miroslava (2018). Pårørende ved demens, forskning – erfaring.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). De gode øyeblikkene i hverdagen. Aktivisering og stimulering på sykehjem.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin (2017). Spilleproblemer og eldre. Forebygging.no. ISSN 2535-4000. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). Metody a metodika socialnej prace III. Manažérske postupy, plánovanie a metódy v sociálnej práci. Socialne planovanie. Methods and Methodology of Social Work III. Managers practices, planning and methods in social work. Planning in Social Services and Social Work . Verbum Forlag. ISBN 978-80-561-0431-6.
- Rosenberg, Adriana & Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). Family caregivers experencies of participating in a support group for people with Alzheimer`s disease.
- Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger & Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). Hvordan tematiseres pårørendestøtte? Foreløpige resultat fra et systematisk review i vitenskapelige artikler.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Rosenberg, Adriana (2017). Algoritmus ABCDE a strukturovana komunikacia ISBAR v komunitnom osetrovatelstve a socialnej praci. Tool for Systematic Observation of vital Sings "ABCDE" and structurized Communication im Community Nursing and Social Work.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). Alzheimer's disease in family. Questions and answers. Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ruzomberok. ISSN 1336-2232. XVI(4)
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Rosenberg, Adriana (2017). Socialna stimulacia a kognitivny trening pre osoby s demenciou.
Social Stimulation and Cognitive Tranining for people with Dementia. Zdravotnictvo a socialna praca. Health and Social Work. ISSN 1336-9326. 12(4) s 36-44. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2017). Demens og utviklingshemning: Hvordan ivareta ressurser, sårbarhet og utfordringer i samhandling?
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Den gode dagen for eldre med demens i Slovakia.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Pårørende med personer med demens sine opplevelser av deltakelse i en samtalegruppe.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Support groups for relatives of people with dementia syndromes in an international context
Problematika podporných skupín príbuzných osôb so syndrómom demencie v medzinárodnom kontexte. PROHUMAN. ISSN 1338-1415. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Support groups for relatives of Alzheimer’s patients. SOLEN Medical Education. ISSN 1336-4790. 13(4) s 160-162. FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Meaning of personal involvement in a support group of related with Alzheimer's disease. Vyznam osobnej ucasti blizkej osoby v podpornej skupine pribuznych osob s ochorenim Alzheimerovej choroby.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Chalachanova, Anna (2016). Spolupraca bez rivality v norskych socialnych sluzbach. Cooperation without rivalry in social services in Norway.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin (2016). Opportunities and risks of cyberspace for vulnerable social groups. Belianum. ISBN 978-80-557-1227-7.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Nefarmakologicke pristupy starostlivosti v Skandinavii. Non-pharmacological Approaches to Care in Scandinavia.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2016). Alzheimerova choroba v rodine. Alzheimer's Disease in family.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Sund, Marianne (2016). Aktiviteter og stimulering i hverdagen: "Gi meg de gode øyeblikkene". FULLTEKST
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2015). Aktivisering i eldreomsorg i Norge
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2015). Visions and reflections of love in communication with people with Alzheimer's disease.
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2015). Innovative tools of individual planning in the social services.
- Tokovska, Miroslava & Glørstad, Vibeke (2015). Om dokumentasjonsansvaret for helsepersonell. To fagdager for ansatte i Sandnes kommune 19 og 26 november 2015. "Hvordan holde orden i eget hus?".
- Tokovska, Miroslava (2015). Aktiviteter og miljøterapi for eldre meddemens, seminar for veiledere i praksisfelt for vernepleiere.
- Seberini, Andrea, Izakova, Katarina & Tokovska, Miroslava (2024). Greenwashing – ciemna strona marketingu ekologicznego. Studium przypadku ze Słowacji. Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae. ISSN 1733-1218. 22(1) s 83-95. doi:
- 2020 - nåAssociate ProfessorSchool of Health Sciences, Høyskolen Kristiania
- 2015 - 2020Associate ProfessorDepartment of Social Education, VID Specialized University
- 2012 - 2015Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Social Work Matej Bel University, Slovakia
- 2006 - 2012Director of Municipal welfare, health and care servicesBanska Bystrica Municipality, Slovakia
- 2006 - 2012Social worker and general manager for dementia careBanska Bystrica Municipality, Slovakia
- 2005 - 2006Social EducatorOrphanage in Slovakia
- 2002 - 2005Social Educator (part-time)Elderly dementia care in Norway
- 1998 - 2001NurseENT Clinic in Slovakia
- 1996 - 1997NurseOrthopaedic Surgery Clinic in Germany
- 2010 - 2013PhD in Social WorkCatholic University in Ruzomberok, Slovakia
- 2005 - 2007MSc, Master of Social PedagogyMatej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
- 2002 - 2005BCs, Bachelor in Social EducationRogaland University College, Norway
- 1993 - 1995NurseMedical School in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia