Dato:  Torsdag 19. september

Tid: 15.00 - 16.00 

Sted: Kirkegata 23-25, Oslo. (5.etg)
Rom: D5-03

Deltakelse: Tiltredelsesforelesningen er gratis og åpen for alle interesserte, og krever ingen påmelding.

Tiltredelsesforelesningen vil også streames digitalt. 

Eventen kan streames via denne linken.

Most of us don't know where our academic careers are going to take us – we may have some ideas but then we show up and we see what happens. If we are lucky, work hard, and ask interesting questions we end up walking down a pretty good path. But how often is it that we have the opportunity to make a real difference in people's lives? 

Dr. Audra Diers-Lawson - Professor of Risk and Crisis Communication and Head of Program for the Ph.D. in Communication and Leadership will deliver her Inaugural Lecture. Originally from Colorado in the US and earning her PhD from the University of Texas at Austin, Audra has been with Kristiania since January 2022. She has lived, literally coast-to-coast in the US, lived for a couple of years in Germany, and lived and worked in the UK for about 8 years before coming to Norway. Her research has long been informed by practice with experience in photography and business consulting and working over the years with organizations like the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault, the Asia Europe Foundation, EU Public Employment Service, and the WHO-Europe.  

In this talk, Audra will talk about the convergence of these experiences and her research by highlighting: (1) the importance of rethinking what we know about risk and crisis in our complex, global, multi-media world; (2) the centrality of work-life connections in (re)building academic research agendas; and (3) (unconventional) journeys to creating real impact in our work. Mostly she promises that if you can handle the daft metaphors and bad jokes she's likely to make, you'll be rewarded with cake. 

So do come for some for daft metaphors, some bad jokes, and cake – stay for a talk about rethinking what we know about risk, crisis, and creating real impact with our research.