Kristiania er utpekt som samarbeidssenter for WHO innen risikokommunikasjon, samfunnsengasjement og håndtering av infodemier.

I denne frokosten gir vi råd om hvordan akademikere og praktikere kan samarbeide for å nå ut med faktabasert informasjon til alle deler av befolkningen under en krise.


Dato: tirsdag 25. mars 2025 

Tid: 08.30-09.30 (enkel frokost og kaffe fra kl. 08.00)  

Sted: Kirkegata 23-25, rom 5-03, Høyskolen Kristiania

The event is free and will be held in English

Meld deg på / Register here 

(Arrangementet er gratis, men påmelding er obligatorisk)

Program(still being finalized)

08.00-08.30: Breakfast and registration 

08.30-08.35: Welcome by Trine Johansen Meza, Rector, Kristiania University of Applied Sciences 

08.35-08.40: Opening remarks by Ihor Perehinets, Regional Emergency Director, WHO-Europe

08.40-08.45: Innovations for translating technical information to tools for practice, by Audra Diers-Lawson, Professor and Head of the WHO-Europe Collaboration Centre for Risk Communication, Community Engagement, and Infodemic Management (RCCE-IM), Kristiania University of Applied Sciences 

08.45-08.55: The importance of academic and practitioner engagement for improving outcomes in public health emergencies, by Cristiana Salvi, Regional Advisor, Risk Communication, Community Engagement and Infodemic Management, Health Emergencies, WHO Regional Office for Europe 

08.55-09.25: Debate:  How do we ensure people understand and trust health advice during crises? 


Audra Diers-Lawson, Professor and Head of the WHO-Europe Collaboration Centre for Risk Communication, Community Engagement, and Infodemic Management (RCCE-IM), Kristiania University of Applied Sciences 

Cristiana Salvi, Regional Advisor, Risk Communication, Community Engagement and Infodemic Management, Health Emergencies, WHO Regional Office for Europe 

Heather Munthe-Kaas, Researcher, Centre for Epidemic Interventions Research (CEIR), Norwegian Institute of Public Health 

Øyvind Ihlen, Professor, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo

More about the panelists: 

Audra Diers-Lawson

Audra Diers-Lawson is professor of risk and crisis communication and actively involved with the International Crisis and Risk Communication Association (ICRCA), where she has served on the board. She has contributed to advancing research and practice in crisis and risk communication in several countries with the Asia Europe Foundation, WHO, and EU and currently serves as a member of the WHO Europe’s Technical Advisory Group for Risk Communication, Community Engagement, and Infodemic Management. She has written and co-edited several books and is the Director of the PhD in Communication and Leadership at Kristiania University College 

Cristiana Salvi

Cristiana Salvi is Regional Advisor within Risk Communication, Community Engagement and Infodemic Management during Health Emergencies at the WHO Regional Office for Europe’s Health Emergencies Programme. She has been deployed in health emergency settings for 20 years to Europe, Asia and Africa, supporting countries’ response on risk communication and community engagement (RCCE). Her specialties are strategic communications, media, advocacy, training and health diplomacy.

Øyvind Ihlen

Øyvind Ihlen is professor at the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo, where he is co-director of the Centre for the Study of Political Communication. He is also an adjunct professor at Nord University and a visiting professor at the University of Eastern Piedmont in Italy. Ihlen has written, edited, and co-edited 17 books. Among his research interests are pandemic rhetoric and trust, risk communication strategies and societies' preparedness in health crises and disasters.

Heather Munthe-Kaas

Heather Munthe-Kaas holds a PhD in public health and is a researcher at Norways Centre for Epidemic Interventions Research, where she develops and evaluates resources to improve critical health literacy as well as methods for improving use of qualitative evidence syntheses in decision making. Among Munthe-Kaas' research interests is immigration and integration, public and global health, and her research focuses on user-centered design to enhance evidence communication, strengthen critical thinking skills, and promote informed public participation and stakeholder representation in evidence-based decision-making.

Kristiania er utpekt som første samarbeidssenter for WHO innen risikokommunikasjon, samfunnsengasjement og håndtering av infodemier. Fagfeltet spiller en nøkkelrolle i effektiv beredskap, respons og motstandskraft under helsekriser. God kommunikasjon og tillit mellom befolkningen og helsemyndighetene kan bidra til at folk beskytter seg selv bedre, og er en motbør mot rykter og feilinformasjon. 

Mer informasjon:

WHO collaborating centres

WHO velger Kristiania som samarbeidssenter

Launch of WHO’s first-ever Technical Advisory Group on risk communication, community engagement and infodemic management

WHO. Risk communication, community engagement and infodemic management

“The effect of communication and disinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic” External study by C Jacob, P Hausemer, A Zagoni-Bogsch and A Diers-Lawson for European Parliament Think Tank  

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